Ferede Abuye Jeldu | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu, Mettu University, Ethiopia

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu: A Suitable Candidate for the Best Researcher Award

Publication profile

Google Scholar

Academic Background 🎓

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu holds a PhD in Climate Change and Bioenergy Development from Hawassa University, Ethiopia, completed in July 2024. He also possesses a Master’s degree in Environmental Science from Ambo University (2015) and a Bachelor’s degree in Forest Management and Utilization from Hawassa University (2011). His educational qualifications provide a solid foundation for his research in climate change, bioenergy, and forest management.

Professional Experience 🌳

Dr. Jeldu has extensive experience in academia and research. He has served as a lecturer and head of the Department of Forestry at Mettu University (2018-2019) and as a lecturer and researcher at Assosa University (2016-2017). His experience extends to practical roles, including working as a lumberman and forest utilization expert at the Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise. These roles have equipped him with valuable insights into both academic and field-based forestry practices.

Training and Certifications 🏅

Dr. Jeldu has participated in numerous professional training programs and certifications. Notably, he received a certificate of service from the African Forest Forum for sharing insights on forest and tree-based ecosystem services for climate change resilience. He has also been recognized by the UN-REDD Program for his contributions to environmental impact assessment and environmental auditing. His active involvement in environmental education is evident in his leadership of training programs for local farmers on climate variability.

Research Grants and Fellowships 💼

Dr. Jeldu’s research endeavors are supported by prestigious fellowships and grants, including the IPCC 6th Round Scholarships Programme and the African Forest Forum Research Fellowship fund. These awards underscore his commitment to advancing knowledge in climate change and sustainable forestry.

Skills and Expertise 🧑‍💻

Dr. Jeldu is proficient in collecting and analyzing climate, vegetation, and soil data, as well as conducting forest inventory assessments. His technical skills extend to the use of GIS applications for forest resource assessment and proficiency in statistical software such as R, SPSS, and FDiversity. These skills are vital for conducting comprehensive environmental and forestry research.

Publication Top Notes

  • 🌾 “Climate Change Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers: The Case of Bedele District, Bunno Bedele Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia” – FA Jeldu, A Ochocho, AL Duguma, Cited by: 4, Year: 2023
  • 🌳 “The Role of Forest Information in Addressing Climate Change: REDD+, NDCs, Enhanced Transparency Framework, and Ecosystem Restoration” – FA Jeldu, Mettu University,

Conclusion 🏆

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu’s extensive academic background, professional experience, and active involvement in research and training make him a highly suitable candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His dedication to climate change mitigation, forest management, and community education aligns with the award’s objectives, showcasing his potential for significant contributions to the field.

YOGENDRA KUMARGAUTAM | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. YOGENDRA KUMARGAUTAM | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. YOGENDRA KUMARGAUTAM, Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut, India

Based on Dr. Yogendra Kumar Gautam’s profile, he appears to be a strong candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. Here’s a detailed assessment formatted in paragraphs

Publication profile

Educational Background

Dr. Yogendra Kumar Gautam has a robust educational foundation in materials science and physics. He earned his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee in 2013 with a thesis on “Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Effect on Selected Nanostructured Coatings.” His M.Tech. in Solid State Materials from IIT Delhi (2007) and M.Sc. in Physics (Electronics) from Chaudhary Charan Singh University (2004) further underline his expertise in experimental physics and material science.

Academic and Professional Experience

With over 11 years of experience, Dr. Gautam has served as an Assistant Professor at Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCSU) since 2015, currently holding a Senior Scale position. His earlier roles include Assistant Professor at Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology and Research Associate at IIT Roorkee. His research focuses on energy and environmental remediation, including nanostructured materials for hydrogen storage and sensors, which aligns well with cutting-edge research in energy technologies.

Research and Technical Skills

Dr. Gautam’s research spans several high-impact areas, including hydrogen and toxic gas sensors, supercapacitors, and solar cells. His expertise in experimental techniques such as DC/RF magnetron sputtering, pulse laser deposition, and various microscopy methods highlights his capability to advance material science. He has handled significant research projects funded by esteemed agencies like the Council of Higher Education, Government of UP, and UGC, demonstrating his leadership in securing and managing research funding.

Teaching and Supervision

Dr. Gautam has a comprehensive teaching portfolio covering renewable energy, material science, and advanced physics topics. He has supervised numerous Ph.D., M.Phil., and M.Sc. students, guiding research in areas such as nanostructured coatings and gas sensors. His involvement in research supervision underscores his commitment to mentoring the next generation of researchers.

Research Projects

He has successfully managed several research projects, including the development of metal hydride thin films and chemiresistive gas sensors, with substantial funding from various research grants. These projects not only contribute to fundamental scientific knowledge but also have practical applications in energy storage and environmental monitoring.

Publication Top Notes

  • Facile green synthesis and applications of silver nanoparticles: a state-of-the-art reviewRSC Advances 9, 34926-48 (269 citations, 2019) 🌿🔬
  • Structural, optical and thermoelectric properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared by spray pyrolysisSurfaces and Interfaces 19, 100504 (84 citations, 2020) 🧪✨
  • Nanostructured metal oxide semiconductor-based sensors for greenhouse gas detection: Progress and challengesRoyal Society Open Science 8 (3), 201324 (78 citations, 2021) 🌍📉
  • Fast and reversible hydrogen sensing properties of Pd/Mg thin film modified by hydrophobic porous silicon substrateSensors and Actuators B: Chemical 213, 252-260 (54 citations, 2015) 🚀🔬
  • A study on structural, optical and hydrophobic properties of oblique angle sputter deposited HfO2 filmsApplied Surface Science 283, 332-338 (54 citations, 2013) 🧪📊
  • Effect of Co and Mn doping on the morphological, optical and magnetic properties of CuO nanostructuresSolid State Sciences 106, 106296 (53 citations, 2020) 🧲🔍
  • Experimental investigation of Co and Fe-Doped CuO nanostructured electrode material for remarkable electrochemical performanceCeramics International 47 (2), 2094-2106 (45 citations, 2021) ⚛️🔋
  • A room temperature hydrogen sensor based on Pd–Mg alloy and multilayers prepared by magnetron sputteringInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (45), 15549-15555 (44 citations, 2015) 🔬🧪
  • Metal oxide nanomaterial-based sensors for monitoring environmental NO2 and its impact on the plant ecosystem: A reviewSensors & Diagnostics 1 (1), 106-129 (41 citations, 2022) 🌿🔍
  • Hydrogen absorption and optical properties of Pd/Mg thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputteringInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (4), 3772-3778 (34 citations, 2012) 🧪💡
  • Enhancement in the sensitivity and selectivity of Cu functionalized MoS2 nanoworm thin films for nitrogen dioxide gas sensorMaterials Research Bulletin 150, 111784 (30 citations, 2022) 📈🔬
  • Sputter deposited crystalline V2O5, WO3 and WO3/V2O5 multi-layers for optical and electrochemical applicationsApplied Surface Science 536, 147804 (28 citations, 2021) 🧪🔬
  • Studies on hydrogen sensing properties of nanostructured Pd and Pd/Mg thin films prepared by pulsed laser depositionSensors and Actuators B: Chemical 176, 453-459 (27 citations, 2013) 🚀🔬
  • Hydrogenation of Pd-capped Mg thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputteringApplied Surface Science 257 (14), 6291-6295 (27 citations, 2011) 🔬🧪
  • Sputter-Grown Pd-Capped CuO Thin Films for a Highly Sensitive and Selective Hydrogen Gas SensorJournal of Electronic Materials 50, 192-200 (21 citations, 2021) 🌟🔋
  • Hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of Pd/Mg/Pd tri-layers prepared by magnetron sputteringSurface and Coatings Technology 237, 450-455 (16 citations, 2013) 🧪🔬
  • Structural, optical and antimicrobial properties of pure and Ag-doped ZnO nanostructuresJournal of Semiconductors 43 (3), 032802 (15 citations, 2022) 🌟🔬
  • Surface functionalized silver-doped ZnO nanocatalyst: a sustainable cooperative catalytic, photocatalytic and antibacterial platform for waste treatmentNanoscale Advances 5 (3), 805-819 (14 citations, 2023) 🌿♻️
  • Room temperature photoluminescence and spectroscopic ellipsometry of reactive co-sputtered Cu-doped ZnO thin filmsOptik 257, 168860 (11 citations, 2022) 💡🔬
  • Applications of green nanomaterials in coatingsGreen Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications, 107-152 (11 citations, 2022) 🌱🔬


Dr. Yogendra Kumar Gautam’s extensive research experience, significant contributions to material science, and effective supervision of emerging researchers make him a highly suitable candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award.



Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay, Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, Mexico

Dr. Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay appears to be a strong candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. His extensive background in water technology, limnology, and environmental management, combined with his significant contributions to academia through teaching and research, positions him as a leading figure in his field.

Publication profile

Research Contributions:

Over three decades of experience in limnology, aquatic ecology, and environmental impact assessments. His work is well-documented through numerous international journal articles, book chapters, and technical reports.

Project Leadership:

Managed several important environmental and water conservation projects, showcasing his ability to lead and innovate in applied research.

Teaching and Mentorship:

His academic career spans teaching at various prestigious institutions and mentoring students at different levels, reflecting his commitment to knowledge transfer and capacity building.


Dr. Banderas Tarabay has authored several books and chapters on key topics such as environmental flows and catchment management, further demonstrating his expertise and thought leadership in his domain.

  • The environmental added value of water: A proposal


Considering these factors, Dr. Banderas Tarabay’s qualifications, experience, and contributions align well with the criteria for the Research for Best Researcher Award. His work has a lasting impact on both the academic community and practical environmental management, making him a suitable and deserving candidate for the award.




Timothy Husting | Environmental Science | Young Scientist Award

Mr. Timothy Husting | Environmental Science | Young Scientist Award

Mr. Timothy Husting, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany

Based on Timothy Husting’s academic and professional background, he appears to be a suitable candidate for the Research for Young Scientist Award. Below is a conclusion with each title paragraph format:

Publication profile


Academic and Professional Education

Timothy completed his Master’s degree in Environmental Science from the Technical University of Braunschweig with a thesis focused on the statistical modeling of carbon flux using machine learning, achieving an impressive grade of 1.3. His Bachelor’s degree, also from the same institution, centered on the water balance and export of dissolved organic carbon in a raised bog grassland, where he earned a grade of 1.7. Currently, he is engaged in digital peatland research at the Fraunhofer Institute for Geographical Data Processing (IGD), showcasing his dedication to advancing environmental science.

Practical Experience

Timothy has extensive experience as a research assistant at the Thünen-Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, where he contributed to the “Organic soils” research group. His work included field campaigns, sample preparation, and data processing, demonstrating his hands-on expertise in climate-smart agricultural practices.

Other Activities

His volunteer work, ranging from a food bank in Greifswald to organizing social events, reflects his commitment to community service. Additionally, Timothy’s involvement in the study group Ecology in Braunschweig and organizing Social Day events highlights his leadership and collaborative skills.

Further Education

Timothy’s commitment to continuous learning is evident through his further education efforts, including a drone pilot license, workshops in project management, and specialized GIS training for environmental engineers. These qualifications enhance his research capabilities and project management skills.

Personal Interests

Outside of his professional life, Timothy enjoys sports such as jogging, basketball, soccer, and snowboarding. He also engages in cooking, music, and board games, indicating a well-rounded personality and strong work-life balance.


Timothy Husting’s comprehensive academic background, extensive practical experience, community service, technical proficiency, multilingual abilities, and commitment to continuous learning make him an exemplary candidate for the Research for Young Scientist Award. His dedication to environmental science, particularly in the areas of carbon flux modeling and peatland research, positions him as a promising young scientist with the potential to make significant contributions to the field.


Publication Top Notes

Peng Cui | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Peng Cui | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Peng Cui, Northeast Forestry University, China

Prof. Dr. Peng Cui 🏛️ is a distinguished academic with a PhD in Architecture from Harbin Institute of Technology and National University of Singapore. Currently a Professor and PhD Supervisor in Urban and Rural Planning at the College of Landscape Architecture, Northeast Forestry University, he focuses on low-carbon sustainable urban development, green urban design, and building energy simulation & control. Dr. Cui has authored 3 textbooks and 2 monographs, led 7 National Natural Science Foundation projects in China, and secured ongoing research funding of USD 200,000. He has published 23 SCI-indexed papers, with notable contributions to sustainable cities and environmental design. 🌿📚

Publication profile


🎓 Education and Academic Roles

Professor Peng Cui holds a PhD in Architecture from Harbin Institute of Technology and National University of Singapore. He is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Landscape Architecture and a Professor in Urban and Rural Planning at the College of Landscape Architecture, Northeast Forestry University.

📚 Publications and Achievements

Prof. Cui has authored 3 textbooks and 2 monographs. He has published 23 SCI-indexed papers, including in top-tier journals like Sustainable Cities and Society and Building and Environment.

Research focus

Peng Cui’s research primarily focuses on urban climate and environmental design, particularly in cold regions like Northeast China. His studies explore the impacts of urban green spaces, street design, and building morphology on local climate variables such as land surface temperature (LST), urban heat islands (UHI), and air quality. His work often employs advanced methods like gradient boosted regression trees and optimization algorithms to assess and improve urban microclimates. Key areas of interest include sustainable urban design, energy consumption, and environmental comfort in extreme climates. 🌳🏙️🌡️

Publication top notes

Assessing the effects of urban green spaces metrics and spatial structure on LST and carbon sinks in Harbin, a cold region city in China

Effect of street design on UHI and energy consumption based on vegetation and street aspect ratio: Taking Harbin as an example

Assessing the Effects of Urban Morphology Parameters on PM2.5 Distribution in Northeast China Based on Gradient Boosted Regression Trees Method

[Retracted] A Study on Nonvisual Effects of Natural Light Environment in a Maternity Ward of a Hospital in Cold Area

Research on Acoustic Environment in the Building of Nursing Homes Based on Sound Preference of the Elderly People: A Case Study in Harbin, China

A Sustainable Design Strategy Based on Building Morphology to Improve the Microclimate of University Campuses in Cold Regions of China Using an Optimization Algorithm

Study on the Effect of Streets’ Space Forms on Campus Microclimate in the Severe Cold Region of China—Case Study of a University Campus in Daqing City

Impact of urban morphology on outdoor air temperature and microclimate optimization strategy base on Pareto optimality in Northeast China

Study of the Cooling Effects of Urban Green Space in Harbin in Terms of Reducing the Heat Island Effect

Assessing the Effects of Urban Morphology Parameters on Microclimate in Singapore to Control the Urban Heat Island Effect

Lev Eppelbaum | Environmental Science | Academic Impactful Innovation Award

Lev Eppelbaum | Environmental Science | Academic Impactful Innovation Award

Prof Dr Lev Eppelbaum Tel Aviv University Israel

Dr. Lev Eppelbaum is a distinguished geophysicist with extensive academic and research experience. He obtained his MSc in Geophysics from Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (1982) and his PhD from the All-Union Geophysical Institute (1989). His postdoctoral studies at Tel Aviv University focused on geophysical field interpretation in the Dead Sea Rift region (1993). He has held various prestigious positions, including Senior Researcher and Research Professor, contributing significantly to geophysical and planetary sciences. Currently, he serves as a professor at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, specializing in geophysics and earth sciences. His work has profound implications in oil and gas exploration and planetary studies. 🌋🔬📚

Publication profile

google scholar


From 1977 to 1982, the individual attended the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry in Baku, Azerbaijan, where they earned a Master of Science (MSc) in Geophysics in 1982. They then pursued a PhD in Geophysics from 1985 to 1989 at the All-Union Geophysical Institute, Southern Department in Baku, in collaboration with the Institute of Geophysics, Georgian Academy of Sciences in Tbilisi, and the Moscow Mining Academy, receiving their degree in 1989. Furthering their studies, they completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Geophysics & Planetary Sciences at Tel Aviv University from 1991 to 1993, focusing on the interpretation and modeling of potential geophysical fields in the Dead Sea Rift region 📚🌍🎓.


📅 From 1977 to 1982, worked as a Technician and Senior Technician at the All-Union Geological Institute of Geophysics and Non-Ferrous & Rare Metals, Baku, Azerbaijan, focusing on summer seasons. 🌍 Between September 1982 and July 1983, served as a Geophysicist at the same institute. 💼 From July 1983 to March 1988, held the position of Researcher in Gravity & Magnetics at the All-Union Geophysical Institute. 📊 From March 1988 to December 1990, worked as a Senior Researcher. ✨ Between July 1991 and April 1995, was a Researcher in Geophysical, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Tel Aviv University, Israel. 🔬 Subsequently, held various roles including Senior Researcher, Senior Lecturer, and Research Professor until 2005. 🎓 From October 2020, serves as an Honorary Professor at Azerbaijan State Oil & Industry University.

International Awards

🌟 The Christian Huygens Medal of the European Geosciences Union (2018-2019) was awarded for a series of significant contributions in geophysics. 📚 The recipient’s scholarly impact is remarkable, boasting 6,589 citations and an h-index of 43 on Google Scholar. 📊 On ResearchGate, their work has garnered 226,200 downloads, 760 recommendations, and a research interest score of 3,957, reflecting their extensive influence in the field. 🌍 Their achievements underscore a profound dedication to advancing geophysical sciences. 🏅

Academic and professional  Awards

From 1981 to 1983, Lev Eppelbaum worked with the Ministry of Geology of the USSR on integrating surface and underground geophysical observations in the Belokan-Zakatal ore field, and conducted combined interpretations of geophysical fields in gold-bearing deposits of the Lesser Caucasus. 🏔️🔍 Between 1983 and 1984, he focused on geophysical analysis in the Saatly SuperDeep well area with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 🏞️ From 1984 to 1987, he developed methods for interpreting potential geophysical fields for the Ministry of Geology. Between 1986 and 1987, Eppelbaum conducted integrated geophysical investigations of the Middle Kur Depression for hydrocarbon prospecting. 🛢️📊 Throughout 1985 to 1989, he was involved in modeling and zonation in Azerbaijan, and interpreting fields in polymetallic and gold deposits in the Lesser and Greater Caucasus. 🔬⚒️ In 1989-1990, he worked on physical-geological substantiation and quantitative interpretation of geophysical data across the Azerbaijan-Caspian Sea-Western Turkmenistan geotraverse. 🌍📈 From 1991 to 1996 in Israel, he advanced interpretations of potential fields, developed software for 3D modeling in the Dead Sea Rift, and investigated the Eastern Mediterranean’s deep structure. 🌊🇮🇱 He also worked on quantitative interpretation procedures and applied modern techniques in archaeological sites. 🏛️🧩

Research focus

Dr. L. Eppelbaum, renowned for his contributions in applied geothermics and interpretation of geophysical fields in complex environments, specializes in thermal properties of rocks, fluid densities, and crustal structures in the Levant Basin and eastern Mediterranean. His research emphasizes integrating geophysical data to understand subsurface structures and tectonic processes, crucial for energy exploration and geological hazard assessment. 🌍 Eppelbaum’s work bridges theoretical insights with practical applications, addressing challenges in salt tectonics and crustal evolution along the Dead Sea Transform and Levant continental margin, advancing geoscience’s understanding of regional geological dynamics.

publication top notes

Applied geothermics

Crustal structure of the Levant Basin, eastern Mediterranean

Thermal properties of rocks and density of fluids

Interpretation of geophysical fields in complicated environments

The Levantine Basin—crustal structure and origin

TOPO-EUROPE: The geoscience of coupled deep Earth-surface processes

The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform

The structure, isostasy and gravity field of the Levant continental margin and the southeast Mediterranean area

Geology and evolution of the southern Dead Sea fault with emphasis on subsurface structure

Salt tectonics off northern Israel