Dr. Samuel Segnini | Aquatic Ecology | Best Researcher Award
Dr. Samuel Segnini, Andes Univesity, Venezuela
Publication Profile
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Research Focus
Publication Top Notes 
- Composición química y actividad larvicida del aceite esencial de Annona cherimola Mill. de Los Andes venezolanos contra el mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) – RN Ramírez, FD Mora, JL Avila, LB Rojas, A Usubillaga, S Segnini, … (Cited by: 73, Year: 2011) 🌿🦟
- Land use in watersheds of the Venezuelan Andes: a comparative analysis – JD Allan, AJ Brenner, J Erazo, L Fernandez, AS Flecker, DL Karwan, … (Cited by: 50, Year: 2002) 🌍🏞️
- Limnology of Andean piedmont rivers of Venezuela – JD Allan, AS Flecker, S Segnini, DC Taphorn, E Sokol, GW Kling (Cited by: 49, Year: 2006) 🌊🌄
- Caracterización fisicoquímica del hábitat interno y ribereño de los ríos andinos en la cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela – S Segnini, MM Chacón (Cited by: 49, Year: 2005) 🌱💧
- Variación espacial de la composición y diversidad de géneros de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) en un río tropical altiandino – B Pérez, S Segnini (Cited by: 40, Year: 2005) 🦋🐞
- Update on Chagas disease in Venezuela during the period 2003–2018. A review – N Añez, G Crisante, A Rojas, S Segnini, O Espinoza-Álvarez, … (Cited by: 35, Year: 2020) 🦠🔬
- Cambios ontogenéticos en la dieta de la trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en un Rio Andino neotropical – S Segnini, H Bastardo (Cited by: 21, Year: 1995) 🐟🍃
- Reconocimiento taxonómico de las náyades del Orden Ephemeroptera en la deriva de dos ríos de alta montaña en el Estado Mérida, Venezuela – MM Chacón, S Segnini (Cited by: 20, Year: 1996) 🦗🏞️
- Medición de la diversidad en una comunidad de insectos – S Segnini (Cited by: 20, Year: 1995) 🌳🐜
- The adult and redefinition of the genus Prebaetodes Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), with description of a new species from Venezuela – MM Chacón, ML Pescador, S Segnini (Cited by: 19, Year: 2010) 🦗🔬
- Biologia y ecologia poblacional de Empoasca kraemeri Ross y Moore (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) en caraota (Phaseolus vulgaris) – S Segnini, A Montagne (Cited by: 19, Year: 1986) 🌾🐞
- Chemical Composition and Larvicidal Activity of Eugenia triquetra Essential Oil from Venezuelan Andes – FD Mora, JL Avila, LB Rojas, R Ramírez, A Usubillaga, S Segnini, … (Cited by: 18, Year: 2010) 🌱🦟
- Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Venezuela – MM Chacón, ML Pescador, MD Hubbard, S Segnini (Cited by: 18, Year: 2009) 🦗📚
- Three new species of Thraulodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Venezuela – E Domínguez, MM Chacón, S Segnini (Cited by: 18, Year: 1999) 🦗🌱
- Diet composition of the mature larvae of four Anacroneuria species (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Venezuelan Andes – M Gamboa, MM Chacón, S Segnini (Cited by: 17, Year: 2009) 🦗🍃