Selver Bezgin | Psychiatric nursing | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Selver Bezgin | Psychiatric nursing | Best Researcher Award

Assistant Professor, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey

Selver Karaaslan is an Assistant Professor at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, specializing in mental health nursing, gender equality, and psychosomatic health. 🌍 She has contributed to national research projects and supervised graduate theses on psychological resilience and childhood trauma. 🧠 With a commitment to improving public health and mental well-being, her research and teaching have greatly impacted the healthcare community.

Publication Profile



PhD in Nursing, 2020, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. Master’s Degree in Public Health, 2015  Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, 2001.  Doctoral thesis: “The Impact of Gender Perception on Men’s Views on Domestic Violence.”  Master’s thesis: “Parasitic Contamination in Parks and Beaches via Dog Hair.”

Experience 💼 

Assistant Professor, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University (2020-Present).   Lecturer, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University (2005-2020).  Supervisor, Graduate theses on mental health and resilience. Researcher in national healthcare and psychology projects.

Awards and Honors 🏅

Scientific Research Project Awards.  Member, Psychiatric Nurses Association. Member, University’s Ethics Committee.  Board Member, Van Health Sciences Journal.

Research Focus 🧠

Childhood trauma, psychosomatic health, and psychological resilience.  Gender perception and its impact on mental health.  Parasitic contamination in environmental spaces. Mental health in aging populations. Cultural intelligence and compassion in healthcare professionals.

Publication Top Notes  

  • Qualitative examination of the attitudes of healthcare workers in Turkey regarding COVID‐19 vaccines
    Authors: OS Aci, O Kackin, S Karaaslan, E Ciydem
    Journal: International Journal of Nursing Knowledge
    Volume: 33 (2), Pages: 136-146
    Year: 2022
    Citations: 26
  • The distribution of Pediculus humanus capitis among primary school pupils of the Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Stock Exchange Organisation in Van
    Authors: S Karaaslan, H Yilmaz
    Journal: Türkiye Parazitolojii Dergisi
    Volume: 39 (1), Page: 27
    Year: 2015
    Citations: 14
  • Why Do Nursing and Midwifery Students Choose Their Profession in Turkey?
    Authors: Şİ Güner, S Karaaslan, R Orhun
    Journal: Eastern Journal of Medicine
    Volume: 24 (2)
    Year: 2019
    Citations: 10
  • Hemşirelik ve ebelik öğrencilerinin intramüsküler enjeksiyon uygulamalarının incelenmesi (Study of intramuscular injection practices among nursing and midwifery students)
    Authors: Şİ Güner, S Karaaslan, R Orhun
    Journal: Van Tıp Dergisi
    Volume: 25 (3), Pages: 282-288
    Year: 2018
    Citations: 4
  • The effect of moderate-intensity physical exercise on some serum inflammation markers and the immune system in rats fed intermittent fasting with a high-fat diet
    Authors: N Günbatar, B Bulduk, S Bezgin, G Oto, F Bayıroğlu, M Bulduk
    Journal: Medicina
    Volume: 59 (9), Article: 1687
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 2
  • The Analysis of the Relationship between the Cultural Intelligence and the Feeling of Compassion in the Health Staff
    Authors: Ş Güner, S Karaaslan, S Güner, R Orhun, G Ulay
    Journal: Eastern Journal of Medicine
    Volume: 1 (27)
    Year: 2022
    Citations: 2
  • Domestic violence: views of married men and factors affecting violence
    Authors: S Bezgin, S Buzlu
    Journal: Journal of Community Health Nursing
    Volume: 40 (3), Pages: 207-218
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 1
  • Gender Mainstreaming Role Preferences and Perceptions of University Students Enrolled at Van School of Health
    Authors: S Karaaslan, HG Sahin, R Orhun, N Günbatar, A Yeşilova, CT Erden
    Journal: Eastern Journal of Medicine
    Volume: 26 (4)
    Year: 2021
    Citations: 1
  • Van’da Çalışan Ebe ve Hemşirelerin İş Memnuniyet Düzeylerinin Araştırılması (Research on job satisfaction levels of midwives and nurses working in Van)
    Authors: S Karaaslan, HG Şahin, S Keskin, N Günbatar, E Akyiğit
    Journal: Van Tıp Dergisi
    Volume: 23 (2), Pages: 191-197
    Year: 2016
    Citations: 1
  • Can the Public Image of Nursing Be Improved via the Use of Photographs As a Symbolic Language?
    Authors: S Bezgin, Şİ Güner, S Buzlu, S Güner, R Orhun
    Journal: Eastern Journal of Medicine
    Volume: 28 (4)
    Year: 2023
    Citations: N/A
  • The prevalence and the determinants of contraceptive use among men and women in eastern Turkey
    Authors: S Karaaslan, HG Sahin, A Yesilova, N Gunbatar, S Keskin, R Orhun, et al.
    Year: 2017
  • Pandemi Sürecinde Toplumun Hemşirelik İmajı ve İlişkili Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: Kesitsel Araştırma (Determining the nursing image and related factors in the pandemic process: A cross-sectional study)
    Authors: S BEZGİN, G SOYCAN, et al.
    Year: N/A


Dr. Selver Karaaslan has demonstrated impressive research skills, leadership in academia, and a strong commitment to advancing mental health care and nursing. Her active role in national projects, research supervision, and professional memberships highlights her contributions to the academic and healthcare communities. However, to elevate her candidacy for the Best Researcher Award, Karaaslan would benefit from expanding her international collaborations, increasing high-impact journal publications, and diversifying her research scope to embrace interdisciplinary approaches. With these improvements, she would undoubtedly stand out as a leading figure in psychiatric nursing and healthcare research.