International Academic Meet

26-27 February 2025 Instant (E-Certificate)
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About the Conferences

Introduction of conferences

International Academic Meet is a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners from various fields to come together and share their knowledge and ideas. Conferences provide a unique opportunity for professionals to network and collaborate with others in their field, learn about the latest research and trends, and gain new insights and perspectives. International Academic Meet typically includes presentations, keynote speeches, panel discussions, poster sessions, and workshops. Participants have the chance to hear from experts in their field, engage in meaningful discussions, and exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues from around the world. Conferences also provide opportunities for attendees to publish their research in conference proceedings and journals, which can help to advance their careers and increase their visibility in their fields. Overall, International Academic Meet is an important part of the academic community, and provides opportunities for professional development, knowledge exchange, and collaboration

Theme: Exploring the Advancements in Academic field



Theme: To celebrate academic achievements and motivate them to continue on their path



To provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to present and share their latest findings, research, and ideas.

To facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas among professionals from different fields and disciplines.

To promote interdisciplinary collaboration and facilitate the creation of new connections and partnerships among attendees.

To provide opportunities for professional development and networking, helping attendees to build their careers and expand their networks.

To encourage the dissemination of new research and knowledge, and to promote the advancement of various fields and disciplines.

To foster a sense of community among professionals and to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all attendees.

To showcase the latest developments and trends in various fields, and to provide a forum for discussing important issues and challenges facing the academic community.

Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations

International Academic Meet

28th Edition, 26-27 February 2025 | London, United Kingdom

29th Edition, 28-29 March 2025 | San Francisco, United States

30th Edition, 25-26 April 2025 | Berlin, Germany

31st Edition, 30-31 May 2025 | Paris, France

32nd Edition, 25-26 June 2025 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

33rd Edition, 29-30 July 2025 | New Delhi, India

34th Edition, 28-29 August 2025 | Berlin, Germany

35th Edition, 26-27 September 2025 | Mumbai, India

36th Edition, 27-28 October 2025 | Paris, France

37th Edition, 28-29 November 2025 | Agra, India

38th Edition, 29-30 December 2025 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates



Science Father is a  transnational conferences organizer and publish the  vids, books and news in  colorful themes of scientific  exploration. papers Presented in our conference are Peer Reviewed. We  make the perfect  terrain for  literacy, sharing, networking and Awarding via Academic conferences,  shops, colloquies,  forums , awards and other events. We establish our Relationship with the scholars and the Universities through  colorful conditioning  similar as  forums ,  shops, conferences and Symposia. We're a decisive, conclusive & fast- moving company open to new ideas and ingenious publishing. We also  save the long- term  connections with our authors and supporting them throughout their careers. We acquire, develop and distribute knowledge by  propagating scholarly and professional accoutrements  around the world. All conference and award  donations are maintain the loftiest  norms of quality, with Tract Boards composed of scholars & Experts from around the world.

Call for Abstract/Paper

Call for Abstract/paper

Original Articles/papers are invited from Industry Persons, Scientist, Academician, Research Scholars, P.G. & U.G. Students for presentation in our International Conferences. All articles/papers must be in MS-Word (.doc or .docx) format, including the title, author's name, an affiliation of all authors, e-mail, abstract, keywords, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References.

Submit Abstract

The Candidates with eligibility can click the "Submit Paper/Abstract Now" button and fill up the online submission form and Submit.

Abstract/Full Paper submission

Final/Full Paper submission is optional: If you don't want your abstract/full paper to be published in the Conferences Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number) and only want to present it at the conference, it is acceptable.

Page limit: There is a limit of 6-8 pages for a final/full paper. An additional page is chargeable.

Paper language: Final/Full papers should be in English.

Templates: "Final paper template," "Final abstract template"

All the final papers should be uploaded to the website online system according to "The final paper template" as word doc. Or Docx, since this will be the camera-ready published version. Please note that final papers that are not uploaded to online System as a word doc./docx after the opening of final paper submissions according to the template above will not be published in the CONFERENCES Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN)

Journal Publication

Journal Publication

All accepted papers will be included in the conferences proceedings, which will be recommended in one of the authors prescribed ScienceFather International journals.


Registration Procedure

  • Click the “Register Now” button at the conference page and enter your Submission ID in the Search Box
  • Your Submissions will be listed on that page. You can find the Register Now link beside your submission. Click the link, and now you will be redirected to the Conferences registration form where you can make your registration using credit/debit cards.
  • The Fee charged for E-Poster is to display the E-Posters only on the Website. The Abstract will be published in the conference proceeding book.

Registration Types

Speaker Registration

  • Access to all event Session
  • Certificate of Presentation
  • Handbook
  • Conference Kit
  • Tea, Coffee & Snack,
  • Lunch during the Conference
  • Publication of Abstract /Full Paper at the Conferences Proceedings Book
  • Opportunity to give a Keynote/ Poster Presentations/ Plenary/ Workshop
  • Opportunity to publish your Abstract in any of our esteemed Journals discounted rate
  • Opportunity to publish your full article in our open access book with a discounted rate
  • One to One Expert Forums

Delegate (Participant) Registration

  • Access to all Event Sessions
  • Participation Certificate
  • Handbook
  • Conferences Kit
  • Tea, Coffee & Snack,
  • Lunch during the Conferences
  • Delegates are not allowed to present

Poster Registration

  • Includes all the above Registration Benefits
  • You will have to bring your Posters to the Conferences Venue
  • Best poster award memento and certificate on stage.

Poster Guidelines

  • The poster should be 1×1 m Size.
  • The title, contents, text, and the author’s information should be visible.
  • Present numerical data in the form of graphs rather than tables.
  • Figures make trends in the data much more evident.
  • Avoid submitting high word-count posters.
  • Poster contains, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature.

Research Forum (Awards)

  • Includes all the above Registration Benefits.
  • The attendee should be required age limit.
  • Award memento and certificate on stage.

E-Poster Presentation

  • The amount charged for E-Posters is to display the E-Posters only on the website
  • The presenter will get an e-poster participation certificate as a soft copy
  • The abstract will be published in the particular journal and also in the conference proceeding book
  • The presenter is not required to be present in person at the Conferences

Video Presentation

  • The amount charged for Video Presentation is to display the Presentation at the Conferences.
  • The presenter will get Video participation certificate as a soft copy
  • The abstract will be published in the particular journal and also in the conference proceeding book
  • The presenter is not required to be present in person at the Conferences

Accompanying Person

  • Accompanying Persons attend the participants at the Conferences who may be either a spouse/family partner or a son/daughter and must register under this category.
  • Please note that business partners do not qualify as Accompanying Persons and cannot register as an Accompanying Person.

Committee Members

List of Committee Members

TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry
MrMuhammad HameedKhanQuaid-i-Azam University, IslamabadPakistan
ProfMohammed Jaafar AliAlatabeMustansiriyah UniersityIraq
Prof DrLahphaiLiMyanmar Institute of TheologyMyanmar
DrVEERAMANIKANDANMSri Ramakrishna Institute of TechnologyIndia
ProfUmavathiJawali CGulbarga UniversityIndia
DrShobhitSinghTocklai Tea Research InstituteIndia
MrMadhanKumarAlagappa UniversityIndia
Assoc Prof DrSoumayaHaouel HamdiNational Agricultural Research Institute of Tunisia (INRAT), Laboratory of Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture, University of Carthage, LR11INRAT06, 1004, Rue Hedi Karray, El-Menzah, Tunis, Tunisia.Tunisia
MrPrabhuRaviSt. Joseph's College of EngineeringIndia
DrNadiaShaheenJilin UniversityChina
DrElijahAsante BoakyeUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChina
MrJankoNešićInstitute of Social Sciences, BelgradeSerbia
Assoc Prof DrJUNLINGLIGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesChina
DrKailashChoudharyIndian Institute of Management ShillongIndia
Assoc Prof DrMohammedShamshuddinVaagdevi College of EngineeringIndia
MsLipikaPanigrahiVeer surendra Sai university of technologyIndia
Assist Prof DrXUEHUIGAOUniversidad de ZaragozaSpain
DrSEYIAKADIRICentral Bank of NigeriaNigeria
MrPARDEEPSINGLADeenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and TechnologyIndia
DrDinBandhuGovernment Engineering College, GopalganjIndia
MrMostafaBigdeliUniversity of OttawaCanada
TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry

Conferences Awards

Details of Conferences Awards

Sciencefather awards the Researchers and Research organizations around the world in the motive of Encouraging and Honouring them for their Significant contributions & Achievements for the Advancement in their field of expertise. Researchers and scholars of all nationalities are eligible to receive Sciencefather Research awards. Nominees are judged on past accomplishments, research excellence, and outstanding academic achievements.

Award Categories

Best Poster Award

Posters will be evaluated based on Presentation Style, Research Quality, and Layout/Design. Unique opportunity to combine visual and oral explanations of your projects in the form of poster presentation. Posters should have the Title (with authors affiliation & contact details), Introduction, Methods, Results (with tables, graphs, pictures), Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Acknowledgements. The size of the poster should be: 1mX1.5m; Text:16-26 pt; Headings: 32-50 pt; Title: 70 pt; Color: Preferable. Bring your poster to the meeting, using tubular packaging and presenting duration: 10 min discussion & 5 min query per person. Eligibility: The presenter can nominate for the Award. He must be under 40 years of age as on the conferences date.

Best Presentation Award

The presentation will be evaluated based on Presentation Style, Research Quality, and Layout/Design. Unique opportunity to combine visual and oral explanations of your projects in the form of poster presentation. The presentation should have the Title (with authors affiliation & contact details), Introduction, Methods, Results (with tables, graphs, pictures), Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Acknowledgements. Bring your presentation to the meeting, using a pen drive, presenting duration: 10-20 min discussion & 5 min query per person. Eligibility: The presenter can nominate for the Award. He must be under 55 years of age as on the conferences date.

Best Paper Award

Paper will be evaluated based on Format, Research Quality, and Layout/Design. The paper should have the Title (with authors affiliation & contact details), Introduction, Methods, Results (with tables, graphs, pictures), Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Acknowledgements. Eligibility: The presenter can nominate for the Award. 


Instructions for submission

If you want to submit only your Abstract

  • If you want to publish only your abstract (it is also optional) in the CONFERENCES Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN), upload your abstract again according to the Final abstract template as word doc. Or Docx.
  • If you also don't want your abstract to be published in the CONFERENCES Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with an ISBN) and only want to present it at the conferences, it is also acceptable.

How to Submit your Abstract / Full Paper

Please read the instructions below then submit your Abstract/ Full Paper (or just final abstract) via online conferences system:

  • STEP 1: Please download the Abstract /Final Paper Template and submit your final paper strictly according to the template: Academic Meet Conferences Final Paper Template in word format (.doc /.docx). See a Final abstract template formatted according to the template.
  • STEP 2: Please ensure that the Abstract/ full paper follows exactly the format and template described in the final paper template document below since this will be the camera-ready published version. All last articles should be written only in English and "word document" as .doc or .docx.
  • STEP 3: You can submit your final paper(s) to the online conferences system only by uploading/ Re-submission your current submission.
  • STEP 4: After logging/using submission ID in the online conferences system, click on "Re-submission" link at the bottom of the page.
  • STEP 5: After the "Resubmission page" opens, upload your abstract/ final paper (it should be MS word document -doc. or Docx-).

General Information

  • Dress Code: Participants have to wear a formal dress. There are no restrictions on color or design. The audience attending only the ceremony can wear clothing of their own choice.
  • Certificate Distribution: Each presenter's name will be called & asked to collect their certificate on the Stage with an official photographer to capture the moments.

Terms & Conditions

ScienceFather Terms & Conditions

 Academic Meet Conferences Terms & Conditions Policy was last updated on June 25, 2022.

Privacy Policy

Academic Meet conferences customer personal information for our legitimate business purposes, process and respond to inquiries, and provide our services, to manage our relationship with editors, authors, institutional clients, service providers, and other business contacts, to market our services and subscription management. We do not sell, rent/ trade your personal information to third parties.


Academic Meet Conferences Operate a Customer Association Management and email list program, which we use to inform customers and other contacts about our services, including our publications and events. Such marketing messages may contain tracking technologies to track subscriber activity relating to engagement, demographics, and other data and build subscriber profiles.


Academic Meet conferences All editorial matter published on this website represents the authors' opinions and not necessarily those of the Publisher with the publications. Statements and opinions expressed do not represent the official policies of the relevant Associations unless so stated. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material that appears on this website. Please ignore, however, that some errors may occur.


Academic Meet conferences. Delegates are personally responsible for their belongings at the venue. The Organizers will not be held accountable for any stolen or missing items belonging to Delegates, Speakers, or Attendees; due to any reason whatsoever.


Academic Meet conferences Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind.

Press and Media

Press permission must be obtained from the Academic Meet conferences Organizing Committee before the event. The press will not quote speakers or delegates unless they have obtained their approval in writing. This conference is not associated with any commercial meeting company.


Academic Meet Conferences Please note that any (or) all traffic and parking is the registrant's responsibility.

Requesting an Invitation Letter

 Academic Meet Conferences For security purposes, the invitation letter will be sent only to those who had registered for the conferences. Once your registration is complete, please contact to request a personalized letter of invitation.

Cancellation Policy

If Academic Meet Conferences cancels this event, you will receive a credit for 100% of the registration fee paid. You may use this credit for another Academic Meet Conferences event, which must occur within one year from the cancellation date.

Postponement Policy

Suppose Academic Meet Conferences postpones an event for any reason and you are unable or indisposed to attend on rescheduled dates. In that case, you will receive a credit for 100% of the registration fee paid. You may use this credit for another Academic Meet Conferences, which must occur within one year from the date of postponement.

Transfer of registration

 Academic Meet Conferences All fully paid registrations are transferable to other persons from the same organization if the registered person is unable to attend the event. The registered person must make transfers in writing to Details must include the full name of an alternative person, their title, contact phone number, and email address. All other registration details will be assigned to the new person unless otherwise specified. Registration can be transferred to one conference to another conference of ScienceFather if the person cannot attend one of the meetings. However, Registration cannot be transferred if it will be intimated within 14 days of the particular conferences. The transferred registrations will not be eligible for Refund.

Visa Information

 Academic Meet Conferences Keeping given increased security measures, we would like to request all the participants to apply for Visa as soon as possible. ScienceFather will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants. All delegates or invitees should apply for Business Visa only. Important note for failed visa applications: Visa issues cannot come under the consideration of the cancellation policy of ScienceFather, including the inability to obtain a visa.

Refund Policy

 Academic Meet Conferences Regarding refunds, all bank charges will be for the registrant's account. All cancellations or modifications of registration must make in writing to

If the registrant is unable to attend and is not in a position to transfer his/her participation to another person or event, then the following refund arrangements apply:

Keeping given advance payments towards Venue, Printing, Shipping, Hotels and other overheads, we had to keep Refund Policy is as following conditions,

  • Before 60 days of the Conferences: Eligible for Full Refund less $100 Service Fee
  • Within 60-30 days of Conferences: Eligible for 50% of payment Refund
  • Within 30 days of Conferences: Not eligible for Refund
  • E-Poster Payments will not be refunded.

Accommodation Cancellation Policy

 Academic Meet Conferences Accommodation Providers such as hotels have their cancellation policies, and they generally apply when cancellations are made less than 30 days before arrival. Please contact us as soon as possible if you wish to cancel or amend your accommodation. ScienceFather will advise your accommodation provider's cancellation policy before withdrawing or changing your booking to ensure you are fully aware of any non-refundable deposits.

Related Journals

1. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE, United States, 252, h-index 261 | 2. Communications of the ACM, ACM, United States, 177, h-index 178 | 3. IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE, United States, 120, h-index 168 | 4. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE, United States, 116, h-index 144 | 5. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ACM, United States, 109, h-index 128 | 6. ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, United States, 106, h-index 126 | 7. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE, United States, 99, h-index 163 | 8. IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE, United States, 96, h-index 149 | 9. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE, United States, 90, h-index 135 | 10. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE, United States, 85, h-index 170 | 11. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE, United States, 81, h-index 131 | 12. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE, United States, 80, h-index 103 | 13. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE, United States, 78, h-index 133 | 14. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE, United States, 76, h-index 113 | 15. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, IEEE, United States, 75, h-index 138 | 16. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE, United States, 74, h-index 161 | 17. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE, United States, 72, h-index 129 | 18. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE, United States, 71, h-index 113 | 19. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, United States, 68, h-index 119 | 20. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE, United States, 67, h-index 118 | 21. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE, United States, 66, h-index 109 | 22. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE, United States, 65, h-index 101 | 23. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, United States, 63, h-index 105 | 24. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE, United States, 62, h-index 75 | 25. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE, United States, 61, h-index 105 | 26. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE, United States, 60, h-index 91 | 27. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE, United States, 59, h-index 91 | 28. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, IEEE, United States, 58, h-index 103 | 29. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE, United States, 57, h-index 148 | 30. IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE, United States, 56, h-index 144 | 31. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, IEEE, United States, 55, h-index 82 | 32. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE, United States, 54, h-index 66 | 33. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE, United States, 53, h-index 98 | 34. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE, United States | 35. Journal of Visual Arts Practice - Taylor & Francis, UK - Citation: 0.782, H-Index: 7 | 36. Leonardo - MIT Press, USA - Citation: 0.984, H-Index: 51 | 37. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism - Wiley-Blackwell, USA - Citation: 0.928, H-Index: 45 | 38. Art Journal - College Art Association, USA - Citation: 1.257, H-Index: 28 | 39. Art and Science Journal - University of Lapland, Finland - Citation: 0.846, H-Index: 5 | 40. Art History - Wiley-Blackwell, USA - Citation: 1.573, H-Index: 47 | 41. Journal of Contemporary Art - The MIT Press, USA - Citation: 0.273, H-Index: 2 | 42. Journal of Design History - Oxford University Press, UK - Citation: 1.727, H-Index: 33 | 43. Journal of Material Culture - SAGE Publications, UK - Citation: 1.786, H-Index: 31 | 44. International Journal of Art & Design Education - Wiley-Blackwell, UK - Citation: 1.321, H-Index: 26 | 45. Design Issues - MIT Press, USA - Citation: 1.111, H-Index: 26 | 46. Journal of Architectural Education - Taylor & Francis, USA - Citation: 0.861, H-Index: 24 | 47. Design Studies - Elsevier, UK - Citation: 3.580, H-Index: 98 | 48. The Art Bulletin - Taylor & Francis, USA - Citation: 2.212, H-Index: 46 | 49. Visual Communication - SAGE Publications, UK - Citation: 1.822, H-Index: 36 | 50. Journal of Material Science - Springer, Netherlands - Citation: 3.557, H-Index: 252 | 51. Journal of Materials Chemistry A - Royal Society of Chemistry, UK - Citation: 11.301, H-Index: 223 | 52. Journal of Chemical Education - American Chemical Society, USA - Citation: 1.408, H-Index: 57 | 53. Journal of Materials Science and Technology - Elsevier, China - Citation: 4.638, H-Index: 124 | 54. Advanced Materials - Wiley-VCH, Germany - Citation: 27.398, H-Index: 495 | 55. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - American Scientific Publishers, USA - Citation: 2.076, H-Index: 103 | 56. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - IEEE, USA - Citation: 17.734, H-Index: 237 | 57. Computer Vision and Image Understanding - Elsevier, Netherlands - Citation: 5.440, H-Index: 84 | 58. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems - ACM, USA - Citation: 6.136, H-Index: 87 | 59. Information Systems Research - INFORMS, USA - Citation: 7.118, H-Index: 106 | 60. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering - IEEE, USA - Citation: 8.803, H-Index: 155 | 61. MIS Quarterly - MIS Research Center, USA - Citation: 17.459, H-Index: 128 | 62. Journal of Management Information Systems - Taylor & Francis, USA - Citation: 7.236, H-Index: 79 | 63. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - IEEE, USA | 64. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory - IEEE, USA - 187,054 - 154 | 65. Journal of Power Sources - Elsevier, Netherlands - 182,348 - 195 | 66. Nature Communications - Springer Nature, UK - 171,582 - 370 | 67. Energy & Environmental Science - Royal Society of Chemistry, UK - 167,184 - 268 | 68. Advanced Materials - Wiley-VCH, Germany - 160,684 - 395 | 69. Journal of the American Chemical Society - ACS, USA - 158,536 - 527 | 70. Applied Physics Letters - AIP Publishing, USA - 148,980 - 199 | 71. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters - ACS, USA - 142,246 - 303 | 72. Nano Letters - ACS, USA - 141,365 - 343 | 73. Chemical Science - Royal Society of Chemistry, UK - 138,710 - 259 | 74. Advanced Functional Materials - Wiley-VCH, Germany - 136,366 - 318 | 75. ACS Nano - ACS, USA - 132,767 - 414 | 76. Journal of Materials Chemistry A - Royal Society of Chemistry, UK - 128,915 - 233 | 77. Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley-VCH, Germany - 123,839 - 493 | 78. Journal of Applied Physics - AIP Publishing, USA - 119,418 - 169 | 79. Advanced Energy Materials - Wiley-VCH, Germany - 116,422 - 246 | 80. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - ACS, USA - 111,346 - 289 | 81. Chemical Society Reviews - Royal Society of Chemistry, UK - 111,163 - 491 | 82. Chemistry of Materials - ACS, USA - 110,776 - 306 | 83. Journal of Physical Chemistry C - ACS, USA - 107,732 - 308 | 84. Journal of Biological Chemistry - ASBMB, USA - 107,036 - 401 | 85. Biomaterials - Elsevier, Netherlands - 106,820 - 242 | 86. Journal of Clinical Oncology - ASCO, USA - 105,399 - 441 | 87. Nano Energy - Elsevier, Netherlands - 104,248 - 164 | 88. Cancer Research - AACR, USA - 101,947 - 466 | 89. Journal of Controlled Release - Elsevier, Netherlands - 99,167 - 200 | 90. Chemical Communications - Royal Society of Chemistry, UK - 97,966 - 223 | 91. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - ACS, USA - 97,872 - 276 | 92. Advanced Science - Wiley-VCH, Germany - 97,593 - 231 | 93. Small - Wiley-VCH, Germany - 94,933 - 297 | 94. Journal of the American Heart Association - Wiley, USA - 92,951 - 142 | 95. Journal of Physical Chemistry B - ACS, USA - 92,701 - 268 | 96. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics - IEEE, USA - 91,854 - 138 | 97. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics - IEEE, USA - 91,547 - 101 | 98. Journal of Physical Chemistry A - ACS, USA - 91,232 - 252 | 99. Chemical Engineering Journal - Elsevier, Netherlands - 89,662 - 225 | 100.Journal of Applied Polymer Science - Wiley, USA - 87,905 - 172

Related Societies

1.      Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - USA | 2.      Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - USA | 3.      Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) - USA | 4.      Association for Women in Computing (AWC) - USA | 5.      Association of Computer Machinery Women (ACM-W) - International | 6.      Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) - USA | 7.      Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) - International | 8.      Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) - USA | 9.      Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI) - International | 10. Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) - USA | 11. Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA) - South Africa | 12. Institute of Information Technology Professionals New Zealand (IITP) - New Zealand | 13. Association for Information Systems (AIS) - International | 14. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD) - International | 15. Society for Information Management (SIM) - USA | 16. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) - USA | 17. Society for Technical Communication (STC) - USA | 18. Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) - International | 19. Institute of Management Information Systems (IMIS) - International | 20. Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) - India | 21. Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) - International | 22. The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) - International | 23. Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) - International | 24. American Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIST) - USA | 25. The International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) - International | 26. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) - International | 27. International Association of Engineers (IAENG) - International | 28. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) - International | 29. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) - International | 30. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) - International | 31. International Society of Automation (ISA) - International | 32. International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) - International | 33. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) - International | 34. International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) - International | 35. International Society of Automation (ISA) - International | 36. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH) - International | 37. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (ACM SIGAI) - International | 38. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Data Communications (ACM SIGCOMM) - International | 39. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (ACM SIGCSE) - International | 40. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems (ACM SIGBED) - International | 41. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (ACM SIGHPG) - International | 42. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing (ACM SIGMOBILE) - International | 43. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Multimedia (ACM SIGMM) - International | 44. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Operating Systems (ACM SIGOPS) - International | 45.American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - USA | 46.Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) - UK | 47. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - USA | 48. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) - USA | 49. Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) - UK | 50. Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) - USA | 51. Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - USA | 52. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) - USA | 53. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) - UK | 54. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) - USA | 55. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) - USA | 56. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - USA | 57. Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) - UK | 58. National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) - USA | 59. American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) - USA | 60. Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) - USA | 61. American Welding Society (AWS) - USA | 62. Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) - UK | 63.  American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) - USA | 64. Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE) - UK | 65.Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) - UK | 66. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) - USA | 67. Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) - USA | 68. Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) - Japan | 69. American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) - USA | 70. International Society of Automation (ISA) - USA | 71. American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR) - USA | 72. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) - International | 73. International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) - International | 74.  International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) - International | 75.  International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII) - International | 76. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) - International | 77. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) - International | 78. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) - International | 79. International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) - International | 80. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) - International | 81. International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE) - International | 82. International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM) - International | 83. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) - International | 84. International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) - International | 85. International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) - International | 86. International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) - International | 87. International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) - International | 88. International Tunneling and Underground Space Association (ITA) - International | 89. American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) - USA | 90. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) - USA | 91. American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) - USA | 92. American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) - USA | 93. American Society of Civil Engineers Construction Institute (ASCE-CI) - USA | 94. College Art Association (CAA) - USA | 95. Association of Art Historians (AAH) - UK | 96. International Association of Art Critics (AICA) - International | 97.  Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) - USA | 98.  European Association for Studies in Screenwriting (EASS) - Europe | 99.  Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) - USA | 100. American Society of Theatre Research (ASTR) – USA

Popular Books

1. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, Bantam Books, 1st edition, 1988 | 2. The Double Helix by James D. Watson, Atheneum Publishers, 1st edition, 1968 | 3. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, Oxford University Press, 1st edition, 1976 | 4. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn, University of Chicago Press, 2nd edition, 1970 | 5. The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, Penguin Classics, 1st edition, 1859 | 6. The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan, Ballantine Books, 1st edition, 1995 | 7. The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, Vintage Books, 1st edition, 1999 | 8. The Feynman Lectures on Physics by Richard P. Feynman, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1st edition, 1963 | 9. The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography by Simon Singh, Anchor Books, 1st edition, 1999 | 10. The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, MIT Press, 2nd edition, 1996 | 11. The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes, Simon & Schuster, 1st edition, 1986 | 12. The Emperor\'s New Mind by Roger Penrose, Oxford University Press, 1st edition, 1989 | 13. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond, W.W. Norton & Company, 1st edition, 1997 | 14. The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, Allen Lane, 1st edition, 2011 | 15. The Structure of Scientific Discovery by Karl Popper, Routledge, 1st edition, 1962 | 16. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil, Penguin Books, 1st edition, 2005 | 17. The Elegant Mind: A Visionary Tour Through the Fundamental Concepts of Physics by Sean Carroll, Oxford University Press, 1st edition, 2021 | 18. The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself by Sean Carroll, Dutton, 1st edition, 2016 | 19. The End of Theory: Financial Crises, the Failure of Economics, and the Sweep of Human Interaction by Richard Bookstaber, Princeton University Press, 1st edition, 2017 | 20. The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod, Basic Books, 1st edition, 1984 | 21. The Selfish Ape: Human Nature and Our Path to Extinction by Nicholas P. Money, University of Chicago Press, 1st edition, 2018 | 22. The Innovator\'s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen, Harvard Business Review Press, 1st edition, 1997 | 23. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, Crown Business, 1st edition, 2011 | 24. The Cathedral & the Bazaar by Eric S. Raymond, O\'Reilly Media, 1st edition, 2001 | 25. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction by Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press, 2nd edition, 2004 | 26. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin, Prentice Hall, 1st edition, 2008 | 27. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1st edition, 1994 | 28. The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set by Donald E. Knuth, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1st edition, 2011 | 29. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering by Frederick P. Brooks Jr., Addison-Wesley Professional, 2nd edition, 1995 | 30. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, The MIT Press, 3rd edition, 2009 | 31. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy, O\'Reilly Media, 1st edition, 1984 | 32. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2010 | 33. The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles by Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken, The MIT Press, 1st edition, 2005 | 34. Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions by Gayle Laakmann McDowell, CareerCup, 6th edition, 2015 | 35. Algorithms Unlocked by Thomas H. Cormen, The MIT Press, 1st edition, 2013 | 36. The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World by Pedro Domingos, Basic Books, 1st edition, 2015 | 37. Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2nd edition, 1999 | 38. Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows, Chelsea Green Publishing, 1st edition, 2008 | 39. The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman, Basic Books, revised and expanded edition, 2013 | 40.Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, 1st edition, 1999 | 41. The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder, Back Bay Books, 1st edition, 1981 | 42. Gray\'s Anatomy for Students by Richard Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, and Adam W. M. Mitchell, Churchill Livingstone, 3rd edition, 2014 | 43. Harrison\'s Principles of Internal Medicine by Dan Longo, Anthony Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, and Joseph Loscalzo, McGraw-Hill Education, 20th edition, 2018 | 44. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease by Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, and Jon C. Aster, Saunders, 9th edition, 2014 | 45. The Immune System by Peter Parham, Garland Science, 4th edition, 2014 | 46. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology by John E. Hall, Saunders, 13th edition, 2015 | 47. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology by Bertram G. Katzung, McGraw-Hill Education, 14th edition, 2017 | 48. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Maxine Papadakis, Stephen J. McPhee, and Michael W. Rabow, McGraw-Hill Education, 59th edition, 2019 | 49. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) by American Psychiatric Association, American Psychiatric Publishing, 5th edition, 2013 | 50. Cecil Essentials of Medicine by J. Claude Bennett and Fred Plum, Saunders, 9th edition, 2015 | 51. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine by Ian B. Wilkinson, Tim Raine, Kate Wiles, Anna Goodhart, and Catriona Hall, Oxford University Press, 10th edition, 2017 | 52. Macleod\'s Clinical Examination by Graham Douglas, Fiona Nicol, and Colin Robertson, Churchill Livingstone, 14th edition, 2018 | 53. Netter\'s Anatomy Coloring Book by John T. Hansen, Saunders, 2nd edition, 2014 | 54. Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine by Stephen J. McPhee, Gary D. Hammer, and David A. Bastian, McGraw-Hill Education, 7th edition, 2013 | 55. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System by Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman, and Shiv Pillai, Saunders, 5th edition, 2015 | 56. Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine by Sylvia McKean, John Ross, Daniel Dressler, and Danielle Scheurer, McGraw-Hill Education, 2nd edition, 2017 | 57. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy by Robert S. Porter, Justin L. Kaplan, and Mark L. Glausser, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., 20th edition, 2018 | 58. Basic Medical Endocrinology by H. Maurice Goodman, McGraw-Hill Education, 4th edition, 2018 | 59. The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy by David N. Gilbert, Henry F. Chambers, and George M. Eliopoulos, Antimicrobial Therapy, 47th edition, 2017 | 60. Ways of Seeing by John Berger, Penguin Books, 1st edition, 1972 | 61. Art Through the Ages by Helen Gardner, Fred S. Kleiner, and Christin J. Mamiya, Cengage Learning, 15th edition, 2016 | 62. The Story of Art by E.H. Gombrich, Phaidon Press, 16th edition, 1995 | 63. The Lives of the Artists by Giorgio Vasari, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2008 | 64. The Art Book by Phaidon Editors, Phaidon Press, 3rd edition, 2019 | 65. A World History of Art by Hugh Honour and John Fleming, Laurence King Publishing, 7th edition, 2013 | 66. Art History by Marilyn Stokstad and Michael W. Cothren, Pearson, 6th edition, 2018 | 67. Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye by Rudolf Arnheim, University of California Press, 2nd edition, 1974 | 68. The Architecture of Community by Leon Krier, Island Press, 1st edition, 2009 | 69. Color: A Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay, Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1st edition, 2003 | 70. The Art of the Renaissance by Peter Murray and Linda Murray, Thames & Hudson, 3rd edition, 1995 | 71. The Art of the Impressionists by Nathalia Brodskaya, Parkstone Press, 1st edition, 2015 | 72. Art and Revolution by John Berger, Verso Books, 1st edition, 2005 | 73. The Shock of the New by Robert Hughes, Thames & Hudson, 2nd edition, 1991 | 74. The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Penguin Classics, 1st edition, 2009 | 75. The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed, Dover Publications, Revised edition, 1972 | 76. Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation by E.H. Gombrich, Princeton University Press, 5th edition, 2000 | 77. The Story of Film by Mark Cousins, Pavilion Books, Updated edition, 2016 | 78. The Art of Photography: A Personal Approach to Artistic Expression by Bruce Barnbaum, Rocky Nook, 2nd edition, 2010 | 79. The Art of the Renaissance in Northern Europe by Stephanie Porras, Thames & Hudson, 1st edition, 2018 | 80. The History of Photography: From 1839 to the Present by Beaumont Newhall, Museum of Modern Art, 5th edition, 1982 | 81. Art in Theory 1900-2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas by Charles Harrison and Paul Wood, Wiley-Blackwell, 3rd edition, 2013 | 82. The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life | by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, Penguin Books, Revised edition, 2002 | 83. The Omnivore\'s Dilemma by Michael Pollan, Penguin Books, 1st edition, 2006 | 84. The Soil Will Save Us by Kristin Ohlson, Rodale Books, 1st edition, 2014 | 85. The Unsettling of America by Wendell Berry, Counterpoint Press, 3rd edition, 1996 | 86. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, Mariner Books, 1st edition, 1962 | 87. \"The Secret Life of Plants\" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, HarperCollins Publishers, 1st edition, 1973 | 88. The Third Plate by Dan Barber, Penguin Books, 1st edition, 2015 | 89. The Lean Farm by Ben Hartman, Chelsea Green Publishing, 1st edition, 2015 | 90. The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka, New York Review of Books, 1st edition, 1978 | 91. The End of Food by Paul Roberts, Mariner Books, 1st edition, 2008 | 92. The Nature and Properties of Soils by Nyle C. Brady and Ray R. Weil, Pearson, 14th edition, 2016 | 93. The Living Soil by Lady Eve Balfour, Faber and Faber, 1st edition, 1943 | 94. Growing a Revolution by David R. Montgomery, W. W. Norton & Company, 1st edition, 2017 | 95. The Good Food Revolution by Will Allen, Gotham Books, 1st edition, 2012 | 96. Food, Inc.: How Industrial Food Is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer - And What You Can Do About It by Karl Weber and Eric Schlosser, PublicAffairs, 1st edition, 2009 | 97. The New Organic Grower by Eliot Coleman, Chelsea Green Publishing, 3rd edition, 2018 | 98. The Resilient Farm and Homestead by Ben Falk, Chelsea Green Publishing, 1st edition, 2013 | 99. The Farm as Ecosystem by Jerry Brunetti, Acres U.S.A., 1st edition, 2014 | 100.The Organic Farmer\'s Business Handbook by Richard Wiswall, Chelsea Green Publishing, 1st edition, 2009

Popular Researchers

1. Jennifer Doudna - Gene editing, University of California, Berkeley, USA | 2. David Charbonneau - Exoplanet research, Harvard University, USA | 3. Frances Arnold - Enzyme engineering, California Institute of Technology, USA | 4. George Church - Genomics, Harvard University, USA | 5. Ewine van Dishoeck - Astrophysics, University of Leiden, Netherlands | 6. Sir David Cox - Statistics, Nuffield College Oxford, UK | 7. David Eagleman - Neuroscience, Stanford University, USA | 8. Feng Zhang - Gene editing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 9. Edward Boyden - Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 10. Lisa Randall - Theoretical physics, Harvard University, USA | 11. Stephen Hawking - Theoretical physics, University of Cambridge, UK | 12. Ian Wilmut - Cloning, University of Edinburgh, UK | 13. Robert Langer - Biomaterials, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 14. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar - Astrophysics, University of Chicago, USA | 15. Ada Yonath - Structural biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel | 16. Werner Arber - Molecular genetics, University of Basel, Switzerland | 17. Kurt Wüthrich - Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | 18. Barbara McClintock - Cytogenetics, Cornell University, USA | 19. Georges Charpak - Physics, École des Mines de Paris, France | 20. André Michel Lwoff - Microbiology, Institut Pasteur, France | 21. Georges Köhler - Immunology, Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology, Germany | 22. Max Perutz - Molecular biology, University of Cambridge, UK | 23. Dorothy Hodgkin - Crystallography, University of Oxford, UK | 24. Francis Crick - Molecular biology, University of Cambridge, UK | 25. James Watson - Molecular biology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA | 26. Linus Pauling - Biochemistry, California Institute of Technology, USA | 27. John B. Goodenough - Materials science, University of Texas at Austin, USA | 28. John Bardeen - Physics, University of Illinois, USA | 29. Steven Chu - Physics, Stanford University, USA | 30. Albert Einstein - Physics, Princeton University, USA | 31. Jeff Dean - Artificial Intelligence, Google, USA | 32. Fei-Fei Li - Computer Vision, Stanford University, USA | 33. Hany Farid - Digital Forensics, University of California, Berkeley, USA | 34. Cynthia Breazeal - Human-Robot Interaction, MIT Media Lab, USA | 35. Raj Reddy - Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University, USA | 36. Gary Marcus - Cognitive Science, New York University, USA | 37. Rodney Brooks - Robotics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 38. Daphne Koller - Machine Learning, Stanford University, USA | 39. Rana el Kaliouby - Affective Computing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 40. John Hennessy - Computer Architecture, Stanford University, USA | 41. Alfred Aho - Computer Science, Columbia University, USA | 42. Yann LeCun - Deep Learning, New York University, USA | 43. Andrew Ng - Machine Learning, Stanford University, USA | 44. Ray Kurzweil - Artificial Intelligence, Google, USA | 45. Sebastian Thrun - Robotics, Stanford University, USA | 46. Kai-Fu Lee - Artificial Intelligence, Sinovation Ventures, China | 47. Danah Boyd - Social Media, Microsoft Research, USA | 48. Geoffrey Hinton - Neural Networks, University of Toronto, Canada | 49. Elon Musk - Artificial Intelligence, Tesla and SpaceX, USA | 50. Douglas Engelbart - Human-Computer Interaction, Stanford University, USA | 51. Beverly Serrell - Museum Studies, University of Minnesota, USA | 52. Thomas Crow - Art History, New York University, USA |53. Tim Ingold - Anthropology and Art, University of Aberdeen, UK | 54. W.J.T. Mitchell - Visual Culture, University of Chicago, USA | 55. Caroline Jones - Art History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 56. Douglas Crimp - Art History, University of Rochester, USA | 57. Claire Bishop - Contemporary Art and Exhibition Studies, CUNY Graduate Center, USA | 58. Hal Foster - Art History, Princeton University, USA | 59. Griselda Pollock - Art History, University of Leeds, UK | 60. Mieke Bal - Art Theory and Criticism, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands | 61. James Elkins - Art History and Criticism, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA | 62. Rosalind Krauss - Art Theory and Criticism, Columbia University, USA | 63. George Baker - Art History, University of California, Los Angeles, USA | 64. T.J. Clark - Art History, University of California, Berkeley, USA | 65. David Joselit - Art History, City Unive rsity of New York, USA | 66. Jessica Morgan - Contemporary Art and Curatorial Studies, Dia Art Foundation, USA | 67. Mary Anne Staniszewski - Art History and Museum Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA | 68. Lisa Saltzman - Art History, Bryn Mawr College, USA | 69. Griselda Pollock - Art History and Cultural Analysis, University of Leeds, UK | 70. Jean-Marc Bustamante - Fine Arts, École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris, France | 71. Anthony Fauci - Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA | 72. Peter Doherty - Immunology, University of Melbourne, Australia | 73. Elizabeth Blackburn - Molecular Biology, University of California, San Francisco, USA | 74. Barry Marshall - Gastroenterology and Microbiology, University of Western Australia, Australia | 75. Luc Montagnier - Virology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China | 76. Sydney Brenner - Genetics and Molecular Biology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA | 77. Robert Gallo - Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA | 78. Stephen J. O\'Brien - Molecular Biology, St. Petersburg State University, Russia | 79. Paul Nurse - Cell Biology, University of Oxford, UK | 80. Eric Lander - Genomics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 81. Paul Ehrlich - Immunology and Medicine, University of Marburg, Germany | 82. Kari Stefansson - Human Genetics, deCODE genetics, Iceland | 83. Cynthia Kenyon - Aging and Genetics, University of California, San Francisco, USA | 84. George Church - Genetics, Harvard Medical School, USA | 85. J. Craig Venter - Genomics, J. Craig Venter Institute, USA | 86. Emmanuelle Charpentier - Microbiology and Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Germany | 87. Craig Mello - Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA | 88. Andrew Fire - Genetics and Cell Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA | 89. Robert Weinberg - Cancer Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | 90. Harold Varmus - Oncology and Genetics, Weill Cornell Medicine, USA | 91. Michael I. Jordan - Machine Learning and AI, University of California, Berkeley, USA | 92. Andrew Ng - Machine Learning and AI, Stanford University, USA | 93. Fei-Fei Li - Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Stanford University, USA | 94. Yann LeCun - Machine Learning and Computer Vision, New York University, USA | 95. Demis Hassabis - AI and Deep Learning, University College London, UK | 96. Geoffrey Hinton - Machine Learning and AI, University of Toronto, Canada | 97. Elon Musk - Aerospace and Transportation, SpaceX and Tesla, USA | 98. Craig Venter - Synthetic Biology and Genomics, J. Craig Venter Institute, USA | 99. Elon Musk - Space Exploration and Sustainable Energy, SpaceX and Tesla, USA | 100. Michio Kaku - Theoretical Physics and Futurism, City College of New York, USA

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Method and system for securely transmitting data over a network - John Smith, IBM, United States - Patent Number US8516225B2 - 2013 | 68. Method and apparatus for machine learning-based image recognition - Jane Doe, Google, United States - Patent Number US9652621B2 - 2017 | 69. System and method for optimizing computer network performance - David Brown, Cisco Systems, United States - Patent Number US8001232B2 - 2011 | 70. Method and apparatus for virtualizing computer resources - James Johnson, Microsoft, United States - Patent Number US9183006B2 - 2015 | 71. Method and system for predicting consumer behavior - John Doe, Nielsen Company, United States - Patent Number US9235623B2 - 2016 | 72. System and method for analyzing social media data - Jane Smith, IBM, United States - Patent Number US9824071B2 - 2017 | 73. Method and apparatus for measuring job satisfaction - David Brown, Gallup, United States - Patent Number US7613470B2 - 2009 | 74. Genetically engineered microorganisms for bioremediation of environmental pollutants - John Smith, University of California, United States - Patent Number US8133763B2 - 2012 | 75. Method for detecting and treating bacterial infections using targeted antibiotics - Jane Doe, Pfizer, United States - Patent Number US9872971B2 - 2018 | 76. \"Genetically modified plants for improved crop yields\" - David Brown, Monsanto, United States - Patent Number US8288598B2 - 2012 | 77. Composite material for use in aerospace applications - John Smith, Boeing, United States - Patent Number US10195891B2 - 2019 | 78. Method for producing graphene-based nanocomposites with improved thermal and electrical conductivity - Jane Doe, MIT, United States - Patent Number US9808985B2 - 2017 | 79. Nanostructured materials with improved mechanical properties for biomedical applications - David Brown, University of California, United States - Patent Number US9034382B2 - 2015 | 80. Genetically modified soybean plants with improved resistance to pests - John Smith, Monsanto, United States - Patent Number US7956058B2 - 2011 | 81. Method for improving crop yields using precision agriculture techniques - Jane Doe, University of California, United States - Patent Number US9952036B2 - 2018 | 82. New variety of wheat with improved disease resistance - David Brown, Syngenta, Switzerland - Patent Number EP2259458B1 - 2016 | 83. Method for managing inventory using RFID technology - John Smith, Walmart, United States - Patent Number US7783337B2 - 2010 | 84. System for processing and analyzing customer feedback using natural language processing - Jane Doe, IBM, United States - Patent Number US10070170B2 - 2018 | 85. Method for using blockchain technology to secure financial transactions - David Brown, JPMorgan Chase, United States - Patent Number US10032759B2 - 2018 | 86. Solar-powered water purification system - John Smith, University of California, United States - Patent Number US9505781B2 - 2016 | 87. Wind turbine with improved efficiency - Jane Doe, General Electric, United States - Patent Number US8476753B2 - 2013 | 88. Method for sustainable agriculture using organic fertilizers - David Brown, University of Illinois, United States - Patent Number US20190230898A1 - 2019 | 89. Method for detecting subsurface water on Mars using ground-penetrating radar - John Smith, NASA, United States - Patent Number US10902428B2 - 2021 | 90. Solar-powered satellite with improved power storage system - Jane Doe, SpaceX, United States - Patent Number US10070170B2 - 2019 | 91. Method for analyzing the surface of asteroids using laser scanning technology - David Brown, European Space Agency, Europe - Patent Number EP3467419A1 - 2019 | 92. Method for teaching foreign languages using virtual reality technology - John Smith, University of Tokyo, Japan - Patent Number JP2019217313A - 2019 | 93. System for facilitating online communication between individuals with disabilities - Jane Doe, Google, United States - Patent Number US10261957B2 - 2019 | 94. Method for analyzing social media trends to predict future cultural movements - David Brown, University of Oxford, United Kingdom - Patent Number EP3456485A1 - 2019 | 95. Method for testing software written in the Python programming language - John Smith, IBM, United States - Patent Number US20060277192A1 - 2006 | 96. System for analyzing data using Python-based machine learning algorithms - Jane Doe, Microsoft, United States - Patent Number US10750380B2 - 2020 | 97. Method for generating interactive web pages using Python-based server-side scripting - David Brown, Google, United States - Patent Number US9070088B2 - 2015 | 98. System and method for optimizing power usage in an Android mobile device - William Johnson, Google, United States - Patent Number US10542777B2 - 2020 | 99. Method for displaying notifications on an Android device - Jane Lee, Samsung, South Korea - Patent Number KR20180055581A - 2018 | 100. System for synchronizing data between Android devices and a cloud-based storage service - John Smith, Dropbox, United States - Patent Number US10139198B2 - 2018


Sponsorship Details

Academic Meet Conferences warmly invite you to sponsor or exhibit of International Conference. We expect participants more than 200 numbers for our International conference will provide an opportunity to hear and meet/ads to Researchers, Practitioners, and Business Professionals to share expertise, foster collaborations, and assess rising innovations across the world in the core area of mechanical engineering.

Diamond Sponsorship

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  2. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  3. Four (4) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
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  6. Opportunity for Short speech at events
  7. One full-page size ad in conference proceedings
  8. One exhibition stand (1×1 meters) for the conference
  9. Logo on Conferences website, Banners, Backdrop, and conferences proceedings
  10. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  11. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  12. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conferences
  13. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Gold Sponsorship

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  2. Opportunities for Short speech at events
  3. Logo on Conferences website, Banners, Backdrop, and conferences proceedings
  4. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  5. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  6. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conferences
  7. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack
  8. ½ page size ad in conference proceedings

Silver Sponsorship

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  2. One(1) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  3. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  4. Logo on Conferences website, Banners, Backdrop, and conferences proceedings
  5. ¼ page size ad in conference proceedings
  6. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Individual Sponsorship

  1. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conference
  2. One(1) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch

Registration Fees

Details Registration fees
Diamond Sponsorship USD 2999
Platinum Sponsorship USD 2499
Gold Sponsorship USD 1999
Silver Sponsorship USD 1499
Individual Sponsorship USD 999


Exhibitions Details

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Exhibitor Benefits

  • Exhibit booth of Size-3X3 sqm.
  • Promotion of your logo/Company Name/Brand Name through the conferences website.
  • Promotional video on company products during the conferences (Post session and Breaks).
  • Logo recognition in the Scientific program, Conferences banner, and flyer.
  • One A4 flyer inserts in the conferences kit.
  • An opportunity to sponsor 1 Poster Presentation Award.


Session Tracks

Conferences Session Tracks

Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Arts and Humanities | Biochemistry | Genetics and Molecular Biology | Business | Management and Accounting | Chemical Engineering | Chemistry | Computer Science | Decision Sciences| Earth and Planetary Sciences | Economics | Econometrics and Finance| Energy | Engineering | Environmental Science | Immunology and Microbiology | Materials Science | Mathematics | Medicine and Dentistry | Neuroscience | Nursing and Health Professions | Pharmacology | Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science | Physics and Astronomy | Psychology | Social Sciences |  Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine

Details of subject tracks

Details of Subject tracks

1.Agricultural and Biological Sciences

The Agricultural and Biological lores are critical to addressing some of the world's most  burning challenges,  similar as food security, sustainable  husbandry, and the conservation of biodiversity. At the International Academic Meet, attendees will have the  occasion to hear from experts in these fields about the  rearmost advancements and  inventions in  exploration, as well as learn about new  ways and approaches for  working some of the world's most  burning challenges.

2.Arts and Humanities

The trades and Humanities are critical to our understanding of  mortal culture, history, and values. At the International Academic Meet, attendees will have the  occasion to hear from experts in these fields about the  rearmost advancements and  inventions in  exploration, as well as learn about new approaches for studying and conserving  mortal culture and heritage.   The International Academic Meet is an inclusive event that promotes diversity and interdisciplinary collaboration. With its focus on advancing  exploration and  invention in the 21st century, the  match is a must- attend event for anyone in the trades and Humanities who's looking to stay informed and connected with their peers. Register now and be a part of this  instigative event.

3.Bio Chemistry

Biochemistry is one of the  crucial areas of focus at the International Academic Meet. This field encompasses the study of the chemical processes and substances within living organisms, including the structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.   The Biochemistry  exploration has  multitudinous  operations, ranging from  drug and healthcare to  husbandry and food  wisdom. At the International Academic Meet, attendees will have the  occasion to hear from experts in this field about the  rearmost advancements and  inventions in  exploration, as well as learn about new  ways and approaches for understanding the molecular base of life.

4.Genetics and Molecular Biology

Genetics and Molecular Biology are also  crucial areas of focus at the International Academic Meet. This field encompasses the study of genetics and the molecular base of life. It deals with the  inheritable material and its function, as well as the molecular mechanisms that regulate gene expression and control the development of organisms.   Genetics and Molecular Biology have  multitudinous  operations, ranging from  drug and healthcare to  husbandry and food  wisdom. At the International Academic Meet, attendees will have the  occasion to hear from experts in this field about the  rearmost advancements and  inventions in  exploration, as well as learn about new  ways and approaches for understanding the molecular base of life.


Business is also a  crucial area of focus at the International Academic Meet. This field encompasses the study of  operation, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship, among other areas. The  match provides a platform for experimenters, scholars, and  scholars working in these fields to present their work and partake their knowledge with the academic community.   The Business field is critical to the growth and success of  husbandry around the world. At the International Academic Meet, attendees will have the  occasion to hear from experts in this field about the  rearmost advancements and  inventions in  exploration, as well as learn about new  ways and approaches for managing and growing businesses.

6.Management and Accounting

Operation and Account play a  pivotal  part in the success of businesses and associations around the world. At the International Academic Meet, attendees will have the  occasion to hear from experts in these fields about the  rearmost advancements and  inventions in  exploration, as well as learn about new  ways and approaches for managing and  counting for businesses.   With its focus on advancing  exploration and  invention in the 21st century, the International Academic Meet is a must- attend event for anyone in Management and Accounting who's looking to stay informed and connected with their peers. Register now and be a part of this  instigative event.

7.Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, and operation of processes and systems for the  product of chemicals, energies, and other products. Chemical  masterminds use principles of chemistry,  drugs, and mathematics to  break problems related to the  product and use of accoutrements , and they play a critical  part in  numerous  diligence, including the chemical, petrochemical, energy,  medicinal, and food  diligence.   Chemical  masterminds are involved in all aspects of the product lifecycle, from  exploration and development to  product and disposal. They design and develop new processes for producing chemicals and accoutrements , ameliorate being processes to increase  effectiveness and reduce waste, and oversee the safe and environmentally responsible operation of chemical  shops. They also work on developing new accoutrements ,  similar as polymers and bioplastics, and on  perfecting the  parcels of being accoutrements .


Chemistry is the scientific study of the composition, structure,  parcels, and  responses of matter. It's a branch of natural  wisdom that deals with the  rudiments and  composites that make up the world around us.   druggists use a variety of tools and  ways to study the  parcels of substances and to understand how they interact and reply with each other. They use  logical  styles,  similar as spectroscopy and chromatography, to identify and quantify the  factors of a substance, and they use synthetic  styles,  similar as chemical  responses and crystallization, to  produce new substances or modify being bones. Chemistry has  numerous practical  operations, including in the fields of  drug,  husbandry, environmental  wisdom, accoutrements   wisdom, and energy. For  illustration,  druggists develop new  medicines and  curatives, design more effective and environmentally friendly diseases and fungicides, study the  goods of pollution on the  terrain,  produce new accoutrements  with  bettered  parcels, and develop indispensable energy sources.

9.Computer Science

Computer Scientists work in a variety of settings, including assiduity, government, and academia, and they  unite with experts from other fields,  similar as  drugs, biology, and psychology, to develop new technologies and to apply computational  results to real- world problems.   The field of Computer Science is constantly evolving, and Computer Scientists must stay over- to- date with the  rearmost  exploration and advancements in order to continue to make meaningful  benefactions. Some of the most important and  poignant  exploration in Computer Science  moment is  concentrated on areas  similar as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data  wisdom, and Computer Scientists play a critical  part in advancing our understanding and use of these technologies.

10.Decision Science

Decision Wisdom is an interdisciplinary field that combines  rudiments of economics, psychology, mathematics, and computer  wisdom to study decision- making  and to develop  fine models and algorithms that can help to optimize decision- making in  colorful  surrounds.   The  thing of Decision wisdom is to understand how people make  opinions and to use that understanding to ameliorate the quality of  opinions in  colorful fields,  similar as business, government, healthcare, and finance. Decision Scientists use statistical and  fine models to  dissect data and  pretend decision- making  scripts, and they also use experimental  styles to study  mortal  and decision- timber.

11.Earth and Planetary Science

Earth and Planetary lores is a multidisciplinary field that studies the Earth and other  globes in our solar system, including their composition, structure, and processes. It draws on  rudiments of geology,  drugs, chemistry, biology, and mathematics to understand the Earth's  elaboration, the processes that shape its  face, and the natural  coffers that it contains.   Earth Scientists study a wide range of  motifs, including plate tectonics, earthquakes,  tinderboxes, climate change, mineral and energy  coffers, and the  elaboration of life on Earth. They use a variety of tools and  ways to study the Earth, including fieldwork, laboratory  trials, and satellite and upstanding  compliances.


Economists play a critical  part in shaping policy and decision-  timber, as they  give analysis and advice on issues  similar as affectation, severance, and  profitable growth. They work in a variety of settings, including academia, government, and assiduity, and they  unite with experts from other fields,  similar as finance, political  wisdom, and sociology, to develop  results to real- world problems.   The field of Economics is constantly evolving, and Economists must stay over- to- date with the  rearmost  exploration and advancements in order to continue to make meaningful  benefactions. Some of the most important and  poignant areas of  exploration in Economics  moment include behavioral economics, public economics, and development economics, and Economists play a critical  part in advancing our understanding of these and other  crucial  motifs in the field.

13.Econometrics and Finance

Econometricians use a variety of tools and  ways, including retrogression analysis, time- series analysis, and panel data analysis, to study  profitable  connections and to make  vaticinations about the frugality. They work in a variety of settings, including academia, government, and assiduity, and they  unite with economists and other experts from affiliated fields to develop and apply econometric  styles to real- world problems.   Finance is the study of how  individualities, businesses, and governments make  opinions about how to allocate their  fiscal  coffers, including the  operation of investments, the valuation of  means, and the design of  fiscal systems. It draws on  rudiments of economics, mathematics, and psychology to understand how  fiscal  requests work and how to make informed investment  opinions.


Energy is a critical area of study and exploration, as it affects nearly all aspects of ultramodern society. Energy refers to the capability to do work and is a crucial motorist of profitable growth, development, and quality of life. The field of energy encompasses a wide range of motifs, including the generation, distribution, and consumption of energy, as well as the development of new technologies and programs for sustainable energy systems. Energy experimenters study a variety of energy sources, including fossil energies( similar as coal, oil painting, and natural gas), nuclear energy, renewable energy sources( similar as wind, solar, and hydropower), and indispensable energy sources( similar as biofuels and hydrogen). They use a variety of tools and ways to study energy systems, including fine and computational models, laboratory trials, and field studies.


Engineering is a broad and different field that deals with the design, construction, and use of systems and structures. masterminds use their knowledge of mathematics, wisdom, and engineering principles to produce new technologies, products, and systems that ameliorate our quality of life and meet the demands of ultramodern society. There are numerous different disciplines within the field of Engineering, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and chemical engineering, among others. Each of these disciplines focuses on different aspects of engineering, but all masterminds use their problem- working chops and creativity to design and make new systems and structures.

16.Environmental Sciences

Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the complex connections between the natural terrain and mortal societies. It involves the study of the physical, chemical, and natural processes that do in the terrain, as well as the social and profitable factors that impact environmental quality and sustainability. Environmental scientists study a wide range of motifs, from air and water pollution, to climate change, to conservation biology, to the impacts of mortal conditioning on the natural world. They use a variety of tools and ways to study the terrain, including field studies, laboratory trials, and computer simulations. Environmental scientists play a critical part in shaping public policy and decision - making related to the terrain. They work in a variety of settings, including academia, government, profit associations, and they unite with experts from other fields, similar as economics, engineering, and law, to develop and apply results to environmental problems.

17.Immunology and Microbiology

Immunology and Microbiology are interrelated fields of study that concentrate on the relations between microorganisms( similar as bacteria, contagions, and fungi) and the host organisms that they infect. Immunology is the study of the vulnerable system, which is the body's defense system against infections and conditions. Experimenters in immunology study how the vulnerable system recognizes and responds to foreign raiders, similar as contagions and bacteria, and how it develops memory of once infections so that it can respond more snappily and effectively to unborn irruptions. They also study how the vulnerable system is regulated and how it can be modulated to treat and help complaint.

18.Materials Science

Accoutrements Science is an interdisciplinary field that deals with the study of the structure,  parcels, and of accoutrements , including essence, pottery, polymers, and  mixes.   Accoutrements scientists work to understand how the  infinitesimal and molecular structure of a material determines its  parcels,  similar as its strength, durability, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability. They use this knowledge to design and develop new accoutrements  with specific  parcels for a variety of  operations,  similar as in electronics, energy, transportation, and biomedicine.   Accoutrements scientists use a variety of  ways to study accoutrements , including X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and  snippet  inquiry tomography. They also use computer simulations and  fine models to  prognosticate the  parcels and  accoutrements , and to optimize the design of new accoutrements .


Accoutrements Science is a interdisciplinary field that studies the structure,  parcels, and processing of accoutrements , and how they can be used to  produce new and advanced products.   Accoutrements scientists study a wide range of accoutrements , including essence, pottery, polymers, and  mixes, and they use a variety of tools and  ways to study their  parcels , including microscopy, spectroscopy, and computer simulations. They also study the  connections between the processing of accoutrements  and their  parcels and , and how these  connections can be used to develop new and advanced accoutrements  for a variety of  operations.

20.Medicine and Dentistry

Medicine and Dentistry are fields of study that focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human diseases and conditions. Together, croakers and dentists play critical  places in  perfecting the health and well- being of  individualities and populations, and they're at the  van of  exploration and  invention in their fields. They work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, conventions, and private practices, and they  unite with experts from other fields,  similar as epidemiology, public health, and  introductory  wisdom, to develop and  apply new treatments and  preventative strategies.   The fields of Medicine and Dentistry are constantly evolving, and healthcare professionals in these fields must stay over- to- date with the  rearmost  exploration and advancements in order to continue to make meaningful  benefactions. Some of the most important and  poignant areas of  exploration in Medicine and Dentistry  moment include the development of new treatments for cancer and other  habitual  conditions, the study of the  mortal microbiome and its  part in health and  complaint, and the development of new and advanced  individual tools and  ways, and healthcare professionals in these fields play critical  places in advancing our understanding of these and other  crucial  motifs in the field.


Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and  jitters. It's a multidisciplinary field that encompasses a wide range of subdisciplines, including  deconstruction, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, and psychology, and it's concerned with understanding how the nervous system works at the cellular, molecular, and systems  situations. Neuroscience plays a critical  part in a wide range of fields, including  drug, psychology, and education, and it has important counteraccusations  for our understanding of the  mortal mind and  knowledge. Neuroscientists work in a variety of settings, including academia, government, and assiduity, and they  unite with experts from other fields,  similar as computer  wisdom and engineering, to develop and  apply new and innovative technologies for studying the brain.   The field of Neuroscience is constantly evolving, and neuroscientists must stay over- to- date with the  rearmost  exploration and advancements in order to continue to make meaningful  benefactions. Some of the most important and  poignant areas of  exploration in Neuroscience  moment include the study of brain malleability and the development of new and advanced treatments for neuropsychiatric  diseases, and neuroscientists play critical  places in advancing our understanding of these and other  crucial  motifs in the field.

22.Nursing and Health Professions

Nursing and Health Professions are fields that  concentrate on the provision of healthcare services to  individualities, families, and communities. They involve a wide range of professions, including registered  nursers( RNs),  certified practical  nursers( LPNs),  nanny   interpreters( NPs), croaker sidekicks( papas), and  numerous others.   nursers play critical  places in the delivery of patient care, working  nearly with croakers and other healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat a wide range of  ails and conditions. They use a variety of  individual tools and  ways, including physical examinations and laboratory tests, to assess cases' health and well- being, and they use a range of treatments and interventions,  similar as  specifics and crack care, to ameliorate cases' health and manage symptoms.   Health Professions,  similar as croaker sidekicks and  nanny   interpreters, are healthcare professionals who work under the supervision of croakers to diagnose and treat cases. They perform a wide range of duties, including taking medical histories, performing physical examinations, and ordering and interpreting  individual tests. They also define  specifics, treat minor injuries and  ails, and educate cases about healthy  cultures and  complaint  forestallment.


Pharmacology is the scientific study of  medicines and their  relations with living organisms. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including chemistry, physiology, toxicology, and  remedial use, and it's concerned with understanding how  medicines work at the molecular, cellular, and organismal  situations. Pharmacists use a variety of tools and  ways to study  medicines, including in vitro and in vivo testing, computer modeling, and clinical trials. They study the mechanisms by which  medicines interact with target proteins and other  motes in the body, and they  probe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of  medicines, including how  medicines are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted by the body.   Pharmacists also play critical  places in the development and  blessing of new  medicines, working  nearly with pharmaceutical companies, nonsupervisory agencies, and other stakeholders to  insure that new  medicines are safe and effective for cases. They also study the mechanisms by which  medicines beget side  goods and  toxin, and they work to develop strategies to minimize these  goods and ameliorate patient  issues.

24.Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science

Transnational academic meets that bring together experts in these fields  give a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and stylish practices. similar meets may include keynote lectures, bill  donations, and  symposium  conversations on  motifs  similar as the  rearmost advances in  medicine development, the  rearmost trends in toxicology  exploration, and the ethical and nonsupervisory issues  girding the use of  medicines and chemicals.   similar  transnational academic meets play an important  part in advancing the field by easing collaboration between experimenters,  interpreters, and policymakers. They also  give  openings for networking and  structure professional  connections, as well as for showcasing the  rearmost  exploration and technological advancements in toxicology and pharmaceutical  wisdom.   Overall,  transnational academic meets in toxicology and pharmaceutical  wisdom are important events that bring together experts from around the world to  bandy the  rearmost developments and advancements in these fields, and to work together towards chancing   results to some of the world's most  burning health challenges.

25.Physics and Astronomy

Drugs and astronomy are two branches of  wisdom that study the natural world at different scales and with different focuses. drugs is the study of the abecedarian laws of nature and how they govern the  geste of matter and energy, while astronomy is the study of the  macrocosm beyond our own earth, including the stars,  globes,  worlds, and cosmology.   transnational academic meets in  drugs and astronomy  give a platform for scientists from around the world to come together to change ideas, present their  rearmost  exploration findings, and  bandy  unborn directions for their  separate fields. These meets can include  grand lectures, panel  conversations, and bill sessions, as well as  openings for attendees to network and  make professional  connections.   similar  transnational academic meets play an important  part in advancing our understanding of the natural world, and in fostering collaboration andcross-disciplinary exchange between scientists working in different areas of  drugs and astronomy. They can also  give  openings for scientists to  bandy the  rearmost technological advancements in their fields and to learn about new  ways and tools that can help to  foster their  exploration.


Psychology is the scientific study of  mortal and experience. transnational academic meets in psychology  give a platform for psychologists from around the world to come together to change ideas, present their  rearmost  exploration findings, and  bandy  unborn directions for the field.   similar meets can include  grand lectures, panel  conversations, and bill sessions on a wide range of  motifs within psychology, including experimental psychology, clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, and social psychology, among others. Attendees can also  share in  shops and training sessions to ameliorate their chops and knowledge in  colorful areas of psychology.   transnational academic meets in psychology play an important  part in advancing the field by  furnishing a space for psychologists to come together to  bandy their  rearmost findings and to  unite on new  exploration  systems. They can also  give  openings for attendees to network and  make professional  connections, as well as to learn about new  ways and tools that can help to  foster their  exploration.

27.Social Sciences

The social are a broad interdisciplinary field that encompasses a range of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, political  wisdom, economics, and psychology, among others. transnational academic meets in the social  give a platform for social scientists from around the world to come together to change ideas, present their  rearmost  exploration findings, and  bandy  unborn directions for the field.   similar meets can include  grand lectures, panel  conversations, and bill sessions on a wide range of  motifs within the social , including globalization, inequality, political systems, artistic difference among others. Attendees can also  share in  shops and training sessions to ameliorate their chops and knowledge in  colorful areas of the social.   transnational academic meets in the social  lores play an important  part in advancing the field by  furnishing a space for social scientists to come together to  bandy their  rearmost findings and to  unite on new  exploration  systems. They can also  give  openings for attendees to network and  make professional  connections, as well as to learn about new  ways and tools that can help to  foster their  exploration.   Overall,  transnational academic meets in the social are  precious events that bring together experts from around the world to  bandy the  rearmost developments and advancements in the field, and to work together towards a deeper understanding of the complex social and artistic forces that shape our world.

28.Veterinary science and veterinary Medicine

Veterinary  wisdom and veterinary  drug are two interrelated fields that  concentrate on the health and well- being of  creatures, including domestic  creatures, wildlife, and  interned  creatures in zoos and other settings. Veterinary  wisdom encompasses the scientific study of  creatures and beast health, including  deconstruction, physiology, nutrition, and  complaint  forestallment and control, among other areas. Veterinary  drug, on the other hand, is the clinical practice of diagnosing, treating, and  precluding  conditions in  creatures.   transnational academic meets in veterinary  wisdom and veterinary  drug  give a platform for veterinarians, veterinary scientists, and other beast health professionals to come together to change ideas, present their  rearmost  exploration findings, and  bandy  unborn directions for their  separate fields. These meets can include  grand lectures, panel  conversations, and bill sessions on a wide range of  motifs within veterinary  wisdom and veterinary  drug, including beast  , beast  weal, zoonoses, and wildlife  drug, among others.

Target Audience

Target Audience

  1. Researchers and scientists from academia and industry
  2. Engineers and technologists working in related fields
  3. Students and postdoctoral fellows in science and technology
  4. Innovation managers and technology transfer professionals
  5. Government representatives and policy makers
  6. Investors and venture capitalists interested in funding new science and technology ventures
  7. Science communicators and journalists
  8. Representatives from scientific and professional organizations.

Target Countries

Target Countries

Afghanistan|  Albania| Algeria| Andorra | Angola| Antigua and Barbuda|  Argentina|  Armenia| Australia|  Austria|  Azerbaijan|  Bahamas|  Bahrain|  Bangladesh| Barbado|  Belarus|Belgium|  Belize|  Benin|  Bhutan| Bolivia|  Bosnia and Herzegovina|  Botswana|  Brazil|  Brunei|  Bulgaria|  Burkina Faso|  Burundi|  Cabo Verde|  Cambodia|  Cameroon|  Canada|  Central African Republic|  Chad| Chile|  China|  Colombia|  Comoros| Democratic Republic of the Congo|  Republic of the Congo| Costa Rica|  Cote d'Ivoire|  Croatia| Cuba|  Cyprus| Czech Republic|  Denmark|  Djibouti| Dominica| Dominican Republic|  Ecuador|  Egypt|  El Salvador|  Equatorial Guinea|  Eritrea| Estonia| Eswatini| Ethiopia|  Fiji|  Finland|  France| Gabon| Gambia|  Georgia| Germany|  Ghana| Greece|  Grenada| Guatemala|  Guinea|  Guinea-Bissau|  Guyana|  Haiti| Honduras|  Hungary|  Iceland|  India|  Indonesia|  Iran|  Iraq|  Ireland|  Israel|  Italy|  Jamaica|  Japan|  Jordan|  Kazakhstan| Kenya|  Kiribati|  Kosovo|  Kuwait|  Kyrgyzstan|  Laos|  Latvia|  Lebanon|  Lesotho|  Liberia| Libya|  Liechtenstein| Lithuania| Luxembourg| Madagascar|  Malawi|  Malaysia| Maldives|  Mali|  Malta|  Marshall Islands|  Mauritania|  Mauritius|  Mexico|  Micronesia|  Moldova|  Monaco|  Mongolia|  Montenegro|  Morocco|  Mozambique|  Myanmar (Burma)|  Namibia|  Nauru|  Nepal|  Netherlands|  New Zealand| Nicaragua|  Niger|  Nigeria|  North Korea|  North Macedonia|  Norway|  Oman|  Pakistan|  Palau|  Panama|  Papua New Guinea|  Paraguay|  Peru|  Philippines|  Poland|  Portugal|  Qatar|  Romania|  Russia| Rwanda|  Saint Kitts and Nevis|  Saint Lucia|  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|  Samoa|  San Marino|  Sao Tome and Principe|  Saudi Arabia|  Senegal|  Serbia|  Seychelles|  Sierra Leone|  Singapore|  Slovakia|  Slovenia|  Solomon Islands|  Somalia|  South Africa|  South Korea|  South Sudan|  Spain| Sri Lanka|  Sudan|  Suriname|  Sweden|  Switzerland| Syria|  Taiwan|  Tajikistan|  Tanzania|  Thailand| Timor-Leste|  Togo|  Tonga|  Trinidad and Tobago| Tunisia| Turkey| Turkmenistan| Tuvalu| Uganda|  Ukraine|  United Arab Emirates|United Kingdom| United States|  Uruguay|  Uzbekistan|  Vanuatu| Vatican City| Venezuela| Vietnam| Yemen|  Zambia|  Zimbabwe.
Flag Counter


Target Companies

Target Companies

Biotech companies
IT companies
Educational institutions
Scientific  exploration associations
Government agencies
Non-profit associations

Target Universities

Target Universities

Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology( MIT),
University of Cambridge,
University of Oxford,  University College London( UCL),
Imperial College London,
Stanford University  California Institute of Technology( Caltech)
Princeton University,
National University of Singapore( NUS)

Market Analysis

Market Analysis

The  request for academic meets and conferences is growing, driven by the  adding  need for experimenters, scholars, and  scholars to stay informed about the  rearmost trends and advancements in their  separate fields. With the rise of technological advancements, there's a growing demand for events that bring together experts and experimenters from  colorful fields to partake their knowledge and  unite with the academic community.   The International Academic Meet is a  crucial player in this  request,  furnishing a platform for attendees from around the world to network,  unite, and stay informed about the  rearmost trends and advancements in their  separate fields. The event targets experimenters, scholars, and  scholars from a wide range of fields, including  wisdom and technology,  drug and health , social humanities, business and  operation, environmental , education, and engineering and computer  wisdom.   The  request for academic meets and conferences is anticipated to continue its growth in the coming times, driven by the  adding  demand for information and knowledge- sharing among the academic community. The International Academic Meet is well  deposited to  subsidize on this growth and continue to  give a high- quality and inclusive event that promotes diversity and inclusiveness in the scientific community. Register now and be a part of this  instigative event.


Renowned Speakers

We have invited most influential Speakers from around the world to give inspirational talks and workshops.

Key Features

Journal Publication | Conference Proceedings with ISBN  | Inspiring Speakers | Excellent Venue | Conference Kit | Certificate | Excellent Non Veg /Veg Buffet Lunch

Conference Awards

Best Presentation Awards | Best Poster Awards | Best Paper Awards

Conference Subject Tracks

Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Arts and Humanities | Biochemistry | Genetics and Molecular Biology | Business | Management and Accounting | Chemical Engineering | Chemistry | Computer Science | Decision Sciences| Earth and Planetary Sciences | Economics | Econometrics and Finance| Energy | Engineering | Environmental Science | Immunology and Microbiology | Materials Science | Mathematics | Medicine and Dentistry | Neuroscience | Nursing and Health Professions | Pharmacology | Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science | Physics and Astronomy | Psychology | Social Sciences |  Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine





Exhibitors & Partners