Assist Prof Dr. Pilar Arnaiz-SƔnchez | Inclusive Education Award | Outstanding Scientist Award
Assist Prof Dr. PilarArnaiz-SƔnchez, Murcia University, Spain
Prof. Dr. Pilar Arnaiz SĆ”nchez is a distinguished CatedrĆ”tica at the University of Murcia, specializing in inclusive education, school improvement, and teacher training š. With a Licentiate in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia (1977) and a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Education from the University of Murcia (1986), she has guided 32 doctoral theses and earned six research sexenios. Dr. Arnaiz has an h-index of 46 and over 7,146 citations. Her recent projects include exploring specialized open classrooms and the role of special education centers in inclusion initiatives šš¬
Publication Profile
Academic Background
Dr. Arnaiz earned her Licentiate in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia in 1977 and her Ph.D. in Philosophy and Education Sciences from the University of Murcia in 1986 š. She has been a professor since 2002, specializing in inclusive education, school improvement, and teacher training š«.
Research Focus
Publication Top Notes
- “Escuelas eficaces e inclusivas: cĆ³mo favorecer su desarrollo” š« – Published by PA SĆ”nchez in Educatio siglo XXI in 2012, cited by 556 times.
- “A educaĆ§Ć£o inclusiva: um meio de construir escolas para todos no sĆ©culo XXI” š – Published by PA SĆ”nchez in Revista da EducaĆ§Ć£o Especial in 2005, cited by 314 times.
- “AtenciĆ³n a la diversidad. ProgramaciĆ³n curricular” š – Published by P Arnaiz in 2005, cited by 311 times.
- “Luchando contra la exclusiĆ³n: buenas prĆ”cticas y Ć©xito escolar” š – Published by PA SĆ”nchez in InnovaciĆ³n educativa in 2011, cited by 292 times.
- “La educaciĆ³n inclusiva: dilemas y desafĆos” š” – Published by A SĆ”nchez in EducaciĆ³n, desarrollo y diversidad in 2004, cited by 237 times.
- “Hacia una educaciĆ³n eficaz para todos: la educaciĆ³n inclusiva” š – Published by P Arnaiz SĆ”nchez in Educar en el 2000: revista de formaciĆ³n del profesorado in 2002, cited by 208 times.
- “La psicomotricidad en la escuela: una prĆ”ctica preventiva y educativa” š§ – Published by P Arnaiz, M RabadĆ”n, I Vives in 2001, cited by 174 times.
- “Barriers to student learning and participation in an inclusive school as perceived by future education professionals” š§ – Published by PA SĆ”nchez, R de Haro-RodrĆguez, RM MartĆnez in Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (NAER Journal) in 2019, cited by 167 times.
- “La autoevaluaciĆ³n de centros en EspaƱa para la atenciĆ³n a la diversidad desde una perspectiva inclusiva: ACADI” š – Published by P ArnĆ”iz, JM Guirao in Revista electrĆ³nica interuniversitaria de formaciĆ³n del profesorado in 2015, cited by 161 times.
- “Curriculum y atenciĆ³n a la diversidad” š – Published by PA SĆ”nchez in Hacia una nueva concepciĆ³n de la discapacidad: Actas de las III Jornadas in 1999, cited by 161 times.