Prof Dr. SanasamSarat Singh | Mathematics | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. SanasamSarat Singh | Mathematics | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr . SanasamSarat Singh, Mizoram University, India

Prof. Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh is a distinguished academic at Mizoram University, India. With a career spanning over a decade, he has held significant roles within the institution. Starting as an Assistant Professor on February 29, 2008, he was promoted to Associate Professor on November 7, 2019, and has served as a Professor since November 7, 2022. Prof. Singh’s contributions to the field of academia have been substantial, reflecting his expertise and commitment to advancing knowledge. He resides in Aizawl, Mizoram, while his permanent address is in Thoubal, Manipur, India.

Publication profile

Educational Background

Prof. Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh completed his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in 2008 at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, specializing in “Elastic Wave at a Corrugated Interface in Anisotropic Elastic Solids.” Prior to his doctoral studies, he earned his Master of Science (M.Sc.) in 2003 and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in 2001, both from Panjab University. Additionally, he qualified the National Eligible Test for Lectureship (CSIR-UGC) in 2003. Prof. Singh’s academic journey reflects his deep expertise in mathematics and solid mechanics.

Research Contributions

Prof. Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh has led several significant research projects in the field of wave propagation and elastic properties. He served as the Principal Investigator for a UGC Minor Research Project (2010-2011) focusing on “Elastic Properties and Wave Propagation,” securing funding of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. He also led a DST Major Research Project (2011-2014) with a budget of Rs. 11.16 lakhs, investigating “Wave Propagation in Elastic Continua.” His work continued with a CSIR Major Research Project (2014-2017), receiving Rs. 14.12 lakhs to study “Wave Propagation in Micropolar Thermoelastic Materials with Voids.” Most recently, he secured Rs. 17.04 lakhs for a SERB Major Research Project (2018-2021) on “Wave Propagation in Thermoelastic Materials.”

Professional Experience

Prof. Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh has participated in several prestigious international conferences, enhancing his global academic presence. In November 2009, he attended the ICAMEM-2009 in Bali, Indonesia, with travel support from DST, New Delhi. He later visited the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, for the ICIAM 2011 conference in July 2011, funded by UGC, New Delhi. In August 2015, he was at the University of Science and Technology in Beijing, China, for ICIAM 2015, with support from DAE-NBHM, Mumbai. Most recently, in July 2019, he attended ICIAM 2019 at the Universidad de Valencia in Spain, receiving travel grants from SERB, New Delhi, and Mizoram University.

Publication Top Notes

“Love wave at a layer medium bounded by irregular boundary surfaces”

Authors: S.S. Singh

Journal: Journal of Vibration and Control

Volume: 17

Issue: 5

Pages: 789-795

Year: 2011

Citations: 95

“Quasi-P-waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar monoclinic elastic half-spaces”

Authors: S.S. Singh, S.K. Tomar

Journal: International Journal of Solids and Structures

Volume: 44

Issue: 1

Pages: 197-228

Year: 2007

Citations: 42

“qP-wave at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar pre-stressed elastic half-spaces”

Authors: S.S. Singh, S.K. Tomar

Journal: Journal of Sound and Vibration

Volume: 317

Issue: 3-5

Pages: 687-708

Year: 2008

Citations: 38

“Reflection and transmission of couple longitudinal waves at a plane interface between two dissimilar half-spaces of thermo-elastic materials with voids”

Author: S.S. Singh

Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation

Volume: 218

Issue: 7

Pages: 3359-3371

Year: 2011

Citations: 27

“Transverse wave at a plane interface in thermo-elastic materials with voids”

Author: S.S. Singh

Journal: Meccanica

Volume: 48

Pages: 617-630

Year: 2013

Citations: 26

“Stoneley and Rayleigh waves in thermoelastic materials with voids”

Authors: S.S. Singh, L. Tochhawng

Journal: Journal of Vibration and Control

Volume: 25

Issue: 14

Pages: 2053-2062

Year: 2019

Citations: 23

“Plane SH-waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar perfectly conducting self-reinforced elastic half-spaces”

Authors: S.K. Tomar, S.S. Singh

Journal: International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics

Volume: 30

Pages: 189-208

Year: 2006

Citations: 21

“Effect of micro-inertia in the propagation of waves in micropolar thermoelastic materials with voids”

Authors: S.S. Singh, R. Lianngenga

Journal: Applied Mathematical Modelling

Volume: 49

Pages: 487-497

Year: 2017

Citations: 20

“Plane waves in micropolar thermoelastic materials with voids”

Authors: S.S. Singh, R. Lianngenga

Journal: Science & Technology Journal

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Pages: 141-151

Year: 2016

Citations: 18


Sanasam Sarat Singh | Mathematics Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh | Mathematics Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh, Mizoram University, India

Prof. Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh is a distinguished mathematician with a Ph.D. from Panjab University, where he researched elastic waves in anisotropic elastic solids. He holds an M.Sc. and a B.Sc. from the same institution. His research interests span Applied Mathematics, Continuum Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Seismology, Differential Equations, and Numerical Methods. Prof. Singh has received several prestigious awards, including the Bharat Vikas Award (2017) and the Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award (2015). He has served as a Visiting Fellow and has held various research fellowships, contributing significantly to his field with numerous publications and conference presentations. 🏆📚


Publication Profile

Google Scholar

Educational Qualifications 🎓

The candidate holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematics from Panjab University, with a thesis titled “Elastic wave at a corrugated interface in anisotropic elastic solids.” They also passed the National Eligible Test for Lectureship (CSIR-UGC) in 2003. Additionally, they have a Master of Science (M.Sc.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mathematics from Panjab University.

Research Interests 🔍

The candidate’s research interests are broad and include Applied Mathematics, Continuum Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Seismology, Differential Equations (both ODE & PDE), Numerical Methods, and Number Theory.

Administrative Experiences/Responsibilities 📋

The candidate has served as a tutor in the Mathematics Training and Talent Search Program (MTTS – Level O) sponsored by the National Board of Higher Mathematics at Panjab University. They also acted as a Micro-Observer for the Election Commission of India during the Mizoram State Assembly Election in 2008 and served as a Councilor for Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for the Aizawl center from 2008 to 2011.

Overseas Experience 🌍

The candidate has an extensive record of international conference participation, including attending ICAMEM-2009 in Bali, Indonesia, ICIAM 2011 in Vancouver, Canada, ICIAM 2015 in Beijing, China, and ICIAM 2019 in Valencia, Spain. All these trips were supported by travel grants from various Indian institutions.

Awards & Distinctions 🏆

The candidate has received numerous awards, including the Visiting Fellow at Panjab University in 2018, the Best Paper award at the International Conference in Geometry and Mathematical Model in Complex Phenomena (ICGMMCP-2017), the Bharat Vikas Award in 2017 for outstanding research performance, and the Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award in 2015 for individual achievements and national development.

Details of Professional Trainings 📚

The candidate has participated in various professional training programs, workshops, and refresher courses, covering topics such as Tensors and their applications, Information Security, Statistical Methods, Soft Computing, Radiation applications, Disaster Management, and Yoga training.

Research & Teaching Experience 🏫

With 19 years of research experience and over 14 years of teaching experience, the candidate has a substantial academic career. They have taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses for 15 years. Their publication record includes 64 works, consisting of 57 research papers, 6 books/book chapters, and 1 article in a newspaper/magazine. Additionally, they have reviewed 28 research papers and 1 book under the American Mathematical Society.


The candidate’s extensive educational background, diverse research interests, substantial international exposure, numerous awards, and robust publication record make them a strong contender for the Best Researcher Award. Their commitment to teaching and professional development further enhances their profile, showcasing a comprehensive and impactful academic career.


Publication Top Notes

  • Love wave at a layer medium bounded by irregular boundary surfaces – Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (5), 789-795 (2011), cited by 95 📚
  • Quasi-P-waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar monoclinic elastic half-spaces – International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (1), 197-228 (2007), cited by 42 📚
  • qP-wave at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar pre-stressed elastic half-spaces – Journal of Sound and Vibration 317 (3-5), 687-708 (2008), cited by 38 📚
  • Reflection and transmission of couple longitudinal waves at a plane interface between two dissimilar half-spaces of thermo-elastic materials with voids – Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (7), 3359-3371 (2011), cited by 27 📚
  • Transverse wave at a plane interface in thermo-elastic materials with voids – Meccanica 48, 617-630 (2013), cited by 26 📚
  • Stoneley and Rayleigh waves in thermoelastic materials with voids – Journal of Vibration and Control 25 (14), 2053-2062 (2019), cited by 22 📚
  • Plane SH‐waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar perfectly conducting self‐reinforced elastic half‐spaces – International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (2006), cited by 21 📚
  • Effect of micro-inertia in the propagation of waves in micropolar thermoelastic materials with voids – Applied Mathematical Modelling 49, 487-497 (2017), cited by 20 📚
  • Plane waves in micropolar thermoelastic materials with voids – Science & Technology Journal 4 (2), 141-151 (2016), cited by 18 📚
  • Shear waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar fiber-reinforced elastic half-spaces – Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 2 (1), 167-188 (2007), cited by 18 📚








Sanasam Sarat Singh | Mathematics | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Sanasam Sarat Singh | Mathematics | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Mizoram University, India

Dr. S. Sarat Singh is a distinguished professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Mizoram University, India. 📚 With a robust background in applied mathematics and continuum mechanics, Dr. Singh has significantly contributed to the fields of solid mechanics, seismology, and numerical methods. He is actively involved in academic and research activities, guiding numerous Ph.D. students and organizing various national and international conferences. 🌟

Publication Profile

Strengths for the Award

  1. Educational Background:
    • Ph.D. in Mathematics from Panjab University, with a thesis on “Elastic wave at a corrugated interface in anisotropic elastic solids.”
    • M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Mathematics from Panjab University.
  2. Research Interests:
    • Applied Mathematics, Continuum Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Seismology, Differential Equations (ODE & PDE), Numerical Methods, Number Theory.
  3. Awards and Distinctions:
    • Visiting Fellow at Panjab University (2018).
    • Best Paper Award at the International Conference in Geometry and Mathematical Model in Complex Phenomena (2017).
    • Bharat Vikas Award for outstanding performance in research (2017).
    • Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award for individual achievements and national development (2015).
    • UGC Research Fellowship in Science for Meritorious Students.
    • Senior and Junior Research Fellowships under CSIR, New Delhi.
  4. Professional Memberships:
    • Member of several prestigious mathematical societies, including SIAM, AMS, CMS, IMS, ISCA, NEAST, MMS, and Mizoram Mathematical Society.
  5. Administrative and Organizational Experience:
    • Organized numerous conferences, workshops, and training programs.
    • Held significant administrative roles such as tutor, councilor, and editorial board member.
  6. Research Guidance:
    • Supervised six Ph.D. students to completion, with three more currently under supervision.
  7. Publications:
    • Published several research papers in high-impact journals such as International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, and Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures.

Areas for Improvement

  1. International Exposure:
    • While Dr. Singh has participated and presented in international conferences, more extensive collaboration with international researchers could enhance his profile.
  2. Recent Publications:
    • The latest research outputs and publications could be more recent to showcase ongoing contributions and active research involvement.
  3. Diverse Research Areas:
    • Expanding research into emerging and interdisciplinary fields could provide a broader impact and increase visibility in the research community.


Dr. S. Sarat Singh is a highly qualified and accomplished researcher with a robust background in applied mathematics and extensive contributions to the field. His educational qualifications, significant research output, awards, professional memberships, and experience in guiding Ph.D. students make him a strong candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. While further international collaboration and recent publications could bolster his profile, his existing accomplishments and contributions provide a solid foundation for this prestigious recognition.




🎓 Dr. S. Sarat Singh earned his Ph.D. in 2008 from Panjab University, Chandigarh, specializing in elastic waves at corrugated interfaces in anisotropic elastic solids. He completed his Master of Science in Mathematics in 2003 and his Bachelor of Science in 2001 from the same university. He also qualified for the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (CSIR-UGC) in 2003.


🧑‍🏫 Dr. Singh has held numerous administrative and academic positions. He has been a tutor for the Mathematics Training and Talent Search Program sponsored by the National Board of Higher Mathematics. He has also served as a micro-observer in the Mizoram State Assembly Election, a counselor for Indira Gandhi National Open University, and a member of the editorial board for the journal “Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ).” Additionally, Dr. Singh has actively participated in professional training programs and workshops, enhancing his expertise and contributions to the field. 🌍

Research Focus

🔬 Dr. Singh’s research interests are broad and impactful, encompassing applied mathematics, continuum mechanics, solid mechanics, seismology, differential equations (ODE & PDE), numerical methods, and number theory. His work has led to significant advancements in these areas, with numerous publications in high-impact journals. 📊


🏅 Dr. S. Sarat Singh has received several prestigious awards, including the Visiting Fellow at Panjab University in 2018, the Best Paper Award in 2017 at the International Conference in Geometry and Mathematical Model in Complex Phenomena by the Calcutta Mathematical Society, and the Bharat Vikas Award in 2017 for his outstanding performance in research. He also received the Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award in 2015 for his individual achievements and contributions to national development. 🌟


  1. Plane SH- waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar perfectly conducting self-reinforced elastic half-spaces
    International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2006
  2. Quasi P-waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar monoclinic elastic half-spaces
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007
  3. Elastic waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar fiber-reinforced elastic half-spaces
    International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2007
  4. Shear waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar fiber-reinforced elastic half-spaces
    Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2007
  5. Corrigendum to “Quasi-P-waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar monoclinic elastic half-spaces”
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008

Kamilu Adedokun | Applied Mathematics Award | Best Researcher Award

Kamilu Adedokun | Applied Mathematics Award | Best Researcher Award

Kamilu Adedokun, Michigan technological university, United States

🌟 Kamilu Adedokun, a dedicated mathematician with a passion for applying calculations to enhance global health. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Michigan Technological University, he holds a Master’s in Applied Mathematics from Osun State University. With expertise in biomathematics, his research focuses on innovative solutions to health challenges. Kamilu’s contributions include pioneering models for diseases like tuberculosis and COVID-19, showcased in prestigious publications. As a committed educator, he has enriched minds in Nigeria and the USA, nurturing future mathematicians. Kamilu’s journey reflects a blend of academic excellence, research prowess, and a heart for community service. 📊✨


Publication Profile

🎓 Academic Journey:

Kamilu Adedokun embarked on an academic journey driven by a fervent desire to revolutionize healthcare through mathematics. Starting with a Bachelor’s in Mathematics from Osun State University, Nigeria, in 2016, he maintained an impressive CGPA of 4.27. His pursuit of excellence led him to obtain a Master’s in Applied Mathematics, graduating as the best student in the field in 2020. Currently, he’s on the path towards a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Michigan Technological University, USA, focusing on applied mathematics with a keen interest in biomathematics.

🧮 Research and Work Experience:

Throughout his career, Kamilu has blended academia with practical experience. He has served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Michigan Technological University, honing his skills in guiding budding mathematicians. Previously, he contributed significantly as an Assistant Lecturer and Graduate Teaching Assistant at Osun State University, Nigeria. His research endeavors, particularly in tuberculosis and epidemic modeling, have garnered attention and recognition, evident through his publications in esteemed journals.


Kamilu’s dedication and academic prowess have been duly rewarded. He has received numerous accolades, including departmental and faculty prizes for academic excellence. His commitment to excellence has been consistent throughout his academic journey, marking him as a standout scholar in his field.

Research Focus:

Kamilu Adedokun’s research primarily focuses on mathematical modeling and analysis of infectious diseases, with a specialization in applying fractional calculus methods. His work spans various diseases, including tuberculosis, COVID-19, and HIV-malaria co-infection dynamics. Through innovative approaches like the Laplace Adomian decomposition method and modified homotopy perturbation method, he delves into the intricate dynamics of disease transmission and evaluates the effectiveness of control strategies. With a blend of mathematical rigor and practical applicability, Kamilu contributes significantly to the field of epidemiology, paving the way for more effective disease management and control strategies. 🦠📊


Publication Top Notes :

📚A Caputo fractional order epidemic model for evaluating the effectiveness of high-risk quarantine and vaccination strategies on the spread of COVID-19by KA Adedokun et al., published in Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences in 2022. 📊 Cited by 19.

📚Modified homotopy perturbation method and its application to analytical solitons of fractional-order Korteweg–de Vries equation by KA Adedokun et al., published in Healthcare Analytics in 2023. 🩺 Cited by 16.

📚 A novel tuberculosis model incorporating a Caputo fractional derivative and treatment effect via the homotopy perturbation methodby KA Adedokun et al., published in Bulletin of the National Research Centre in 2023. 🦠 Cited by 4.

📚 The modified homotopy perturbation method and its application to the dynamics of price evolution in Caputo-fractional order Black Scholes model by KA Adedokun et al., published in Results in Control and Optimization in 2024. 🔬

Mathematical Analysis of Sensitive Parameters on the Dynamical Transmission of HIV-Malaria Co-infection

Pembuktian Kasus Malpraktek Di Indonesia

On the Solution of Volterra Integro-differential Equations using a Modified Adomian Decomposition Method

Optimal control analysis on mathematical model of dynamical transmission of hiv-malaria co-infection

Assist Prof Dr. Rawaa Hajji | Function Analysis Award | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Rawaa Hajji | Function Analysis Award | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Rawaa Hajji, University of Carthage, Tunisia

Rawaa Hajji, a Tunisian mathematician 🧮, earned her Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Tunis El Manar in 2021. With a keen interest in areas like Category Theory and Operator Theory, she has presented her research at various international conferences. As an Assistant Professor, she has taught both graduate and undergraduate courses, demonstrating her passion for education. Hajji is an active member of several professional societies, contributing to the advancement of mathematics in Tunisia. Her publications, including works on truncated vector lattices and positive operators, showcase her dedication to exploring complex mathematical structures. 📊📚


Publication Profile 




Rawaa Hajji pursued her academic journey in mathematics with a steadfast commitment to excellence. Beginning with her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Tunis El Manar in 2015 🎓, she laid the foundation for her future endeavors. Building upon her undergraduate studies, she furthered her knowledge by obtaining a Master of Science in Mathematics in 2018 📚. Undeterred by challenges, she reached the pinnacle of her educational pursuits, culminating in a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the same institution in 2021 🏆. This progression reflects her unwavering dedication to her field and underscores her impressive academic achievements.


Professional Experiences

Rawaa Hajji’s professional journey embodies versatility and dedication in academia. Serving as an Assistant Professor at the University of Carthage in 2023 🎓, she continued to impart her expertise in mathematics. Prior to this role, she held a temporary Assistant Professor position at the University of Tunis El Manar from 2021 to 2022, where she adeptly taught a spectrum of courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels 📚. Her instructional prowess extended beyond traditional academia as she also contributed to Esprit Engineering Schools in Tunisia from 2020 to 2023 as an instructor. Additionally, her involvement as a jury member for graduate and undergraduate examinations underscores her commitment to academic integrity.


Research Focus

Rawaa Hajji’s research primarily focuses on mathematical structures within the realms of Functional Analysis and Order Theory 📊. Collaborating with Karim Boulabiar, her work delves into the representation of mathematical entities such as truncated vector lattices and strongly truncated Riesz spaces. These investigations contribute to the understanding of complex mathematical structures and their applications in various fields. Through her scholarly endeavors, Hajji demonstrates a keen interest in elucidating the underlying principles governing these structures, thereby advancing knowledge in the field of mathematics. Her dedication to research in these areas underscores her commitment to exploring the intricacies of mathematical theory and its practical implications. 🧮

Publication Top Notes 


Fatemeh Gharari | Probability | Women Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Fatemeh Gharari | Probability | Women Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Fatemeh Gharari, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil, Iran

👩‍🏫 Dr. Fatemeh Gharari is an Iranian statistician and Assistant Professor at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili. 📊 With a PhD in Mathematical Statistics, her expertise lies in Bayesian Statistics and Complex Systems. 📈 She serves as Managing Editor for the Journal of Hyperstructures and has published extensively in reputable journals. 📚 Dr. Gharari’s research focuses on fractional distributions and their applications, with a keen interest in cognitive science and teaching. 🧠 Fluent in Turkish, Farsi, and English, she is an accomplished academic with numerous awards and a dedicated mentor to her students.


Publication Profile:


Google Scholar


📚 Dr. Fatemeh Gharari embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor’s in Applied Mathematics from Payamnoor University, Iran, from 2007 to 2010. 🎓 She continued her pursuit of knowledge with a Master’s in Pure Mathematics at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, graduating in 2013. 📈 Dr. Gharari’s passion for statistical analysis led her to pursue a PhD in Mathematical Statistics at the same university, culminating in 2019. 🌐 Seeking further enrichment, she broadened her horizons as a Visiting Student at McMaster University, Canada, from 2018 to 2019. 🌟 This diverse educational background has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of mathematical principles and statistical methodologies.


Awards and Honors:

🏅 Dr. Fatemeh Gharari’s academic excellence has been consistently recognized through prestigious honors and awards. 🌟 She proudly holds the title of the top graduate of the Department of Statistics at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, a testament to her exceptional performance and dedication. 🎓 In 2017, she was bestowed with the honor of being named a Distinguished PhD Student in the Department of Statistics, further highlighting her scholarly achievements and contributions. 🏆 Additionally, Dr. Gharari’s outstanding academic prowess was acknowledged earlier in her career when she was recognized as a Distinguished Student in the Province of Ardabil in 2000, setting the stage for her future success.

Research Focus:

🔍 Dr. Fatemeh Gharari’s research focus primarily revolves around the exploration and application of fractional calculus in statistical modeling and analysis. 📊 Her work encompasses diverse areas such as Bayesian estimation, discrete fractional calculus, stochastic processes, and the development of novel distributions through fractional techniques. 📈 By leveraging fractional methodologies, Dr. Gharari contributes significantly to enhancing statistical methodologies and their practical applications in various fields including finance, cryptography, and image encryption. 💡 Her expertise in this domain underscores her commitment to advancing statistical theory and its real-world implications, fostering innovation and problem-solving in statistical research.


Publication Top Notes:

Mohamed Malloug | Mathematical sciences | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Mohamed Malloug | Mathematical sciences | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Mohamed Malloug, Faculté de Gafsa, Tunisia

👨‍🏫 Dr. Mohamed Malloug, a distinguished mathematician, earned his Doctorate with highest honors from the Graduate School of Science and Technology of Hammam Sousse. Prior, he obtained a Master’s degree with commendation from Franche Comté-France University. With a passion for education, he served as a Senior Professor at ISSAT Institute, Gabès, and the Faculty of Sciences Gabès (FSG), where he taught fundamental physics and mathematics. Dr. Malloug’s academic contributions extend to authored books on spectral properties and stabilization in hyperbolic equations. He also dedicated over a decade to secondary education, shaping young minds in mathematics. 📚

Publication Profile:




🎓 Dr. Mohamed Malloug’s academic journey is marked by excellence and dedication. His pursuit of knowledge began with a strong foundation, earning a Mathematics Baccalaureate from Zarzis Techniq High School in June 1992. He continued to excel, obtaining a Master’s degree in Mathematics from FST University. His passion for research led him to pursue a Master’s diploma in in-depth mathematics at Franche Comté-France University, where he received commendable honors. Dr. Malloug’s academic pinnacle was achieved with a Mathematics Doctorate from the Graduate School of Science and Technology of Hammam Sousse, recognized with a very honorable mention. His academic prowess and commitment to mathematics shine brightly throughout his educational journey. 🌟


🏫 Dr. Mohamed Malloug contributes his expertise to the University of Gafsa in Gafsa, TN, enriching the academic landscape with his knowledge and dedication. As a distinguished faculty member, he plays a vital role in shaping the minds of students and fostering academic excellence. With a commitment to his field and a passion for teaching, Dr. Malloug embodies the spirit of higher education and contributes to the university’s mission of intellectual advancement. Through his work, he continues to inspire and empower the next generation of scholars and researchers

 Research Focus:

🔬 Dr. Mohamed Malloug’s research focuses primarily on mathematical analysis and control theory, with a particular emphasis on partial differential equations (PDEs) and their applications in various physical systems. His work encompasses a wide range of topics including exponential decay phenomena, energy stabilization, and spectral properties of mathematical operators. Through his contributions to journals and books, Dr. Malloug has advanced our understanding of polynomial stabilizability, energy decay in waveguides, and stabilization of hyperbolic equations. His expertise lies at the intersection of theoretical mathematics and practical applications, making significant strides in modeling and controlling dynamical systems. 🌟