Djamel Boussaa | Architecture and Urban design | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Djamel Boussaa | Architecture and Urban design | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Djamel Boussaa, Qatar University, Qatar

Dr. Djamel Boussaa is an accomplished academic in architecture, holding a Ph.D. from the University of Liverpool, UK, an M. Phil from the University of York, UK, and a B.Sc. from EPAU, Algeria. Currently serving as an Associate Professor at Qatar University’s College of Engineering, he has extensive teaching experience across universities in Bahrain, UAE, and Algeria. Dr. Boussaa’s expertise spans architectural engineering and urban planning, with notable roles including Graduate Studies Coordinator and lecturer. His research focuses on enhancing architectural education and urban design, contributing significantly to academia. πŸ›οΈ

Publication profile


πŸŽ“ Education

Dr. Djamel Boussaa holds a Ph.D. in Architecture from the University of Liverpool (2008), an M. Phil from the University of York (1988), and a B.Sc. from EPAU, Algeria (1984).

🏒 Employment History

Dr. Boussaa is currently an Associate Professor at Qatar University’s College of Engineering, where he has served since September 2009. He previously held academic roles at institutions including UAE University and University of Bahrain.

πŸ† Award and Recognition

He has received accolades such as the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Academic and Research and the Emir Sultan Bin Salman Award for his supervision of the Senior Project Souk Dhkheera.

πŸ“š Teaching

His teaching portfolio includes courses on Architectural Design, Islamic Architecture, and Contemporary Practices, contributing significantly to architectural education.


Research Focus

Dr. Djamel Boussaa’s research focuses on the intersection of cultural heritage, urban regeneration, and sustainable development in Middle Eastern cities like Doha and Sharjah. His studies explore how globalization influences housing models and identity formation in rapidly evolving urban landscapes. Through extensive publications in journals like the Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development and Future Cities and Environment, he examines the role of heritage tourism in revitalizing historic cities such as Fez Medina in Morocco and Old Oyo Town in Nigeria. Dr. Boussaa’s work contributes to understanding the cultural sustainability and architectural heritage preservation, enriching urban planning practices. πŸ›οΈ


Publication Top Notes

  • Cultural heritage tourism and urban regeneration: The case of Fez Medina in Morocco
    • Published in 2024
    • Cited by: 0
    • πŸ›οΈ
  • The impact of globalization on the revival of innovative housing models in Doha, Qatar
    • Published in 2024
    • Cited by: 1
    • 🏘️
  • The Resilient Historic Cities of Sharjah and Doha – Urban Regeneration and the Search for Identity in a Global World
    • Published in 2023
    • Cited by: 2
    • 🌍
  • Cultural heritage tourism as a catalyst for sustainable development; the case of old Oyo town in Nigeria
    • Published in 2023
    • Cited by: 9
    • 🌍
  • The search for identity in a global world: The case of Doha in Qatar
    • Published in 2021
    • Cited by: 6
    • πŸ™οΈ
  • The past as a catalyst for cultural sustainability in historic cities; the case of Doha, Qatar
    • Published in 2021
    • Cited by: 19
    • πŸ›οΈ
  • Building energy model calibration using automated optimization-based algorithm
    • Published in 2019
    • Cited by: 23
    • 🏒
  • Development of an Integrated Quality Function Deployment and Utility Theory Weighting System to Improve Occupants’ Satisfaction
    • Published in 2019
    • Cited by: 0
    • πŸ“Š
  • User satisfaction and energy use behavior in offices in Qatar
    • Published in 2018
    • Cited by: 10
    • πŸ’Ό



Lev Eppelbaum | Archaeological Prospection | Academic Impactful Innovation Award

Prof Dr. Lev Eppelbaum | Archaeological Prospection | Academic Impactful Innovation Award

Prof Dr. Lev Eppelbaum, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Lev Eppelbaum, renowned in geophysics, earned his MSc in Geophysics from Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry in 1982, followed by a PhD from All-Union Geophysical Institute, focusing on Southern Department in Tbilisi, Georgian Academy of Sciences, and Moscow Mining Academy in 1989. He received the Christian Huygens Medal from the European Geosciences Union in 2018-2019 for his significant contributions to the field. With over 6,589 citations and an h-index of 43 on Google Scholar, Dr. Eppelbaum’s research spans 159 publications and is widely recognized in the academic community. 🌍


Publication profile


Education and Academic Journey

Dr. Lev Eppelbaum pursued his MSc in Geophysics at Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, graduating in 1982. He continued his academic journey with a PhD in Geophysics from All-Union Geophysical Institute’s Southern Department, completing his doctoral studies in 1989 at institutes in Baku, Tbilisi, and Moscow.

Professional Experience

Dr. Eppelbaum’s career began as a technician and senior technician at the All-Union Geological Institute of Geophysics, focusing on non-ferrous and rare metals. Over the years, he advanced to roles such as geophysicist, researcher, and senior researcher, contributing significantly to gravity and magnetics research at various institutions.

Awards and Recognitions

Dr. Eppelbaum received multiple prestigious grants and awards, including recognition from the Ministry of Geology of the USSR for integrating geophysical observations and interpreting geological fields across Azerbaijan. His contributions to physical-geological modeling and interpretation have been pivotal in the field of geophysics. 🌍

Research Focus

Dr. Lev Eppelbaum is a distinguished researcher specializing in geophysics, particularly in the application of magnetic data interpretation and its implications in diverse geological settings. His research spans a wide range of topics including tectonic-geodynamic analysis, paleomagnetic mapping, and the integration of remote sensing for archaeological studies. Dr. Eppelbaum’s work is marked by its multidisciplinary approach, focusing on areas like permafrost porosity estimation, hydrocarbon sedimentary series, and seismic prospecting advancements. His contributions have significantly advanced our understanding of geological processes in regions like the Caucasus Mountains and the Eastern Mediterranean. 🌍


Publication Top Notes

  • Processing and interpretation of magnetic data in the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea: A review
    • Published in AIMS Geosciences in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • The relationship between the paleobiogeography of the northern and southern sides of the Neotethys and the deep geodynamic processes
    • Published in ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • The Possibility of Estimating the Permafrost’s Porosity In Situ in the Hydrocarbon Industry and Environment
    • Published in Geosciences in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • A Role of Remote Sensing Analysis for Archaeological Purposes in Arid Climate Regions
    • Published in Preprint in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • The landscape-structural zones of the Levant ancient hominin habitat: Revisiting combined paleomagnetic and tectonic-geodynamic analysis, paleogeographic mapping, and event stratigraphy
    • Presented at European Geoscience Annual General Assembly in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • The reasons for enormous accumulation of the geodynamic tension in Eastern Turkey: a multidisciplinary study
    • Published in Geology Geophysics and Earth Science in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • Pliocene Hydrocarbon Sedimentary Series of Azerbaijan
    • Published as a book by Springer in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • African-Levantine Areal of Ancient Hominin Dispersal: A New Look Derived from Comprehensive Geological-Geophysical Integration
    • Published as a book chapter in Emerging Issues in Environment, Geography and Earth Science Vol. 7 in 2024.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • The enormous Earth’s crust tension and hydrocarbon pipeline exploration in the South Caucasus – Eastern Mediterranean
    • Published in ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences in 2023.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…
  • Geodynamic Aspects of Magnetic Data Analysis and Tectonic–Paleomagnetic Mapping in the Easternmost Mediterranean: A Review
    • Published in Applied Sciences in 2023.
    • Cited by: Not specified πŸ“…

Rami Salameh | Anthropology Award | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Rami Salameh | Anthropology Award | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Rami Salameh, Birzeit University, Palestine

🌍 Dr. Rami Salameh, a Palestinian-British scholar, explores intersections of capitalism, culture, and colonialism. As an Assistant Professor at Birzeit University, his research delves into urban culture, Palestinian higher education, and everyday life practices. With a PhD from the Graduate Institute, Geneva, he has published extensively on Palestinian issues, including the commodification of education and feminist movements. Salameh’s work, showcased in prestigious conferences globally, embodies a commitment to decolonial thought and social justice. An active community member, he serves on boards promoting Palestinian anthropology and literature, reflecting his dedication to progressive scholarship and community engagement. πŸ“š


Publication Profile

πŸ“š Academic QualificationΒ 

Dr. Rami F. Salameh, a Palestinian-British scholar, holds a keen interest in capitalism, culture, and colonialism. As an Assistant Professor at Birzeit University, he delves into urban culture, Palestinian higher education, and everyday life practices. Salameh’s extensive publication record includes works on Palestinian feminism, knowledge production, and colonial experiences. He has presented his research at prestigious conferences worldwide, embodying a commitment to decolonial thought and social justice.

πŸŽ“ Work Experience

Salameh’s academic journey includes roles as Chairperson and Director of the Masters’ Program in Contemporary Arab Studies at Birzeit University. He previously served as a researcher at the A.M. Qattan Foundation, contributing to educational research and development.

Research Focus

Dr. Rami F. Salameh’s research spans various facets of Palestinian life under colonial conditions. With a focus on everyday experiences, he explores the complexities of living within and without legality, shedding light on the nuances of Palestinian existence. His work delves into the bodily and emotional toll of navigating spaces of colonial oppression, such as checkpoints, offering critical insights into the impact of political structures on individuals. Through autoethnographic reflections, Salameh provides a unique perspective on teaching and writing from Palestine, showcasing the intersection of personal narrative and academic inquiry. His contributions illuminate the resilience and challenges faced by Palestinians amidst a settler colonial order. πŸ“š


Publication Top Notes

πŸ“š Palestinian everyday life: Living within and without legality by H. Naamneh, R. al-Botmeh, and R. Salameh, cited 7 times, published in 2018.

πŸ“Spaces of Colonial Oppressions: Palestinians’ Bodily Experiences of Checkpoints by R. Salameh, cited in Middle East Critique, 2024:1-15.

πŸ“– A Critical Autoethnography of Teaching and Writing from Palestine by R. Salameh, cited in The World Humanities Report, 2023.

πŸ“˜Life, love and death in a settler colonial order: Palestinians’ lived experiences by R. Salameh, cited, published in 2018.