Ms. Kamini Gupta | Traffic Engineering | Excellence in Research
Ms. Kamini Gupta, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, India
Publication Profile
Professional Experience 🚦
Ms. Kamini Gupta is a Senior Technical Officer at CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, specializing in traffic engineering and road safety. With over 25 years of experience in research and development, she has made significant contributions to driver behavior analysis, road safety strategies, and transport planning. She has presented and published research in leading journals and international conferences and has received best paper awards for her work.
Research Contributions 📊
Ms. Gupta’s research focuses on driver distractions, psychological studies, and mobility planning. She utilizes advanced tools like simulators, eye trackers, and vehicle tracking systems (VTS) to analyze driver behavior. Her expertise extends to highway engineering, socio-economic aspects of rural roads, transport economics, and GIS applications in database management.