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Dr. Joonbeom LIM | Transportation Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Cheif Researcher, Korea Transportation Safety Authority, South Korea

Joon-Beom Lim is a Chief Researcher at the Korea Transportation Safety Authority. He obtained his Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering from the Graduate School of the University of Seoul in 2015. With a keen interest in road safety, Lim has become a prominent figure in analyzing traffic accidents and implementing strategies for accident prevention.



Education šŸ“š

Lim’s academic journey began at the University of Seoul, where he earned his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees in Transportation Engineering in 2009, 2011, and 2015, respectively. His doctoral research focused on innovative approaches to enhance transportation safety, laying the foundation for his career in road safety research.

Experience šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’¼

Lim’s expertise in transportation engineering led him to various research and academic positions. He served as a Research Professor at the University of Seoul from 2015 to 2017 before assuming his current role as Chief Researcher at the Korea Transportation Safety Authority in 2017. His experience encompasses a wide range of projects aimed at improving road safety across South Korea.

Research Interests šŸ”

Lim’s research interests revolve around analyzing traffic patterns, identifying accident hotspots, and developing predictive models for road safety. He is particularly focused on spatial analysis techniques to understand the spatial heterogeneity of traffic accidents and devise targeted interventions to mitigate risks on South Korea’s roads.

Awards šŸ†

Lim’s contributions to road safety have earned him prestigious awards and recognitions, including commendations from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. He has also been honored with awards for his innovative research presentations and papers, highlighting his significant impact on the field of transportation safety.

Publications Top NotesšŸ“

Analysis of Hotspots in and outside School Zones : A Case Study of Seoul, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2024

Identification the causes of spatial heterogeneity in traffic accident using post-analysis : Developing accident prediction model through segment based spatial analysis, 2024 TRB Annual Meeting (poster)

An Analysis of Bicycle Accidents with Respect to Spatial Heterogeneity, Scientific Reports, 2023

Prediction of Run-off Road Crash Severity in South Koreaā€™s Highway Through Tree Augmented NaĆÆve Bayes Learning, Applied Science, 2022

Driver Behavior Analyses of 2+1 Roads Based on a Driving Simulation Experiment, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019

Joonbeom LIM | Transportation Engineering | Best Researcher Award

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