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Assoc Prof Dr. Yunan Yang | Wetland ecosystem restoration | Women Researcher Award

asociate professor, Beihang University, China

Yunan Yang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering at Beihang University. His research focuses on wetland ecosystem restoration and the efficient development of functional microorganisms. Yunan has made significant contributions to understanding and addressing environmental challenges related to mangrove ecosystems and saline-alkali land.



Education 🎓

Yunan obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2000.

Experience 🏛️

Yunan Yang has been serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering at Beihang University since July 2002. Prior to this, he was a Visiting Scholar at Oregon State University from May 2007 to May 2008. His early career included a post-doctorate position at the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, from September 2000 to June 2002. This diverse experience has greatly contributed to his expertise in wetland ecosystem restoration and the development of functional microorganisms.

Research Interest 🌿

Yunan’s research includes wetland ecosystem restoration, focusing on mangrove wetlands and saline-alkali land conversion, as well as the development of functional microorganisms for environmental applications. His work aims to provide theoretical and practical support for ecosystem restoration and pollution control.

Publications Top Notes 📚

Y.N. Yang*, X.Y. Liu, Y.G. Lin, The organic acid environmental capacity of mangrove ecosystem in Dongzhai harbor, Hainan, China (2024, Marine Pollution Bulletin) – link

Jiaomei Liu, Xiangfei Xue, Zhengxing Qin, Yunan Yang*, Jie Liang*, Aromatic bio-oil production from corn stover by FAU + MFI dual-catalyst catalytic fast pyrolysis: A study of two catalyst parameters (2024, Fuel) – link

Yunan Yang*, Nan Zhou, Xinyu Liu, The Toxic Effects of Strong Chlorin Disinfectant on Mangroves and Emission Thresholds (2024, Open Journal of Ecology) –  link

Myat Thiri, Yunan Yang*, Review on Possible Factors for Outbreak of Wood Boring Isopod, Sphaeroma spp. Which Causes Destructive Impact on Mangrove Forest in China (2022, Open Journal of Ecology) –  link

Xia Dan, Vaye Oliver, Yang Yunan, Zhang Haoteng, Sun Yifei, Spatial distributions, source apportionment and ecological risks of C-9-C-17 chlorinated paraffins in mangrove sediments from Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan Island (2021, Environmental Pollution) – link







Yunan Yang | Wetland ecosystem restoration | Women Researcher Award

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