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Prof Dr. Rosario Margarita Yslado Méndez | Occupational Health Award | Women Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Rosario Margarita Yslado Méndez, Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Peru

Dr. Rosario Margarita Yslado Méndez is a distinguished psychologist and educator based in Ancash, Peru. With extensive experience spanning 27 years in public education, health, and academia, she serves as the Principal Lecturer at the National University Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Specializing in clinical psychology and international education, she has held various leadership roles, including Regional Coordinator of Mental Health and School Health. A prolific researcher, she contributes annually to psychology and mental health studies, with numerous publications and international conference presentations. 🎓🔍


Publication Profile

🎓 Education

Dr. Yslado holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Clinical Psychology, and a Doctorate in International Education. She serves as the Principal Lecturer at the National University Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo in Ancash, Peru.

Professional Experience

she’s held roles like Regional Mental Health Coordinator and Department Head of Psychology at Victor Ramos Guardia Hospital in Huaraz.

Research Focus

🔍 Dr. Rosario Margarita Yslado Méndez’s research primarily centers around psychological well-being, particularly focusing on burnout syndrome and job satisfaction among healthcare professionals. She explores factors influencing emotional intelligence in children and adolescents, as well as psychosocial factors related to drug use in school students. Additionally, her interdisciplinary investigations delve into the institutionalization process and organizational factors impacting burnout syndrome. Through her work, she sheds light on crucial aspects of mental health, contributing to the understanding and improvement of workplace environments and psychological resilience. 🧠

Publication Top Notes

📝 Síndrome de burnout y la satisfacción laboral en profesionales de la salud
🔖 Cited by: 151
🗓 Year: 2019

📝 Vivencias en el proceso de institucionalización e Inteligencia Emocional en niños y adolescentes: diferencias según variables sociodemográficas
🔖 Cited by: 25
🗓 Year: 2019

📝 Programa de intervención breve para reducir el burnout de profesionales de la salud, Perú
🔖 Cited by: 16
🗓 Year: 2020

📝Burnout syndrome and job satisfaction in health professionals
🔖 Cited by: 7
🗓 Year: 2019

📝 Clima laboral y síndrome de burnout en profesores universitarios, Huaraz, Perú, 2018
🔖 Cited by: 2
🗓 Year: 2020

📝 Experiences in the Institutionalization Process and Emotional Intelligence in Children and Adolescents: Differences According to Sociodemographic Variables
🗓 Year: 2020

📝 Factores psicosociales relacionados con el uso de drogas en escolares del cuarto y quinto grado de secundaria de la zona rural del callejon de Huaylas
🗓 Year: 2020

📝 La Investigación Interdisciplinaria en la Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo-Huaraz, periodo 2009-2017
🗓 Year: 2020

📝 Factores sociodemográficos intra y extra organizativos relacionados con síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo en profesionales de salud de hospitales Ancash Peru 2011
🗓 Year: 2012

Rosario Margarita Yslado Méndez | Occupational Health Award | Women Researcher Award

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