Ratiba Sahoui | Earth and Planetary Sciences Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ratiba Sahoui | Earth and Planetary Sciences Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ratiba Sahoui, Université des sciences et technologies Houari Boumediene, Algeria

Dr. Ratiba Sahoui is a distinguished geologist at the University of Sciences and Technology, Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria. Specializing in planetary geology and impact craters, she has contributed significantly to the field with pioneering research on meteorite impact structures in Algeria and Mauritania. Dr. Sahoui’s impressive academic journey includes an engineering degree, a Magister, and a Doctorate in Geology. She is an active member of the Meteoritical Society and has organized numerous conferences. Her work with international projects, including UNESCO, underscores her dedication to advancing geological sciences. 🌍🔬✨


Publication Profile



Dr. Ratiba Sahoui earned her Engineer degree in Geology in November 2006 from the University of Sciences and Technology, Houari Boumediene (USTHB), specializing in Seismology and Petrology, in collaboration with SONATRACH and CRAAG. Her thesis focused on the seismotectonic mapping of the western Algiers Sahel. In July 2009, she obtained her Magister in Geology with a specialization in Planetology, producing the first Magister thesis on impact craters in the Maghrebian countries, titled “Geological Study of the Talemzane Meteorite Impact Crater, Algeria.” In April 2017, she achieved her Doctorat En Sciences in Geology, focusing on Algerian and Mauritanian meteorite impact craters, their shock effects, and metamorphism. 🌍🪐📚


Professional Experience 

Dr. Ratiba Sahoui’s professional journey in academia began in November 2007 as a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Geology at USTHB, Algiers, Algeria. Over the years, she progressed to roles of increasing responsibility, serving as a Maitre Assistant “B” from December 2009 to December 2012, then as a Maitre Assistant “A” from January 2013 to April 2017. Since April 2017, she has held the position of Maitre de Conférence in the Department of Geology, where she continues to impart her expertise and mentor the next generation of geologists. 📚👩‍🏫🌍


Honors and Award

Dr. Ratiba Sahoui was honored with the prestigious Prime Prize of The Maghreban Young Researcher at the 1er Congrès International sur la Géologie du Maghreb (Géo Mag 1) in Tlemcen, Algeria. This recognition highlights her exceptional contributions to geological research, particularly in the Maghreb region. As a young researcher, Dr. Sahoui’s innovative work in planetary geology and impact craters has earned her acclaim within the scientific community, inspiring future generations of scientists. The award underscores her dedication and talent in advancing our understanding of geological phenomena in the Maghrebian context. 🏆🪐🌍

Research Focus

Dr. Ratiba Sahoui’s research focuses on the morphometric and structural parameters of impact craters in Algeria, exploring the influence of sedimentary target rocks and post-impact processes. Her work delves into understanding the geological features and dynamics of impact craters, shedding light on their formation mechanisms and subsequent modifications over time. Through detailed analysis and investigation, Dr. Sahoui aims to unravel the complexities of impact cratering events and their implications for planetary geology. Her dedication to this field contributes to advancing our knowledge of extraterrestrial impacts and their effects on Earth’s geological landscape. 🪐🔍🌍


Bisrat Negwo | Applied Geophysics | Excellence in Research

Dr. Bisrat Negwo | Applied Geophysics | Excellence in Research

Dr. Bisrat Negwo, Mineral Industry Development Institute, Ethiopia

Hailemichael Kebede (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor of Geophysics at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. With expertise in geoscientific techniques and GIS, he has contributed significantly to the field of energy mineral research, particularly in geothermal exploration along the Ethiopian Rift. 🌋 His extensive training includes courses in GIS, remote sensing, and geological mapping techniques. He has actively participated in various oil and gas exploration projects nationwide, demonstrating his commitment to advancing Ethiopia’s energy sector. 🛢️ Kebede’s collaborative approach and proficiency in geophysical methods make him a valuable asset in both academic and industry endeavors.


Publication Profile:



Bisrat Kebede Negwo’s academic journey reflects a commitment to excellence in geophysics and education. Graduating with a Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics and a Master of Earth Science in Geophysics, both with merit, from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, he demonstrated a deep understanding of geological processes and exploration methods. 🌍 Prior to his postgraduate studies, Negwo earned a Bachelor of Education in Physics with merit from Mekelle University, Ethiopia, laying the foundation for his career in both academia and industry. 🎓 His educational achievements underscore his passion for understanding the Earth’s structure and fostering knowledge transfer in the field of geosciences.



Bisrat Kebede Negwo boasts a diverse and extensive career within Ethiopia’s Ministry of Mines, demonstrating remarkable proficiency in energy mineral research and petroleum operations. Serving as the General Director and Senior Researcher at the Mineral Industry Development Institute, he has led groundbreaking initiatives, conducting vital research on energy minerals like coal, petroleum, and natural gas. 🏭 Additionally, his role as a Senior Petroleum Operations Expert IV involved promoting petroleum exploration, negotiating contracts with oil companies, and ensuring environmental compliance throughout drilling operations. With a background as a Senior Follow-up Geophysicist and experience as a Physics Instructor, Negwo brings a unique blend of technical expertise and educational leadership to his work.


Research Focus:

Bisrat Kebede Negwo’s research focus lies at the intersection of geophysics and structural geology, with a particular emphasis on the Southern Main Ethiopian Rift basin. 🏔️ His studies delve into integrated seismic stratigraphy and structural analysis, shedding light on the region’s hydrocarbon potentials. 🛢️ Additionally, Kebede conducts thorough investigations into the structural interpretation of the rift basin using advanced gravity inversion techniques. His contributions extend to understanding ground fissures within the Main Ethiopian Rift, exploring their tectonic, lithological, and piping controls. 🌋 Through his research endeavors, Kebede contributes significantly to our understanding of geological processes and resource potentials in Ethiopia’s rift basins.

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