Rogelio Puente-Diaz | Psychology Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Rogelio Puente-Diaz | Psychology Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Rogelio Puente-Diaz, Anahuac University of North Mexico, Mexico

Dr. Rogelio Puente Díaz appears to be a strong candidate for the “Best Researcher Award” based on his extensive academic and research background.

Publication profile

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Educational Background

Dr. Puente Díaz holds a PhD in Psychology and Health from the University of Iowa, a Master’s in Psychology from Texas Tech University, and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at El Paso.

Research Contributions

He has a significant number of scientific publications, including research on consumer behavior, creativity, metacognition, and well-being. His work is published in reputable journals and covers a broad range of topics in psychology and marketing.

Professional Experience

 He is a full-time professor and researcher at Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, with international teaching experience in Spain and Germany. His teaching and research roles demonstrate his expertise and influence in his field.

Books and Workshops

 He has contributed to academic literature by co-editing a book on creativity and innovation management. Additionally, he has been involved in delivering well-received workshops on market research and consumer psychology.

Publication Top Notes

  • 🧠 “Exercisers’ perceptions of their fitness instructor’s interacting style, perceived competence, and autonomy as a function of self‐determined regulation to exercise, enjoyment” – R Puente, MH Anshel, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 51 (1), 38-45, 2010. Cited by: 160
  • 🎨 “Creative self-efficacy: An exploration of its antecedents, consequences, and applied implications” – R Puente-Díaz, The Journal of Psychology 150 (2), 175-195, 2016. Cited by: 150
  • 💡 “The influence of creative mindsets on achievement goals, enjoyment, creative self-efficacy and performance among business students” – R Puente-Díaz, J Cavazos-Arroyo, Thinking Skills and Creativity 24, 1-11, 2017. Cited by: 143
  • 🎾 “Sources of acute stress, cognitive appraisal, and coping strategies among highly skilled Mexican and US competitive tennis players” – R Puente-Díaz, MH Anshel, The Journal of Social Psychology 145 (4), 429-446, 2005. Cited by: 107
  • 🔬 “Creativity and innovation: State of the art and future perspectives for research” – A Brem, R Puente-Díaz, M Agogué, International Journal of Innovation Management 20 (04), 1602001, 2016. Cited by: 91
  • 🌍 “An examination of certain antecedents of social entrepreneurial intentions among Mexico residents” – J Cavazos-Arroyo, R Puente-Díaz, N Agarwal, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios 19, 180-199, 2017. Cited by: 90
  • 💭 “Creative self-efficacy: The influence of affective states and social persuasion as antecedents and imagination and divergent thinking as consequences” – R Puente-Díaz, J Cavazos-Arroyo, Creativity Research Journal 29 (3), 304-312, 2017. Cited by: 84
  • 🏆 “The effect of achievement goals on enjoyment, effort, satisfaction and performance” – R Puente-Díaz, International Journal of Psychology 47 (2), 102-110, 2012. Cited by: 66
  • 😄 “Personality factors, affect, and autonomy support as predictors of life satisfaction” – J Cavazos Arroyo, Universitas Psychologica 12 (1), 41-53, 2013. Cited by: 51
  • 🧠 “An exploration of some antecedents and consequences of creative self‐efficacy among college students” – R Puente‐Diaz, J Cavazos‐Arroyo, The Journal of Creative Behavior 52 (3), 256-266, 2018. Cited by: 45
  • 🌱 “Are you acting sustainably in your daily practice? Introduction of the Four-S model of sustainability” – A Brem, R Puente-Díaz, Journal of Cleaner Production 267, 122074, 2020. Cited by: 42
  • 🧩 “Metacognitive feelings as a source of information in the evaluation and selection of creative ideas” – R Puente-Díaz, J Cavazos-Arroyo, F Vargas-Barrera, Thinking Skills and Creativity 39, 100767, 2021. Cited by: 40
  • 🌍 “Creative potential and multicultural experiences: The mediating role of creative self‐efficacy” – R Puente‐Diaz, SD Toptas, J Cavazos‐Arroyo, C Wimschneider, A Brem, The Journal of Creative Behavior 54 (4), 815-823, 2020. Cited by: 38
  • 🌍 “Creativity, innovation, sustainability: A conceptual model for future research efforts” – A Brem, R Puente-Díaz, Sustainability 12 (8), 3139, 2020. Cited by: 38
  • 🌎 “Acculturation, personality, and psychological adjustment” – SA Ahadi, R Puente-Díaz, Psychological Reports 109 (3), 842-862, 2011. Cited by: 34
  • 🧠 “Generalizability of the four C model of creativity: A cross-cultural examination of creative perception” – R Puente-Diaz, MA Maier, A Brem, J Cavazos-Arroyo, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 10 (1), 14, 2016. Cited by: 32
  • 💼 “The influence of marketing capability in Mexican social enterprises” – J Cavazos-Arroyo, R Puente-Diaz, Sustainability 11 (17), 4668, 2019. Cited by: 31
  • 🎯 “Achievement goals and emotions” – R Puente-Díaz, The Journal of Psychology 147 (3), 245-259, 2013. Cited by: 29
  • 🎭 “The influence of personality dimensions on material and frugal values” – R Puente-Diaz, JC Arroyo, Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 31 (1), 37-44, 2015. Cited by: 28
  • 💡 “Creative metacognitive feelings as a source of information for creative self‐efficacy, creativity potential, intrapersonal idea selection, and task enjoyment” – R Puente‐Diaz, J Cavazos‐Arroyo, The Journal of Creative Behavior 54 (3), 499-507, 2020. Cited by: 27


Given his prolific research output, international recognition, and active engagement in both teaching and research, Dr. Rogelio Puente Díaz is indeed a suitable candidate for the “Best Researcher Award.” His work has contributed significantly to the fields of psychology, consumer behavior, and creativity, making him a deserving nominee.