Kavitha Jayaseelan | Pharmaceutical Science | Best Faculty Award

Dr. Kavitha Jayaseelan | Pharmaceutical Science | Best Faculty Award

Dr. Kavitha Jayaseelan, SRM COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, India

πŸŽ“ Kavitha Jayaseelan is an accomplished educator with 12+ years of experience, currently serving as Associate Professor at SRM College of Pharmacy. With expertise in Bio-analytical Method Development and Validation, she holds a Ph.D. from SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Kavitha is dedicated to enhancing student learning and has received accolades such as the Best Teacher Award by SIMATS. Her proactive involvement in university agendas, coupled with her role as a reviewer for esteemed journals, underscores her commitment to academic excellence. Passionate about research, she continually seeks to empower young minds and contribute to the field of pharmaceutical analysis. πŸ“š

Publication Profile:




πŸŽ“ Kavitha Jayaseelan embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor of Pharmacy from SRM College of Pharmacy, securing a merit seat and graduating with distinction in 2006. She furthered her studies with a Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Analysis from JSS College of Pharmacy, again earning a merit seat and achieving distinction in 2009. Driven by her passion for research, Kavitha pursued a Ph.D. in Pharmacy at SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, completing her doctoral studies from 2012 to 2018. Her academic excellence and dedication to the field of pharmacy shine through her educational accomplishments. πŸ“š


πŸ… Kavitha Jayaseelan’s career is adorned with notable achievements and accolades. She was honored with the Best Interactive Speaker Award at the 2nd Global Virtual Summit on Pharmaceutical & Novel Drug Delivery Systems in Rome, Italy, in March 2023. Recognized for her exceptional teaching prowess, Kavitha clinched the Best Teacher Award by SIMATS – Global Iconic Excellence Award in August 2022. As a respected academic, she serves as a reviewer for esteemed journals like Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. Her academic brilliance is underscored by gold medals in her Master of Pharmacy program and recognition from the IPA Nilgiris branch. πŸŽ–οΈ

Industrial Experience:

πŸ’Ό Kavitha Jayaseelan gained valuable industrial experience as a Trainee Chemist at Retort Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., where she worked in Quality Control from September 2006 to June 2007. This stint provided her with practical insights into pharmaceutical manufacturing processes and quality assurance protocols. Immersed in the pharmaceutical industry, Kavitha honed her skills in ensuring product quality and compliance with regulatory standards. Her time in this role equipped her with hands-on experience that complemented her academic pursuits, enriching her understanding of real-world applications in pharmaceutical analysis. This industrial exposure further strengthened her expertise and commitment to excellence in her field. 🏭

Training Experience:

πŸŽ“ Kavitha Jayaseelan underwent specialized training at CADRAT, JSS College of Pharmacy, focusing on Bio-analytical method development and Bioequivalence studies from April 2008 to February 2009. This immersive training provided her with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the critical areas of pharmaceutical analysis. Engaging in bio-analytical method development and bioequivalence studies equipped Kavitha with the expertise needed to analyze pharmaceutical compounds and ensure their efficacy and safety. This training experience augmented her academic foundation, empowering her to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of pharmaceutical research and development. Kavitha’s dedication to continuous learning and professional development is evident through her pursuit of specialized training opportunities. πŸ“š

Research Focus:

πŸ”¬ Kavitha Jayaseelan’s research focus lies primarily in analytical and bioanalytical techniques for pharmaceutical quantification. Her extensive contributions to various journals underscore her expertise in spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods for drug analysis, including UV spectrophotometry and HPLC. Kavitha’s research encompasses diverse areas such as method development and validation, multivariate calibration techniques, and applications in pharmaceutical formulations. Her dedication to advancing analytical chemistry is evident through her comprehensive exploration of drug quantification methodologies, aiming to enhance accuracy and efficiency in pharmaceutical analysis. Through her research endeavors, Kavitha endeavors to contribute significantly to the pharmaceutical industry’s quality control and drug development processes. πŸ§ͺ

Publication Top Notes:





Introduction of ChemistryΒ 


Chemistry research lies at the heart of our understanding of matter and its interactions, and it’s a cornerstone of scientific progress. Researchers in this dynamic field explore the properties, composition, and behavior of substances, from the smallest atomic and molecular scales to complex chemical reactions. Chemistry is instrumental in solving global challenges, including sustainable energy production, environmental protection, and advancements in medicine and materials science.

Organic Chemistry:

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds, which form the basis of all life on Earth. Researchers in this subfield delve into the synthesis, structure, and reactivity of organic molecules, with applications in pharmaceuticals, polymers, and more.

Inorganic Chemistry:

Inorganic chemistry explores the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds, including metals and minerals. Researchers investigate catalysts, materials for electronics, and the chemistry of transition metals.

Physical Chemistry:

Physical chemistry seeks to understand the fundamental principles governing chemical reactions and the behavior of matter. This subtopic encompasses thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, and kinetics.

Analytical Chemistry:

Analytical chemists focus on developing methods and instruments to identify and quantify chemical substances. This subfield is critical for quality control, environmental monitoring, and forensic analysis.

Environmental Chemistry:

With a growing focus on environmental issues, researchers in this subtopic work to understand and mitigate the impact of chemicals on ecosystems. They investigate pollution control, water quality, and the fate of pollutants in the environment.

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