Ilaria Giangrandi | Medicine and Dentistry | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Ilaria Giangrandi | Medicine and Dentistry | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Ilaria Giangrandi, AOU CAREGGI FIRENZE, Italy


Based on the provided information, Dr. Ilaria Giangrandi seems to be a strong candidate for the Research for Women Researcher Award. Here’s a summary of her qualifications and contributions:

Publication profile

Professional Experience

2023: Assigned as a temporary substitute for the SODs of Clinical Nutrition at AOU Careggi. Participated in developing nutritional pathways for oncology patients in the Tuscany region and revising procedures for artificial nutrition in head and neck cancer cases.

2022: Responsible for scientific oversight of a training event on basal metabolism assessment via indirect calorimetry.

2021-2022: Member of the technical committee for ESTAR, focusing on the provision of special foods and supplements.

2020-Present: Quality and Safety Coordinator for Clinical Nutrition at AOU Careggi; Facilitator for Clinical Risk since November 2021.

Education and Training

2024: Attended multiple educational events, including courses on functional medicine, deontology, and care for migrant health.

2023: Participated in various courses related to metabolic syndrome, radioprotection, and microbiota.

2022: Engaged in training programs on specialized artificial nutrition and worker safety.

Communication Skills

  • Developed strong communication skills through courses in neurolinguistic programming and extensive clinical experience in various hospital departments.

Professional Skills

  • Demonstrated expertise in multidisciplinary team work and specialized clinical practices, including roles in vascular ecocolordoppler and upper abdomen diagnostics.

Publication Top Notes

  • Effects of a chronotype-adapted diet on weight loss, cardiometabolic health, and gut microbiota: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
    Dinu, M., Lotti, S., Pagliai, G., … Colombini, B., Sofi, F.
    Trials, 2024, 25(1), 152
    🏷️ [No citations]
  • Licorice and liver function in patients with primary liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs
    Giangrandi, I., Dinu, M., Napoletano, A., … Firenzuoli, F., Sofi, F.
    Phytotherapy Research, 2024
    🏷️ [No citations]
  • Assessment of Mediterranean diet adherence and comparison with Italian dietary guidelines: a study of over 10,000 adults from 2019 to 2022
    Lotti, S., Napoletano, A., Tristan Asensi, M., … Dinu, M., Sofi, F.
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2024, 75(3), pp. 336–343
    🏷️ 2 citations
  • Quality of life and nutritional status of a group of post-operative head and neck cancer patients
    Asensi, M.T., Giangrandi, I., Sartini, L., … Colombini, B., Sofi, F.
    Nutricion Hospitalaria, 2023, 40(5), pp. 919–923
    🏷️ [No citations]
  • Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Ultra-Processed Foods Consumption in a Group of Italian Patients with Celiac Disease
    Tristan Asensi, M., Pagliai, G., Lotti, S., … Sofi, F., Dinu, M.
    Nutrients, 2023, 15(4), 938
    🏷️ 7 citations
  • Morning chronotype is associated with higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet in a sample of Italian adults
    Lotti, S., Pagliai, G., Asensi, M.T., … Sofi, F., Dinu, M.
    Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2022, 32(9), pp. 2086–2092
    🏷️ 14 citations
  • Adherence to Mediterranean diet increased during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: results from the web-based Medi-Lite questionnaire
    Lotti, S., Dinu, M., Pagliai, G., … Colombini, B., Sofi, F.
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2022, 73(5), pp. 650–656
    🏷️ 8 citations
  • Effects of vegetarian versus Mediterranean diet on kidney function: Findings from the CARDIVEG study
    Dinu, M., Colombini, B., Pagliai, G., … Marcucci, R., Sofi, F.
    European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2021, 51(9), e13576
    🏷️ 7 citations
  • Adherence to Mediterranean diet measured through medi‐lite score and obesity: A retrospective study
    Dinu, M., Pagliai, G., Lotti, S., … Colombini, B., Sofi, F.
    Nutrients, 2021, 13(6), 2007
    🏷️ 8 citations
  • Effect of consumption of ancient grain bread leavened with sourdough or with baker’s yeast on cardio-metabolic risk parameters: a dietary intervention trial
    Pagliai, G., Venturi, M., Dinu, M., … Sofi, F., Granchi, L.
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2021, 72(3), pp. 367–374
    🏷️ 10 citations


Dr. Giangrandi’s extensive involvement in clinical nutrition, educational contributions, and leadership in quality and safety make her a highly suitable candidate for the Research for Women Researcher Award.

James Melrose | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Prof. James Melrose | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Prof. James Melrose, The University of Sydney, Australia

Based on the provided information, Prof. James Melrose appears to be a highly suitable candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. Here’s an evaluation of his qualifications:

Publication profile

Academic and Research Excellence

Prof. Melrose has a solid educational background with a B.Sc (Hons) in Biochemistry and a Ph.D. focused on carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes associated with barley. His long-standing affiliation with prestigious institutions such as The University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales highlights his strong academic and research credentials. Over a period of three decades, he has contributed significantly to bone and joint research, particularly in biochemical and immunological studies.

Special Awards and Recognitions

Prof. Melrose has received numerous prestigious awards throughout his career, demonstrating his recognition by the scientific community. Notable awards include the Smith and Nephew Award for his work on the spine, the Matrix Biology Society’s best poster award, and the European Spine Society’s GRAMMER Award. These accolades emphasize his contributions to the field of spine research and matrix biology, marking him as a leading researcher.

Teaching and Mentorship

Prof. Melrose has a strong background in teaching and mentorship, having served as a laboratory demonstrator, lecturer, and co-supervisor of Ph.D. students. His involvement in training and supervising research personnel at the Raymond Purves Bone and Joint Research Laboratories underscores his commitment to education and nurturing the next generation of researchers. This combination of research and teaching excellence enhances his candidacy for the award.

Publication Top Notes

  • 📚 “Are animal models useful for studying human disc disorders/degeneration?”
    • European Spine Journal 17, 2-19
    • Cited by: 854
    • Year: 2008
  • 📘 “Diverse cell signaling events modulated by perlecan”
    • Biochemistry 47 (43), 11174-11183
    • Cited by: 319
    • Year: 2008
  • 🔬 “Increased nerve and blood vessel ingrowth associated with proteoglycan depletion in an ovine anular lesion model of experimental disc degeneration”
    • Spine 27 (12), 1278-1285
    • Cited by: 255
    • Year: 2002
  • 🧬 “Proteoglycan degradation by the ADAMTS family of proteinases”
    • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease 1812 (12)
    • Cited by: 249
    • Year: 2011
  • 🔍 “Keratan sulfate, a complex glycosaminoglycan with unique functional capability”
    • Glycobiology 28 (4), 182-206
    • Cited by: 226
    • Year: 2018
  • 🦴 “Proteoglycan 4 downregulation in a sheep meniscectomy model of early osteoarthritis”
    • Arthritis research & therapy 8, 1-6
    • Cited by: 200
    • Year: 2006
  • 💉 “Not all perlecans are created equal: interactions with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2 and FGF receptors”
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (17), 14657-14665
    • Cited by: 200
    • Year: 2002
  • 🔗 “A comparative analysis of the differential spatial and temporal distributions of the large (aggrecan, versican) and small (decorin, biglycan, fibromodulin) proteoglycans of the…”
    • The Journal of Anatomy 198 (1), 3-15
    • Cited by: 194
    • Year: 2001
  • 🧠 “Increased synthesis of matrix metalloproteinases by aortic smooth muscle cells is implicated in the etiopathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms”
    • Journal of vascular surgery 24 (1), 82-92
    • Cited by: 173
    • Year: 1996
  • 📈 “Comparative spatial and temporal localisation of perlecan, aggrecan and type I, II and IV collagen in the ovine meniscus: an ageing study”
    • Histochemistry and cell biology 124, 225-235
    • Cited by: 164
    • Year: 2005


Prof. James Melrose’s extensive research experience, numerous awards, and significant contributions to biochemistry and spine research make him a highly deserving candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. His roles in teaching and mentoring further solidify his position as a leader in his field, making a lasting impact on both research and education.

Doaa A. Osman | Health Professions Award | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Doaa A. Osman | Health Professions Award | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Doaa A. Osman, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt

Assistant Professor Dr. Doaa A. Osman is a notable candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. Her extensive academic and professional background in physical therapy for women’s health, combined with her significant contributions to research and education, make her a strong contender. Here’s why:

Publication profile

Research Focus

Dr. Osman’s research emphasizes expanding the role of physiotherapy in women’s health, publishing novel papers in high-impact journals, and increasing awareness about nutritional roles in women’s health. This aligns well with the objectives of the Research for Best Researcher Award.

Educational Background

She holds a Ph.D. in Physical Therapy from Cairo University, supported by additional qualifications in weight management and sports nutrition. This robust educational foundation underpins her research and teaching efforts.

Professional Experience

Dr. Osman has a diverse teaching and leadership portfolio across Cairo University and Delta University for Science and Technology, including curriculum development, program coordination, and faculty leadership.

Contributions to Quality Assurance

Her roles in quality assurance and accreditation at both Cairo University and Delta University demonstrate her commitment to educational excellence and research quality.

Active Participation in Conferences and Workshops

Her participation in numerous conferences and workshops highlights her engagement with current developments in her field and her dedication to advancing research and practice.

Publication Top Notes

  • Effect of neurogenic acupoint cupping on high sensitive C-reactive protein and pain perception in female chronic pelvic pain: a randomized controlled trial
    📑 Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, 15 citations, 2021
  • Impact of weight loss on sexual and psychological functions and quality of life in females with sexual dysfunction: A forgotten avenue
    📑 Frontiers in Psychology, 10 citations, 2023
  • Effect of whole body vibration versus resistive exercise on premenstrual symptoms in adolescents with premenstrual syndrome
    📑 Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy, 10 citations, 2020
  • Impact of moderate exercise on breast milk cortisol in healthy lactating women: A randomized controlled trial
    📑 EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 6 citations, 2020
  • Effect of forward head posture on temporomandibular joint proprioception in post pubertal females: An observational study
    📑 Fizjoterapia Polska, 3 citations, 2019
  • Prevalence of Shoulder pathologies in Cairo and Qalubiya, Egypt
    📑 International Journal of Health Sciences, 2 citations, 2022
  • Neuromodulation effect of laser acupuncture on female stress urinary incontinence: a randomized controlled trial
    📑 Sport TK, 2 citations, 2022
  • Physical therapy protocol for obese adolescent girls with polycystic ovarian syndrome: A within-subject design
    📑 Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 2 citations, 2019
  • Effect of moderate exercise on breast milk leukocytes in exclusively breast-feeding mothers
    📑 Int J PharmTech Res, 2 citations, 2016
  • Effect of shockwave therapy on postmenopausal sacroiliac joint pain: a randomized controlled trial
    📑 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 1 citation, 2022
  • Effect of Walking on Physiological Stress in Premenstrual Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    📑 Egyptian Journal of Physical Therapy, 1 citation, 2020
  • Effect of Antenatal Exercises on Second Stage of Labor Outcomes in Nulliparous Women
    📑 Ethno. Med, 1 citation, 2020
  • Effect of myofascial release on electrophysiological and clinical measures of pregnant women with carpal tunnel syndrome
    📑 Physiotherapy Quarterly, 1 citation, 2019
  • Bone mineral density and body composition according to menstrual status in female gymnasts: An observational study
    📑 Biomedical Research, 1 citation, 2017
  • Effect of aerobic and resistive exercise on lipid profile and quality of life in overweight breastfeeding women: A randomized controlled trial
    📑 Physiotherapy Research International, 2024


Dr. Osman’s profile aligns well with the criteria for the Research for Best Researcher Award, reflecting her significant impact in the field of physical therapy for women’s health.


Cristina Papayannidis | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Cristina Papayannidis | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Dr Cristina Papayannidis, IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria S.Orsola Malpighi, Bologna, Italy, Italy

Dr. Cristina Papayannidis appears to be an outstanding candidate for the Best Researcher Award based on several key criteria:

Publication profile


Extensive Experience

Dr. Papayannidis has been deeply involved in clinical research and patient care in hematology since her early career. Her role as Dirigente Medico Ematologia at IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna highlights her leadership in AML and ALL clinical trials.

High Research Output

She has authored over 130 publications and has been a principal or sub-investigator in more than 60 phase 1-3 clinical trials, showcasing her significant contributions to advancing hematology research.

Recognition and Influence

With an H-index of 34, she has made substantial impacts in her field. Her role as a speaker at over 300 national and international events, including prestigious conferences like ASH and EHA, underscores her influential presence in the hematological community.

Mentorship and Leadership

Her positions as a mentor in EHA Master Classes and member of various working groups demonstrate her commitment to guiding the next generation of researchers and shaping the future of hematology.

Professional Memberships

  1. Memberships in esteemed organizations such as SIE, EHA, and AACR, and her role on the Hematological Malignancies Committee ESMO further reflect her prominent status and active participation in the scientific community.

Dr. Papayannidis’s extensive research experience, high publication volume, significant impact on clinical practice, and active involvement in mentorship and professional societies make her a highly suitable candidate for the Best Researcher Award.


Research focus
The research focus of the individuals associated with these articles centers on hematological malignancies and their management. They investigate advanced treatments and strategies for diseases like acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), particularly in the context of drug therapies and stem cell transplantation. Key topics include evaluating the efficacy of ponatinib versus imatinib in treating Philadelphia chromosome-positive ALL, using ponatinib to prevent relapse after transplantation, and assessing the impact of inotuzumab ozogamicin on outcomes and complications in refractory cases. Their work contributes to improving therapeutic approaches and patient outcomes in hematology. 🩺💉🔬

Publication top notes

Managing Patients with Hypereosinophilic Syndrome: A Statement from the Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology (SIAAIC)

Ponatinib as a Prophylactic or Pre-Emptive Strategy to Prevent Cytological Relapse after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Transplanted in Complete Cytological Remission †

Impact of inotuzumab ozogamicin on outcome in relapsed or refractory acute B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia patients prior to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and risk of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome/venous occlusive disease

James Yue | Health Professions Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. James Yue | Health Professions Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. James Yue, Frank H Netter School of Medicine/ CT Orthopaedics, United States

Dr. James J. Yue’s impressive career makes him a strong candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award.

Publication profile

Extensive Expertise

Dr. Yue is a renowned spinal surgeon with a significant academic and clinical background, including leadership roles and contributions to major institutions like Quinnipiac University and Yale University.

Innovative Contributions

He has pioneered numerous advancements in spinal surgery, notably through founding specialized centers such as the Northeast Alliance Surgery Center and the New England Center for Disc Replacement.

Recognized Achievements

His awards, including multiple “Best Doctor” titles and the Gunnar B. Andersson Distinguished Service Award, highlight his contributions and recognition in his field.

Research Impact

Dr. Yue’s extensive bibliography, with numerous peer-reviewed articles, showcases his research impact and ongoing commitment to advancing spinal surgery techniques and treatments.

Publication Top Notes

  • “Surgical treatment of refractory low back pain using implanted BurstDR spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in a cohort of patients without options for corrective surgery: Findings and results from the DISTINCT study, a prospective randomized multi-center-controlled trial” – Yue, J.J., Gilligan, C.J., Falowski, S., Okaro, U., Deer, T. (2024) North American Spine Society Journal – 🩺
  • “Endovascular stenting of external iliac vein injury during anterior spine exposure” – Arun, A.S., Yue, J.J., Khachane, V.B., Sumpio, B., Tonnessen, B.H. (2024) Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques – 🩺
  • “Paired Comparison Survey Analysis Utilizing Rasch Methodology of the Relative Difficulty and Estimated Work Relative Value Units of CPT Code 0202T” – Lorio, M., Lewandrowski, K.-U., Yeager, M.T., Kube, R., Yue, J. (2024) International Journal of Spine Surgery – 📊
  • “A novel antibacterial compound decreases MRSA biofilm formation without the use of antibiotics in a murine model” – Bouloussa, H., Durand, Z., Gibon, E., Bouloussa, O., Croisier, D. (2024) Journal of Orthopaedic Research – 🦠
  • “Implant Surface Technologies to Prevent Surgical Site Infections in Spine Surgery” – Bouloussa, H., Mirza, M., Ansley, B., Jilakara, B., Yue, J.J. (2023) International Journal of Spine Surgery – 🦠
  • “Treatment of Refractory Low Back Pain Using Passive Recharge Burst in Patients Without Options for Corrective Surgery: Findings and Results From the DISTINCT Study, a Prospective Randomized Multicenter Controlled Trial” – Deer, T., Gilligan, C., Falowski, S., Fahey, M.E., Yue, J. (2023) Neuromodulation – 🩺
  • “Burst spinal cord stimulation can attenuate pain and its affective components in chronic pain patients with high psychological distress: results from the prospective, international TRIUMPH study” – Hagedorn, J.M., Falowski, S.M., Blomme, B., Capobianco, R.A., Yue, J.J. (2022) Spine Journal – 💥
  • “Final long-term reporting from a randomized controlled IDE trial for lumbar artificial discs in single-level degenerative disc disease: 7-year results” – Radcliff, K., Zigler, J., Braxton, E., Situ, A., Yue, J. (2021) International Journal of Spine Surgery – ⏳
  • “Postoperative Bracing on Pain, Disability, Complications, and Fusion Rate following 1-3+ Level Lumbar Fusion in Degenerative Conditions: A Meta-Analysis” – Jones, J.J., Oduwole, S., Feinn, R., Yue, J.J. (2021) Clinical Spine Surgery – 📉
  • “International society for the advancement of spine surgery policy 2019-surgical treatment of lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy” – LORIO, M., KIM, C., ARAGHI, A., INZANA, J., YUE, J.J. (2020) International Journal of Spine Surgery – 📜


Given these factors, Dr. Yue’s profile aligns well with the criteria for the Research for Best Researcher Award, making him a suitable candidate.


Mohammadamin Parsaei | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Mohammadamin Parsaei | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Dr Mohammadamin Parsaei, Maternal, Fetal & Neonatal Research Center, Iran

Dr. Mohammadamin Parsaei is a prominent academic and researcher specializing in [specific field]. He holds a [degree] from [institution] and has extensive experience in [area of expertise]. Dr. Parsaei is known for his contributions to [specific research focus or project], with numerous publications and impactful research outcomes. He is currently affiliated with [institution] as a [position], where he continues to advance knowledge in [field]. His work is widely recognized for its innovation and excellence. 📚🔬

Publication profile

google scholar


Dr. Mohammadamin Parsaei earned their Doctor of Medicine degree from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2023, with a GPA of 3.68/4. Their thesis, titled “Assessing Clinical Outcomes of Adrenalectomy and Associated Factors: A Retrospective Study in Iran,” was successfully defended before the General Surgery faculty at Dr. Shariati Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. This research delves into the clinical outcomes of adrenalectomy procedures and explores the associated factors affecting patient outcomes in Iran. 🏥📚👩‍⚕️


Dr. Mohammadamin Parsaei is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Maternal, Fetal & Neonatal Research Center, Family Health Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2023-present). In this role, Dr. Mohammadamin Parsaei conducts clinical trials, observational studies, and reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infertility, and Maternal-Fetal research. Responsibilities include statistical analysis, overseeing research projects, crafting proposals, and managing article submissions. Additionally, Dr. [Name] serves as a Research Supervisor at ResearchPlus Academy (2024-present) and NCWEB Association (2023-present), leading systematic reviews and meta-analyses in multidisciplinary fields and neuroradiology. 🧪📊🔬

Research focus

The research of M. Parsaei predominantly focuses on psychiatric and psychological disorders, neuroimaging, and reproductive health. Key areas include the efficacy and safety of psychiatric medications, the impact of neuroimaging on mental health conditions like schizophrenia and social anxiety disorders, and the role of various interventions in managing these conditions. Parsaei’s work also extends to evaluating treatments for reproductive health issues, such as ectopic pregnancies, and the effects of maternal obesity on offspring brain development. This diverse research contributes to understanding and improving mental health, neuroimaging techniques, and reproductive outcomes. 🧠🔬💊👶

Publication top notes

Efficacy and safety of adjunctive therapy with fingolimod in patients with schizophrenia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Classification of suicidality by training supervised machine learning models with brain MRI findings: A systematic review

White matter alterations in affective and non-affective early psychosis: A diffusion MRI study

Methotrexate as the first-line treatment of unruptured tubular ectopic pregnancies with high initial human chorionic gonadotropin levels: A retrospective cohort

Effects of non-pharmacological interventions on gait and balance of persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A narrative review

Microstructural white matter alterations associated with social anxiety disorders: A systematic review

Potential efficacy of caffeine ingestion on balance and mobility in patients with multiple sclerosis: Preliminary evidence from a single-arm pilot clinical trial

Machine Learning for Prediction of Violent Behaviors in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review

White matter correlates of impulsive behavior in healthy individuals: A diffusion MRI study

Predicting the Outcomes of In Vitro Fertilization Using Baseline Maternal Serum Inflammatory Markers: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Enguo Cao | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Enguo Cao | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Enguo Cao, Jiangnan University, China

Prof. Cao Enguo 🧑‍🏫 is a distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor at Jiangnan University, China. With a Ph.D. from Japan, he leads the Intelligent Interaction Design Laboratory and serves as deputy director of the Key Laboratory of China Light Industry. His research focuses on intelligent product design and human biomimetic interaction, resulting in over 30 papers and 20+ patents. He has led numerous research projects, including grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Cao has earned several accolades, including the Yoneyama Rotary Memorial Award and the title of “Top Six Talent Peaks” in Jiangsu Province. 🌟🔬📚

Publication profile


Research Interests

Intelligent Interaction System Design focuses on creating advanced systems that enhance user experiences through smart and responsive technology. This field encompasses the development of interactive interfaces that adapt to user needs, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer intuitive and personalized interactions. The goal is to build systems that not only respond to user inputs but also predict and adapt to their preferences, providing a seamless and engaging experience. Such designs are pivotal in various applications, from smart home devices to sophisticated customer service bots, aiming to make technology more accessible and user-friendly.

Research focus

Dr. Enguo Cao’s research primarily focuses on wearable health devices, exoskeleton design, and user experience in robotics. His work includes designing and evaluating various types of exoskeletons for rehabilitation and mobility enhancement, such as passive lower limb exoskeletons and multi-resiliency models. He also explores the integration of emotional and social factors into user experience, aiming to improve interaction with automated systems and devices. His contributions include studies on the physiological effects of exoskeletons during physical activities and data-driven frameworks for predicting user expectations. His research is crucial for advancing assistive technologies and enhancing their practical application. 🤖🦵📊

Publication top notes

User Experience & Usability of Wearable Health Device: A Bibliometric Analysis of 2014–2023

Multi-motion Compound Passive Lower Limb Exoskeleton Design and Its Intelligent Interaction Evaluation 

Design and evaluation of a double rope rehabilitation robot for sit-to-stand training

Exploring the Positive User Experience Possibilities Based on Produc

Design of a multi-resiliency exoskeleton and its physiologic cost evaluation in uphill walking and stair climbing locomotion

A Data-Driven Expectation Prediction Framework Based on Social Exchange Theory

Design and performance evaluation of gravitational potential energy locking exoskeleton 

Design of cyber-physical-social systems with forensic-awareness based on deep learning

Design and optimization of a passive exoskeleton mechanical foot




Neslihan LOK | Nursing and Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Neslihan LOK | Nursing and Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Neslihan LOK, Selcuk University, Turkey

Neslihan Lök is an esteemed academic with a doctorate in Psychiatric Nursing from Akdeniz University, completed in 2016. Her master’s thesis, under the guidance of Belgin Akın, focused on environmental risk factors for falls in the elderly. She began her academic journey with a bachelor’s degree from Selçuk University in 2007. As a distinguished scholar, she has held various academic positions at Selçuk University, currently serving as an Associate Professor in the Nursing Faculty. Her research interests include psychosocial interventions, mental health in chronic illness, and geriatric care. Dr. Lök has guided numerous theses and led several significant research projects. 🧠📚👩‍⚕️

Publication profile

google scholar


Dr. Neslihan LOK earned a PhD in Psychiatric Nursing from Akdeniz University on March 31, 2016. Their doctoral thesis, guided by Belgin Akın, focused on environmental risk factors inside homes that contribute to falls among the elderly. They completed a Master’s degree in Public Health Nursing from Selçuk University on September 22, 2010, and a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from the Karaman Health School of Selçuk University on June 15, 2007. Dr. Neslihan LOK’s academic journey emphasizes their commitment to improving elderly care and public health. 🩺📘🏡


Dr. Neslihan LOK, recognized for her excellence in presentations, has received multiple awards for her contributions. In 2019, she was honored with the “En İyi Sözel Bildiri Ödülü” by the Her İçin Spor ve Wellness Derneği. She also secured the “Sözel Bildiri İkincilik Ödülü” at Celal Bayar Üniversitesi in 2017 and İstanbul Üniversitesi in 2016. Additionally, she earned the “Sözel Bildiri İkincilik Ödülü” at the V. Uluslararası ve VIII. Ulusal Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Kongresi in 2016. These accolades underscore her impactful work and dedication in her field. 🏆📊🎓

Research focus

Dr. Neslihan Lök’s research focuses primarily on geriatric mental health and caregiving dynamics, emphasizing interventions like physical activity and reminiscence therapy to improve cognitive functions, depression, and quality of life among elderly populations. Her work also explores the impact of domestic environmental factors on falling risks in the elderly. Additionally, Dr. Lök investigates social support’s role in enhancing psychological resilience among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Her studies contribute significantly to understanding and enhancing elderly care practices and mental health support systems. 🧠👵🏼🏠

Publication top notes

The effect of physical activity on depressive symptoms and quality of life among elderly nursing home residents: Randomized controlled trial

The effect of reminiscence therapy on cognitive functions, depression, and quality of life in Alzheimer patients: Randomized controlled trial

Effects of Physical Activity Program on cognitive function and sleep quality in elderly with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial

Aile içi şiddetin çocuk üzerindeki etkileri ve psikososyal desteğin önemi

The effects of anger management education on adolescents’ manner of displaying anger and self-esteem: A randomized controlled trial

Relationship between caregiving burden and anger level in primary caregivers of individuals with chronic mental illness


Domestic environmental risk factors associated with falling in elderly

The relationship between the perceived social support and psychological resilience in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia

Beden eğitimi spor yüksekokulu özel yetenek sinavina girecek adaylarin kaygi durumlarinin bazi değişkenler açisindan incelenmesi

Pinar Tunc Tuna | Nursing and Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Pinar Tunc Tuna | Nursing and Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Pinar Tunc Tuna, Selcuk University, Turkey

Dr. Pinar Tunc Tuna, PhD, is a distinguished researcher at Selcuk University’s Nursing Department in Konya, Turkey 🇹🇷. Her pioneering work focuses on bibliometric analysis in nursing, specifically on cholecystectomy surgery. Dr. Tuna’s research spans over 36 years, revealing trends like laparoscopic techniques and pain management in perioperative care. She contributes significantly to understanding healthcare advancements through quantitative analysis, emphasizing patient care coordination and perioperative nursing roles.

Publication profile

Google Scholar

Research Focus

🔬 Dr. Pinar Tunc Tuna’s research spans diverse topics in nursing, focusing prominently on perioperative care, pain management, and psychological aspects of patient health. Her work includes studies on the effects of preintervention preparation on pediatric procedural pain and anxiety, accelerated care protocols in colorectal surgery, and thermal comfort in perioperative settings. She explores nursing students’ attitudes towards sexual health care, chronotypes in shift-working nurses, and adaptation models for congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients. Dr. Tuna’s research is pivotal in advancing nursing practice, emphasizing patient-centered care strategies and enhancing healthcare outcomes across various clinical settings.


Publication Top Notes

  • The effect of preintervention preparation on pain and anxiety related to peripheral cannulation procedures in children
    • 📚 CITED BY: 30
    • 📅 YEAR: 2015
  • Kolorektal Cerrahisinde Hızlandırılmış Bakım Protokolleri ve Hemşirelik Bakımı
    • 📚 CITED BY: 16
    • 📅 YEAR: 2018
    • 📚 CITED BY: 5
    • 📅 YEAR: 2018
  • Effect of active and passive heating methods used in different areas of perioperative processes on thermal comfort and anxiety: A randomized control trial
    • 📚 CITED BY: 3
    • 📅 YEAR: 2022
    • 📚 CITED BY: 3
    • 📅 YEAR: 2021
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    • 📅 YEAR: 2017
  • İstanbul basınında Kuva-yı Milliye algılamaları (1918-1922)
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    • 📅 YEAR: 2015
  • Determination of Chronotype, Quality of Life, Sleep Quality, and Social Jetlag in Shift Working Nurses
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    • 📅 YEAR: 2023
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    • 📅 YEAR: 2022
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    • 📅 YEAR: 2021