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Dr. Heny Herawati: Food Agroindustry

Dr. Heny HerawatiΒ  is an accomplished Indonesian researcher and academic with a passion for agricultural science. 🌾 She embarked on her educational journey at SDN Mangkujayan, progressing through SMPN 1 Ponorogo and SMA 1 Ponorogo. 🏫 In 2001, she earned her S-1 degree in TPG from IPB, followed by a Master’s in Chemical Engineering from Undip in 2010 and a doctorate from IPN-IPB in 2015.

Dr. Herawati is not only a dedicated scholar but also a globally oriented professional, having participated in diverse international programs. 🌐 She underwent specialized training in agricultural machinery in Jinan, China, and a sandwich program at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. Her commitment to quality is evident through certifications like ISO 17025 and ISO 17043:2010.

Apart from her academic achievements, Dr. Herawati is a skilled researcher, showcased by her participation in various programs and conferences globally. She received training in scientific writing and research management, demonstrating her commitment to advancing agricultural knowledge. Food Agroindustry🌱✨



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πŸŽ“ Dr. Heny Herawati’s educational journey is a testament to her commitment to academic excellence. She began her formal education at SDN Mangkujayan 1 in 1985, paving the way for her growth through SMPN 1 Ponorogo and SMA 1 Ponorogo. In 1997, she earned her S-1 degree in TPG from IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), marking a pivotal moment in her academic career.

Continuing her pursuit of knowledge, Dr. Herawati attained a Master’s in Chemical Engineering from Undip (Diponegoro University) in 2010. Her passion for research and academic advancement culminated in a Doctorate (S-3) from IPN-IPB in 2015.

This accomplished scholar’s educational journey, spanning from elementary school to a Ph.D., reflects her dedication to learning and growth. πŸŒŸπŸ“š


πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Dr. Heny Herawati’s professional journey is marked by significant achievements and roles in the field of agricultural research. 🌾 Starting in 2001, she earned her accreditation as an Agricultural Laboratory Technician (KP.340.0301.011.AP.VI), followed by advancements through various positions, showcasing her dedication to excellence.

In the realm of structural positions, she currently serves as the Technical Manager for ISO 17025 Testing Laboratory at the Balai Besar Litbang Pascapanen Pertanian, appointed in August 2017 (108/Kpts/KP340/I.10/08/2017). Simultaneously, she holds the position of Technical Manager for the Reference Laboratory ISO 17043, a role she assumed in December 2017 (119/Kpts/OT.050/H.10/12/2017).

Her career progression is complemented by her functional roles. Having started as a Senior Researcher in December 2005, she advanced to Junior Researcher in December 2009 and further to Intermediate Researcher in July 2017. Dr. Herawati’s journey continues as she assumes the role of Senior Researcher in October 2019, and her recent appointment as Principal Researcher in January 2022.

This dynamic scientist has not only accumulated a wealth of experience but also demonstrated continuous dedication to her research endeavors, earning accolades and contributing significantly to the field. πŸ‘©β€πŸ«πŸŒŸ

Publication Top Note:
  • Penentuan Umur Simpan pada Produk Pangan
    • Author: H. Herawati
    • Year: 2008
    • Citation: Jurnal Litbang Pertanian 27 (4), 124-130 πŸ“š
  • Potensi Pengembangan Produk Pati Tahan Cerna sebagai Pangan Fungsional
    • Author: H. Herawati
    • Year: 2011
    • Citation: Jurnal Litbang Pertanian 30 (1), 31-39 πŸ“š
  • Potensi Hidrokoloid sebagai Bahan Tambahan pada Produk Pangan dan Nonpangan Bermutu
    • Author: H. Herawati
    • Year: 2018
    • Citation: Jurnal Litbang Pertanian 37 (1), 17-25 πŸ“š
  • Potensi Pengembangan Plastik Biodegradable Berbasis Pati Sagu dan Ubikayu di Indonesia
    • Authors: E. Kamsiati, H. Herawati, E.Y. Purwani
    • Year: 2017
    • Citation: Jurnal Litbang Pertanian 36 (2), 67-76 πŸ“š
  • Pengaruh Jenis dan Konsentrasi Bahan Penstabil terhadap Mutu Produk Velva Labu Jepang
    • Authors: B. Kusbiantoro, H. Herawati, A.B. Ahza
    • Year: 2005
    • Citation: Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development, 73 πŸ“š
  • Teknologi Proses Produksi Food Ingredient dari Tapioka Termodifikasi
    • Author: H. Herawati
    • Year: 2012
    • Citation: Jurnal Litbang Pertanian 31 (2), 68-76 πŸ“š
  • Pengaruh Promosi dan Desain Kemasan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sariayu Putih Langsat
    • Authors: H. Herawati, M. Muslikah
    • Year: 2019
    • Citation: Kinerja 2 (01), 17-35 πŸ“š
  • Mekanisme dan Kinerja pada Sistem Perontokan Padi
    • Author: H. Herawati
    • Year: 2008
    • Citation: Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah 6 (2), 195-203 πŸ“š
  • Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Produk Teh Hijau Rakyat di Kecamatan Cikalong Wetan-Kabupaten Bandung
    • Authors: H. Herawati, B. Tegalepek, A. Nurawan, PBPTP Jawa, L. Bandung
    • Year: 2020
    • Citation: Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian, 23 πŸ“š
  • Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan
    • Authors: H. Herawati, D. Ermawati
    • Year: 2020
    • Citation: Kinerja 2 (02), 16-33 πŸ“š
Heny Herawati | Food Agroindustry | Best Innovation Award

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