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Assist Prof Dr. Damla Karabay | Pain rehabilitation | Women Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Damla Karabay, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Turkey

Assist. Prof. Dr. Damla Karabay is a dedicated educator and researcher at Ä°zmir Katip Ƈelebi University, specializing in physical therapy and rehabilitation. She earned her Doctorate in 2020, focusing on the effectiveness of eccentric and concentric strength training in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. Dr. Karabay has contributed to various research projects, including studies on rehabilitation programs and shoulder muscle strength. She is an active member of the Sports Physiotherapists Association and has received accolades for her research presentations. Passionate about teaching, she lectures on topics like psychosocial rehabilitation and orthopedic physiotherapy. šŸŒŸšŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸ’Ŗ


Publication Profile

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Academic Background

Dr. Karabay holds a doctorate in a relevant field, focusing on the effectiveness of eccentric and concentric training in patients with subacromial pain syndrome. This showcases her commitment to research and advancing knowledge in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Research Experience

She has contributed to various scientific projects, including a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for subacromial pain syndrome, which reflects her active engagement in research that impacts women’s health.

Awards and Recognition

  • Poster Presentation Award: Receiving the “Best Poster Presentation Award” from the Sports Physiotherapists Association further underscores her contributions to the field and recognition by peers.


Dr. Karabay’s academic achievements, research contributions, and professional engagements position her as a strong candidate for the Research for Women Researcher Award. Her focus on physiotherapy, particularly in the context of womenā€™s health and rehabilitation, aligns well with the award’s objectives.

Publication Top Notes Ā 

  • Taping to improve scapular dyskinesis, scapular upward rotation, and pectoralis minor length in overhead athletes – ST Ozer, D Karabay, SS Yesilyaprak (2018) – 38 citations šŸ“ˆ
  • Reliability and validity of eccentric strength measurement of the shoulder abductor muscles using a hand-held dynamometer – D Karabay, SS Yesilyaprak, GS Picak (2020) – 29 citations šŸ“Š
  • Effects of rigid and kinesio taping on shoulder rotation motions, posterior shoulder tightness, and posture in overhead athletes: a randomized controlled trial – D Gulpinar, ST Ozer, SS Yesilyaprak (2019) – 25 citations āš½
  • Analysis of the attitudes and approaches of the physiotherapy and rehabilitation students towards the elderly – S Bakirhan, M Ɩzkeskin, D Aktar Reyhanoğlu, D Gulpınar (2017) – 23 citations šŸ‘µ
  • Comparison of scapular position and upper extremity muscle strength in patients with and without lateral epicondylalgia: a case-control study – SG Ucurum, D Karabay, BB Ozturk, DO Kaya (2019) – 19 citations šŸ“
  • Muscle activity ratios of scapular stabilizers during closed kinetic chain exercises in healthy shoulders: a systematic review – D Karabay, Y EmĆ¼k, DƖ Kaya (2019) – 16 citations šŸ‹ļø
  • Shoulder abduction strength is correlated with acromiohumeral distance in patients with acute subacromial impingement syndrome symptoms – SS Yesilyaprak, D Karabay, HE Turksan, M Erduran (2022) – 2 citations šŸ”—
  • Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromu olan hastalarda omuzda sık kullanılan fonksiyon ƶlƧekleri ile izometrik ve eksentrik omuz kuvveti arasındaki ilişki – D Karabay, M Erduran, C Ɩzcan, SS Yeşilyaprak (2019) – 2 citations šŸ“
  • The effects of shoulder and scapular region rigid taping and kinesio taping on scapular dyskinesis and pectoralis minor shortness in overhead athletes – ST Ɩzer, D GĆ¼lpınar, SS Yeşilyaprak (2017) – 2 citations šŸŽÆ
  • Effects of a progressive rehabilitation program on shoulder internal rotation range of motion, acromiohumeral distance, and pain in an adolescent female swimmer – SS Yesilyaprak, HE TĆ¼rksan, D Karabay (2022) – 1 citation šŸŠ
Damla Karabay | Pain rehabilitation | Women Researcher Award

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