Maryam Ghaemi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Maryam Ghaemi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr Maryam Ghaemi, Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, Iran

Dr. Maryam Ghaemi is an esteemed Assistant Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS) and the Head of the Bushehr Oceanography Center since 2017. She holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry from Shiraz University and a B.Sc. in Pure Chemistry from Persian Gulf University. Dr. Ghaemi is a SCOR Visiting Scholar and the Vice-Chair of IOCINDIO. Her research interests include marine chemical ecology, chemical oceanography, and ocean acidification, with numerous publications in high-impact journals. Dr. Ghaemi actively participates in various scientific committees and working groups. 🌊🔬📚

Publication profile

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Academic Background

Dr. Maryam Ghaemi earned a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (2007-2012) 🎓. Prior to that, they completed an M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry at Shiraz University (2003-2006) 📘. Their academic journey began with a B.Sc. in Pure Chemistry from Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran (1999-2003) 🧪. Dr. [Name]’s extensive education in chemistry laid a strong foundation for their expertise and contributions to the field. 🌟


🌊 Assistant Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS) since 2013, currently serving as Vice-Chair of IOC Sub-Commission for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO) and Head of the Bushehr Oceanography Center. 🧪 Active Member of the ocean science decade working group, Iran Ocean Acidification Observing Network, and Blue Economy Working Group. 📚 Contributions include leading the “Nutrient and Chlorophyll a project” and co-authoring the oceanographic atlas of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. 🎓 Recognition as a SCOR Visiting Scholar in China and a reviewer for ISI Journals.

Research focus

Dr. M. Ghaemi is a distinguished researcher whose work spans various fields of chemistry and environmental science. Their research primarily focuses on nanoparticle synthesis and adsorption studies, particularly involving Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and their modifications for environmental applications, such as removing contaminants from water. Additionally, Dr. Ghaemi has contributed to understanding hypoxia and nutrient distribution in marine environments, synthesis of silver nanoparticles using algae, and the effects of secondhand and thirdhand smoke. Their expertise includes environmental chemistry, nanotechnology, and marine pollution. 🌊🔬🧪

Publication top notes

Study on the adsorption of DNA on Fe3O4 nanoparticles and on ionic liquid-modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles

Adsorption characteristics of Titan yellow and Congo red on CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticle

Fast removal and determination of doxycycline in water samples and honey by Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles

Hypoxia in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz

Spatial distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll a across the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman

Controllable synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Sargassum angostifolium

Secondhand and thirdhand smoke: a review on chemical contents, exposure routes, and protective strategies

Removal of alizarin red and purpurin from aqueous solutions using Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles

Transcriptional responses following seed priming with cold plasma and electromagnetic field in Salvia nemorosa L.

Experimental study on the thermal conductivity of silver nanoparticles synthesized using Sargassum angostifolium


Ebrahim Meyad | Ecological Economy Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ebrahim Meyad | Ecological Economy Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ebrahim Meyad, Changan University, Yemen

Dr. Ebrahim Meyad 🎓 holds a Master’s degree in Regional Economics from Lanzhou University, China. Fluent in Arabic, English, and Chinese 🌍📚, with expertise in regional economic development, environmental economics, and financial analysis. With a background in auditing and financial affairs, he has contributed extensively to public health and environmental education programs in Yemen 🏥🌱. Passionate about research, he has authored papers exploring the nexus between oil prices and economic growth, environmental quality, and urbanization’s impact on ecological footprint. Diligent, adaptable, and dedicated, he excels in both independent and team environments, with a keen interest in sports, travel, and continuous learning.

Publication Profile


Education and Qualification 

Dr. Ebrahim Meyad embarked on an academic journey that spans continents and disciplines. Beginning with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and Economics from Sana’a University 🎓, he honed his skills further with proficiency in English and Chinese language studies, achieving a Level 5 proficiency in Chinese 🌐. Subsequently, he pursued a Master’s degree in Regional Economics at Lanzhou University in China, enriching his understanding of economic dynamics and regional development 📚. Alongside, he obtained certification as an MCITB Enterprise Administrator, enhancing his administrative prowess 💼. With each qualification, Meyad’s commitment to learning and professional growth shines, illustrating his dedication to excellence in academia and beyond.


Work Experience

Dr. Ebrahim Meyad’s professional journey reflects a diverse spectrum of administrative roles, each contributing to his wealth of experience and expertise. From his tenure at Al Mguad Trading Services Company, where he immersed himself in auditing duties, to his impactful contributions at the Public Health Hospital and Ministry of Public Health and Population in Yemen 🏥💼, Meyad demonstrated a keen eye for financial matters and organizational efficiency. His role as Assistant in the Department of Procurement and Stores further showcased his adeptness in managing logistical aspects crucial to public service operations. Additionally, his commitment to environmental education through field visits underscores his holistic approach to community betterment 🌱📊.

Research Focus

Dr. Ebrahim Meyad’s research focus lies at the intersection of natural resource management and environmental sustainability 🌿🔬. With a keen interest in the impact of natural resources on environmental degradation, he has contributed significantly to understanding indicators such as ecological footprint and CO2 emissions. His work delves into the complexities of urbanization, human capital, and their relationship with ecological footprint, particularly in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries 🏙️🌍. Through meticulous analysis and interdisciplinary collaboration, Meyad seeks to shed light on the intricate dynamics shaping our environment and inform policy interventions for a more sustainable future 📊🌱.


Publication Top Notes

Farzaneh Roshandel | Bioremediation Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Farzaneh Roshandel | Bioremediation Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Farzaneh Roshandel, Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Dr. Farzaneh Roshandel 🌱 is a dedicated researcher in plant physiology, specializing in mycoremediation. With a Ph.D. and M.S. from Islamic Azad University, Tehran, her work focuses on the effects of contaminants on mushrooms’ physiological properties. 🍄 She’s published extensively, exploring the potential of Pleurotus species in bioremediation. 📚 Dr. Roshandel’s expertise extends to educational and research roles within the university, and she’s actively involved in professional associations in Iran. 🌍 Her interdisciplinary skills include statistical analysis and proficiency in English and Persian. 📊🎓

Publication Profile

🎓 Education

Dr. Farzaneh Roshandel obtained her Ph.D. and M.S. in Plant Physiology from the Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University in Tehran, Iran. Her doctoral research focused on mycoremediation’s impact on gas oil concentrations and physiological properties in oyster mushrooms. She previously investigated magnetic fields’ effects on mushroom production and nutritional value for her master’s thesis. Her academic journey began with a B.S. in General Biology from the North Tehran Branch of Islamic Azad University.

🏢 Work Experience

Dr. Roshandel served as an expert in educational laboratories and later as the head of the research department at the Central organization of Islamic Azad University in Tehran, Iran.

Research Focus

F Roshandel’s research primarily focuses on the bioremediation and biochemical responses of Pleurotus fungi, particularly Pleurotus florida, towards environmental contaminants such as oil and petroleum. 🍄 Their work delves into understanding the impact of pollutants on antioxidant responses, amino acid content, and fruiting body formation of these fungi. Through their studies, they contribute to the fields of mycoremediation, environmental science, and biotechnology, shedding light on the potential of fungi like Pleurotus for sustainable solutions in mitigating pollution and enhancing nutritional value. 🌱🔬

Publication Top Notes

  1. Mycoremediation of oil contaminant by Pleurotus florida (P. Kumm) in liquid culture 🍄
    • Published in Fungal Biology, cited by Mycologia, 2021
  2. Effect of oil contaminants on antioxidant responses and antioxidant properties of Pleurotus florida (P. Kumm) 🌱
    • Published in Mycologia, cited by not available, 2024
  3. Effect of petroleum contaminant on pin creating and amino acid content of Pleurotus florida (P. Kumm) 🍄
    • Published in Iranian Journal of Plant and Biotechnology, cited by not available, 2021
    • Published in Plant and Ecosystem, cited by not available, 2008


Alba Corrales | Compost | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Alba Corrales | Compost | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Alba Corrales, UAH, Spain

Dr. Alba Corrales holds a Higher Degree in Biology from the University of Tolima and a Doctorate in Biotechnology and Genetic Resources of Plants and Microorganisms. With a Master’s Degree in Agroforestry Biotechnology from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, she specializes in plant genetics and biotechnology. Her research focuses on enhancing crop resilience to environmental stressors. As an educator, she directs final year projects, contributing to scientific literature through her publications. Dr. Corrales’s expertise spans from microbial ecology to bioprospecting for agricultural innovation 🌱.

Publication Top Notes:


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Dr. Alba Corrales earned her Higher Degree in Biology from the University of Tolima in 2007, followed by pursuing advanced studies in Biotechnology and Genetic Resources of Plants and Microorganisms, culminating in a doctoral degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2015. Her thesis, supervised by JESUS ​​VICENTE CARBAJOSA, explored the molecular and functional aspects of Dof Factors in plants’ response to environmental stress. Despite not receiving an extraordinary award, she demonstrated exceptional quality in her research. Although her Master’s Degree in Agroforestry Biotechnology wasn’t approved, her academic journey showcases a dedicated pursuit of knowledge and expertise in plant science 🌿.


Dr. Alba Corrales has been actively involved in guiding students through their final year projects, contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge in agriculture. Her mentorship includes diverse research topics such as evaluating biofertilizers’ efficacy in tomato plants, exploring the genomic assembly of beneficial rhizobacteria like Pseudomonas protegens, and investigating the potential of Pseudomonas putida as a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) under salt stress. Through her guidance, students like Julián Andrés Perlaza Barragán and Natalia Diaz have successfully defended their projects, showcasing her commitment to nurturing young scientists. Her dedication to teaching and research fosters a thriving academic community 🌱.

Research Focus:

Dr. Alba Corrales’s research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying plant responses to abiotic stress and flowering time regulation. Through her work, she has contributed significantly to the characterization of Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) in tomatoes and Arabidopsis, revealing their multifaceted roles in stress responses and flowering control. Additionally, she has explored the ectopic expression of CDF3 genes in tomatoes to enhance biomass production under salinity stress conditions. Her expertise extends to developing salinity assays and studying the epidemiology of plant viruses. Dr. Corrales’s dedication to unraveling plant stress responses brings valuable insights into agricultural resilience and crop improvement strategies 🌱.

Publication Top Notes: