Ferede Abuye Jeldu | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu, Mettu University, Ethiopia

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu: A Suitable Candidate for the Best Researcher Award

Publication profile

Google Scholar

Academic Background 🎓

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu holds a PhD in Climate Change and Bioenergy Development from Hawassa University, Ethiopia, completed in July 2024. He also possesses a Master’s degree in Environmental Science from Ambo University (2015) and a Bachelor’s degree in Forest Management and Utilization from Hawassa University (2011). His educational qualifications provide a solid foundation for his research in climate change, bioenergy, and forest management.

Professional Experience 🌳

Dr. Jeldu has extensive experience in academia and research. He has served as a lecturer and head of the Department of Forestry at Mettu University (2018-2019) and as a lecturer and researcher at Assosa University (2016-2017). His experience extends to practical roles, including working as a lumberman and forest utilization expert at the Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise. These roles have equipped him with valuable insights into both academic and field-based forestry practices.

Training and Certifications 🏅

Dr. Jeldu has participated in numerous professional training programs and certifications. Notably, he received a certificate of service from the African Forest Forum for sharing insights on forest and tree-based ecosystem services for climate change resilience. He has also been recognized by the UN-REDD Program for his contributions to environmental impact assessment and environmental auditing. His active involvement in environmental education is evident in his leadership of training programs for local farmers on climate variability.

Research Grants and Fellowships 💼

Dr. Jeldu’s research endeavors are supported by prestigious fellowships and grants, including the IPCC 6th Round Scholarships Programme and the African Forest Forum Research Fellowship fund. These awards underscore his commitment to advancing knowledge in climate change and sustainable forestry.

Skills and Expertise 🧑‍💻

Dr. Jeldu is proficient in collecting and analyzing climate, vegetation, and soil data, as well as conducting forest inventory assessments. His technical skills extend to the use of GIS applications for forest resource assessment and proficiency in statistical software such as R, SPSS, and FDiversity. These skills are vital for conducting comprehensive environmental and forestry research.

Publication Top Notes

  • 🌾 “Climate Change Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers: The Case of Bedele District, Bunno Bedele Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia” – FA Jeldu, A Ochocho, AL Duguma, Cited by: 4, Year: 2023
  • 🌳 “The Role of Forest Information in Addressing Climate Change: REDD+, NDCs, Enhanced Transparency Framework, and Ecosystem Restoration” – FA Jeldu, Mettu University,

Conclusion 🏆

Dr. Ferede Abuye Jeldu’s extensive academic background, professional experience, and active involvement in research and training make him a highly suitable candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His dedication to climate change mitigation, forest management, and community education aligns with the award’s objectives, showcasing his potential for significant contributions to the field.

Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay, Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, Mexico

Dr. Alfonso Guillermo Banderas Tarabay appears to be a strong candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. His extensive background in water technology, limnology, and environmental management, combined with his significant contributions to academia through teaching and research, positions him as a leading figure in his field.

Publication profile

Research Contributions:

Over three decades of experience in limnology, aquatic ecology, and environmental impact assessments. His work is well-documented through numerous international journal articles, book chapters, and technical reports.

Project Leadership:

Managed several important environmental and water conservation projects, showcasing his ability to lead and innovate in applied research.

Teaching and Mentorship:

His academic career spans teaching at various prestigious institutions and mentoring students at different levels, reflecting his commitment to knowledge transfer and capacity building.


Dr. Banderas Tarabay has authored several books and chapters on key topics such as environmental flows and catchment management, further demonstrating his expertise and thought leadership in his domain.

  • The environmental added value of water: A proposal


Considering these factors, Dr. Banderas Tarabay’s qualifications, experience, and contributions align well with the criteria for the Research for Best Researcher Award. His work has a lasting impact on both the academic community and practical environmental management, making him a suitable and deserving candidate for the award.




Santona Khatun | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Santona Khatun | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Dr. Santona Khatun is a passionate environmental scientist with a focus on biogeochemistry. Currently a Junior Lecturer at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Dr. Khatun’s research delves into the dynamics of methane and carbon-nitrogen interactions within aquatic ecosystems. With a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Science from the University of Yamanashi, Japan, she has contributed extensively to our understanding of methane production in freshwater lakes. Her work spans continents, including significant projects in Japan, Bangladesh, and Switzerland, making her a key figure in environmental and biogeochemical studies.

Publication Profile

Strengths for the Award

  1. Diverse Research Experience: Dr. Santona Khatun has significant interdisciplinary research experience, particularly in biogeochemistry, environmental science, and microbial ecology. Her projects range from investigating methane dynamics in lakes to studying the biogeochemical impact of methane seeps in the Arctic. This breadth of experience positions her as a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award.
  2. High-Impact Publications: Dr. Khatun has multiple publications in reputable journals, including ongoing research that addresses critical environmental issues such as methane emissions and global climate change. Her work has contributed valuable insights into the complex interactions between microbial communities and their ecosystems.
  3. Awards and Grants: She has received several prestigious awards and grants, including a postdoctoral fellowship in Geoscience and funding from the University of Lausanne. These recognitions underscore the quality and impact of her research.
  4. Supervisory Experience: Dr. Khatun has experience in supervising Ph.D. and Bachelor’s students, indicating her leadership in research and commitment to nurturing the next generation of scientists.
  5. International Collaborations: Her work in various countries (Switzerland, Japan, Bangladesh) and participation in international conferences highlight her ability to collaborate globally and contribute to the international scientific community.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Focused Research Output: While Dr. Khatun’s research is diverse, focusing on a specific niche within her interdisciplinary field could strengthen her application. Concentrated efforts on producing high-impact publications in a specialized area might enhance her recognition.
  2. Increased Networking and Collaboration: Expanding her network by collaborating with more diverse institutions and researchers outside her current affiliations could broaden the impact of her work and lead to more joint publications and projects.
  3. Visibility and Outreach: Increasing her visibility through public science communication, participating in more international forums, and engaging in outreach activities could further establish her as a thought leader in her field.


🎓 Education:

Dr. Khatun earned her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Science in Nature, Biotic, and Social Environmental Engineering from the University of Yamanashi, Japan, in 2020, under the supervision of Dr. Tomoya Iwata. She also holds an M.S. in Interdisciplinary Science in Sustainable Society Studies (2016) from the same university. Before her time in Japan, she completed an M.S. in Environmental Science (2012) and a B.S. Honours (2011) in Soil, Water, and Environment from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, where she was mentored by Dr. AHM Mustafizur Rahman and Dr. SM Imamul Haq, respectively.

💼 Experience:

Dr. Khatun has a diverse professional background. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Lausanne’s Geopolies (Lakes group) in Switzerland, where she has been working since September 2022. Prior to this, she served as a Project Advisor at the Environment and Social Development Organization (March-September 2022) and a Research Associate at the University of Dhaka (November 2020-March 2022). Her experience reflects a strong commitment to understanding and addressing environmental challenges across different geographical regions.

🔬 Research Focus:

Dr. Khatun’s research focuses on biogeochemistry, specifically the biogeochemical cycling of methane and carbon-nitrogen dynamics in freshwater ecosystems. Her work includes groundbreaking studies on the spatio-temporal variability of microbial communities and the factors influencing methane production in lakes. She is particularly interested in the aerobic production of methane by phytoplankton and its implications for global climate change. Her research has significant implications for understanding environmental changes in both natural and managed ecosystems.

🏅 Awards and Honours:

Dr. Khatun’s work has earned her several prestigious awards and grants. She received a Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in Geoscience from the University of Lausanne in 2022. In the same year, she was also granted the Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) Grant under the COST Action CA21112 in Norway and Sweden. Her academic excellence was recognized earlier with a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for both her Master’s and Doctoral degrees, along with multiple awards for outstanding research presentations at various international conferences.

📚 Publications (Top Notes):

“High-resolution metalimnetic methane dynamics in a temperate lake.” Limnology and Oceanography Letters (2024) | Link to Journal | Cited by: TBD

“Spatio-temporal variability of microbial communities reveals the carbon-nitrogen dynamics in lake ecosystems.” Microbes (2024) | Link to Journal | Cited by: TBD

“Long-range transport of littoral methane explains the metalimnetic methane peak in a large lake.” Limnology and Oceanography, 3(34), 73-97 (2024) | Link to Journal | Cited by: 15

“Aerobic methane production by eukaryotic green algae in freshwater ecosystems.” (In Progress for Publication) | Link to Journal | Cited by: TBD

“Detection of Endocrine Disruptor Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S in Bangladeshi Thermal Paper Receipts.” Environmental Science Processes, 20(1), 1 (2022) | Link to Journal | Cited by: 10

“Linking stoichiometric organic carbon-nitrogen relationships to planktonic cyanobacteria and subsurface methane maximum in deep freshwater lakes.” Water, 12, 402 (2020) | Link to Journal | Cited by: 25

“Aerobic methane production by planktonic microbes in lakes.” Science of the Total Environment, 696, 133916 (2019) | Link to Journal | Cited by: 35


Dr. Santona Khatun is a highly qualified candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. Her extensive research in environmental science, coupled with her strong publication record and international experience, makes her a strong contender. With focused efforts on increasing her research output in a specialized niche and expanding her professional network, she can further solidify her position as a leading researcher in her field.



Sly Wongchuig | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Sly Wongchuig | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Postdoctoral Researcher, CNES (Centre National d’Études Spatiales) and LEGOS (Laboratoire d’études en géophysique et océanographie spatiales), France

🌍 Dr. Sly Wongchuig Correa is an accomplished Agricultural Engineer and Water Resources expert hailing from Peru. With a rich academic background and extensive experience across multiple countries, his work focuses on hydrological-hydrodynamic modeling, climate change, and environmental sanitation. Currently, Dr. Wongchuig serves as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, where he continues to make significant contributions to the understanding of global water resources.

Publication Profile

Strengths for the Award:

  1. Diverse Expertise and International Experience: Sly Wongchuig Correa has a robust academic background with degrees in Agricultural Engineering, Water Resources, and Environmental Sanitation. His experience spans multiple countries, including Peru, Brazil, and France, showcasing his global perspective on water resource management and environmental science.
  2. Innovative Research Contributions: His work on large-scale hydrological-hydrodynamic modeling, particularly in developing methodologies for better estimation of spatio-temporal hydrologic variables, is groundbreaking. His research has practical implications for climate change assessment and the understanding of extreme events, which are critical areas in environmental science.
  3. Postdoctoral Achievements: He has completed significant postdoctoral research in high-profile projects like AMANECER and TOSCA-DYBANGO, funded by renowned institutions such as the French government and CNES. His current research on the hydroclimatology of the world’s largest tropical watersheds underscores his continued contribution to high-impact research.
  4. Publications: Sly has an impressive list of publications in prestigious journals, demonstrating his ability to produce high-quality research. His work on hydrological modeling, remote sensing, and climate change impacts is well-cited and respected in the scientific community.
  5. Teaching and Mentorship: His teaching experience across different countries and institutions highlights his commitment to knowledge dissemination and capacity building. This adds another dimension to his profile, making him not only a researcher but also an educator.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Broadening Research Scope: While his focus on hydrology and environmental science is strong, expanding his research to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches or collaborate with other fields (such as socio-economic impacts of environmental change) could enhance his research impact.
  2. Grant Leadership: Although he has been involved in several prestigious projects, leading his own large-scale research grant could further establish his reputation as a leading researcher in his field.
  3. Public Engagement and Communication: Enhancing his visibility in the broader public sphere through outreach, popular science publications, or media engagements could further amplify the societal impact of his research.



🎓 Dr. Wongchuig Correa holds a PhD in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil (2015-2019). He also earned his MSc in Water Resources in Agricultural Systems from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Brazil (2013-2015), and a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from the National Agrarian University (UNALM), Peru (2005-2009). Additionally, he completed an internship in Data Assimilation and SWOT simulation at the Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier (UPS) in France (2017).


💼 Dr. Wongchuig Correa’s professional journey spans various prestigious institutions and research projects. Since October 2023, he has been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the LEGOS laboratory at Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier in France, funded by CNES. Previously, he worked as a Research Engineer at the same laboratory (2022-2023) and as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE) at the University of Grenoble Alpes (2019-2022). His experience also includes engineering consulting roles in both Brazil and Peru.

Research Focus

🔬 Dr. Wongchuig Correa’s research focuses on improving the estimation of spatio-temporal hydrologic variables through large-scale hydrological-hydrodynamic modeling and data assimilation. His work is particularly relevant in the context of climate change, as he has contributed to the understanding of hydrological processes in regions like the Amazon Basin and the Peruvian Andes. His research efforts are aimed at better predicting and managing water resources under changing environmental conditions.

Awards and Honors

🏆 Dr. Wongchuig Correa’s work has been recognized and funded by several esteemed organizations, including the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). His contributions to hydrology and environmental science are widely acknowledged within the scientific community.

Publication Top Notes

📚 Dr. Wongchuig Correa has an impressive portfolio of publications. Some of his most notable works include:

  1. Multi‐Satellite Data Assimilation for Large‐Scale Hydrological‐Hydrodynamic Prediction: Proof of Concept in the Amazon Basin (2024) – Water Resources Research. Cited by 0 articles. DOI:10.1029/2024WR037155
  2. The Andes–Amazon–Atlantic pathway: A foundational hydroclimate system for social–ecological system sustainability (2024) – Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Cited by 0 articles. DOI:10.1073/pnas.2306229121
  3. Improved modeling of Congo’s hydrology for floods and droughts analysis and ENSO teleconnections (2023) – Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. Cited by 0 articles. DOI:10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101563
  4. Changes in the surface and atmospheric water budget due to projected Amazon deforestation: Lessons from a fully coupled model simulation (2023) – Journal of Hydrology. Cited by 0 articles. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130082
  5. Increased floodplain inundation in the Amazon since 1980 (2023) – Environmental Research Letters. Cited by 0 articles. DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/acb9a7


Sly Wongchuig Correa is a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award, given his significant contributions to hydrology, climate change research, and environmental science. His international experience, innovative research, and commitment to teaching make him a well-rounded and deserving nominee. Addressing the areas for improvement, particularly in public engagement and interdisciplinary collaboration, could further solidify his standing as a leading researcher in his field.


Shyam Kumar Thapa | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Shyam Kumar Thapa | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Programme Manager, Zoological Society of London Nepal Office, Nepal

Dr. Shyam Kumar Thapa is a dedicated conservation ecologist with over 10 years of experience managing biodiversity conservation projects in Nepal. His work has focused on preserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable practices to create resilient ecosystems. He excels in collaborating with multidisciplinary teams and local communities to achieve significant positive impacts on conservation. In his leisure time, he enjoys observing environmental changes outdoors, often accompanied by his family.

Publication Profile

Strengths for the Award:

  1. Extensive Experience in Conservation Ecology: Dr. Shyam Kumar Thapa has over a decade of experience in biodiversity conservation, with a focus on managing large-scale conservation projects in Nepal. His ability to work with multidisciplinary teams and local communities to achieve measurable impacts on biodiversity is a significant strength.
  2. Strong Academic Background: Dr. Thapa holds a PhD in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, with research focused on managing subtropical monsoon grasslands for the preservation of flagship species like tigers. His academic credentials are further strengthened by his M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Environmental Science.
  3. Notable Achievements and Contributions: He has successfully managed and executed donor-funded projects, developed project proposals aligned with national and international conservation policies, and contributed to post-disaster management efforts. His work on the Hariyo Ban Programme and various projects in Bardia-Banke Complex are noteworthy.
  4. Publications and Research Contributions: Dr. Thapa has authored multiple peer-reviewed articles in respected journals. His research on grassland management, pyric herbivory, and human-tiger conflicts demonstrates his ability to address complex ecological challenges.
  5. Professional Recognition and Awards: Dr. Thapa has received prestigious grants, including the National Geographic Society’s Explorer Grant and Early Career Grant. His professional affiliations with IUCN and contributions to species monitoring and deer specialist groups underscore his recognition in the field.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Diversification of Research Focus: While Dr. Thapa’s work on grassland management and flagship species is highly commendable, expanding his research focus to include a broader range of ecosystems and species could further enhance his impact and expertise.
  2. Global Collaboration and Networking: Although Dr. Thapa has strong ties to conservation efforts in Nepal, increasing his involvement in international collaborations could broaden his influence and allow for the exchange of innovative ideas and practices.
  3. Leadership in Policy Advocacy: Dr. Thapa could further develop his role in conservation policy advocacy, both at national and international levels. Engaging more actively in policy-making processes and contributing to global conservation frameworks could amplify his contributions.


Dr. Shyam Kumar Thapa is a highly qualified and dedicated conservation ecologist whose extensive experience, strong academic background, and significant contributions to biodiversity conservation make him a strong candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award. His work in Nepal, particularly in managing complex conservation projects and addressing human-wildlife conflicts, showcases his ability to tackle pressing ecological challenges. While there is room for further development in terms of research diversification, global collaboration, and policy advocacy, Dr. Thapa’s achievements and commitment to conservation make him deserving of recognition.


Education 🎓

Dr. Thapa completed his PhD in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands (2017-2023). His PhD thesis, “Deer for the Tiger: Managing Subtropical Monsoon Grasslands for the Preservation of Flagship Species,” highlights his research dedication. He also holds an M.Sc. in Environment Science with a focus on Natural Resource Management (2002-2004) and a B.Sc. in Environment Science (1997-2001) from Kathmandu University, Nepal.

Experience 🌱

Dr. Thapa has held several significant roles in the field of conservation. He is currently a Programme Manager at the Zoological Society of London Nepal Office, where he oversees the planning, implementation, and monitoring of various projects. He has also served as a Senior Conservation Officer and Conservation Officer at the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), where he contributed to project design, execution, and liaising with national and international stakeholders. His earlier roles included managing field offices and community empowerment in the Western Terai Landscape Complex Project.

Research Focus 🔬

Dr. Thapa’s research is centered around wildlife ecology, grassland management, and the conservation of flagship species like the tiger. His work involves integrating the landscape of fear concept into grassland management, investigating the effects of mowing and nutrient input on grazing lawns, and studying postfire regrowth quality in subtropical grasslands. His research aims to balance the needs of wildlife with sustainable habitat management practices.

Awards 🏆

Dr. Thapa has been recognized for his contributions to conservation with several awards, including the National Geographic Society’s Explorer Grant (2020) and Early Career Grant (2017). He also received a Netherlands Fellowship to participate in Project Identification, Development, and Management Training at Maastricht School of Management in 2008.


Integration of the landscape of fear concept in grassland management: An experimental study on subtropical monsoon grasslands in Bardia National Park, Nepal

Fire and forage quality: Postfire regrowth quality and pyric herbivory in subtropical grasslands of Nepal

Data underlying the publication: Forage quality in grazing lawns and tall grasslands in the subtropical region of Nepal and implications for wild herbivores.

Fire and forage quality: post-fire regrowth quality and pyric herbivory in subtropical grasslands of Nepal.

Forage quality in grazing lawns and tall grasslands in the subtropical region of Nepal and implications for wild herbivores

Timothy Husting | Environmental Science | Young Scientist Award

Mr. Timothy Husting | Environmental Science | Young Scientist Award

Mr. Timothy Husting, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany

Based on Timothy Husting’s academic and professional background, he appears to be a suitable candidate for the Research for Young Scientist Award. Below is a conclusion with each title paragraph format:

Publication profile


Academic and Professional Education

Timothy completed his Master’s degree in Environmental Science from the Technical University of Braunschweig with a thesis focused on the statistical modeling of carbon flux using machine learning, achieving an impressive grade of 1.3. His Bachelor’s degree, also from the same institution, centered on the water balance and export of dissolved organic carbon in a raised bog grassland, where he earned a grade of 1.7. Currently, he is engaged in digital peatland research at the Fraunhofer Institute for Geographical Data Processing (IGD), showcasing his dedication to advancing environmental science.

Practical Experience

Timothy has extensive experience as a research assistant at the Thünen-Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, where he contributed to the “Organic soils” research group. His work included field campaigns, sample preparation, and data processing, demonstrating his hands-on expertise in climate-smart agricultural practices.

Other Activities

His volunteer work, ranging from a food bank in Greifswald to organizing social events, reflects his commitment to community service. Additionally, Timothy’s involvement in the study group Ecology in Braunschweig and organizing Social Day events highlights his leadership and collaborative skills.

Further Education

Timothy’s commitment to continuous learning is evident through his further education efforts, including a drone pilot license, workshops in project management, and specialized GIS training for environmental engineers. These qualifications enhance his research capabilities and project management skills.

Personal Interests

Outside of his professional life, Timothy enjoys sports such as jogging, basketball, soccer, and snowboarding. He also engages in cooking, music, and board games, indicating a well-rounded personality and strong work-life balance.


Timothy Husting’s comprehensive academic background, extensive practical experience, community service, technical proficiency, multilingual abilities, and commitment to continuous learning make him an exemplary candidate for the Research for Young Scientist Award. His dedication to environmental science, particularly in the areas of carbon flux modeling and peatland research, positions him as a promising young scientist with the potential to make significant contributions to the field.


Publication Top Notes

Maryam Ghaemi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Maryam Ghaemi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr Maryam Ghaemi, Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, Iran

Dr. Maryam Ghaemi is an esteemed Assistant Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS) and the Head of the Bushehr Oceanography Center since 2017. She holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry from Shiraz University and a B.Sc. in Pure Chemistry from Persian Gulf University. Dr. Ghaemi is a SCOR Visiting Scholar and the Vice-Chair of IOCINDIO. Her research interests include marine chemical ecology, chemical oceanography, and ocean acidification, with numerous publications in high-impact journals. Dr. Ghaemi actively participates in various scientific committees and working groups. 🌊🔬📚

Publication profile

google scholar

Academic Background

Dr. Maryam Ghaemi earned a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (2007-2012) 🎓. Prior to that, they completed an M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry at Shiraz University (2003-2006) 📘. Their academic journey began with a B.Sc. in Pure Chemistry from Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran (1999-2003) 🧪. Dr. [Name]’s extensive education in chemistry laid a strong foundation for their expertise and contributions to the field. 🌟


🌊 Assistant Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS) since 2013, currently serving as Vice-Chair of IOC Sub-Commission for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO) and Head of the Bushehr Oceanography Center. 🧪 Active Member of the ocean science decade working group, Iran Ocean Acidification Observing Network, and Blue Economy Working Group. 📚 Contributions include leading the “Nutrient and Chlorophyll a project” and co-authoring the oceanographic atlas of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. 🎓 Recognition as a SCOR Visiting Scholar in China and a reviewer for ISI Journals.

Research focus

Dr. M. Ghaemi is a distinguished researcher whose work spans various fields of chemistry and environmental science. Their research primarily focuses on nanoparticle synthesis and adsorption studies, particularly involving Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and their modifications for environmental applications, such as removing contaminants from water. Additionally, Dr. Ghaemi has contributed to understanding hypoxia and nutrient distribution in marine environments, synthesis of silver nanoparticles using algae, and the effects of secondhand and thirdhand smoke. Their expertise includes environmental chemistry, nanotechnology, and marine pollution. 🌊🔬🧪

Publication top notes

Study on the adsorption of DNA on Fe3O4 nanoparticles and on ionic liquid-modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles

Adsorption characteristics of Titan yellow and Congo red on CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticle

Fast removal and determination of doxycycline in water samples and honey by Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles

Hypoxia in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz

Spatial distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll a across the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman

Controllable synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Sargassum angostifolium

Secondhand and thirdhand smoke: a review on chemical contents, exposure routes, and protective strategies

Removal of alizarin red and purpurin from aqueous solutions using Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles

Transcriptional responses following seed priming with cold plasma and electromagnetic field in Salvia nemorosa L.

Experimental study on the thermal conductivity of silver nanoparticles synthesized using Sargassum angostifolium


Marco Ruggeri | Sustainability sciences | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Marco Ruggeri | Sustainability sciences | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Marco Ruggeri, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Marco Ruggeri is a distinguished lecturer at Sapienza University of Rome, with expertise in biotechnology, sustainable development, and food sciences. Since 2022, he has been teaching courses on sustainable biotechnology, wine and hospitality quality, and food science. Marco earned his Ph.D. in Management, Banking, and Commodity Sciences in 2022 with honors, focusing on reducing losses and waste in the agri-food supply chain using Industry 4.0 technologies. He also holds a Master’s degree in Technology and Innovation Management, graduating cum laude. His previous role includes serving as an adjunct professor of Commodity Science at Tor Vergata University. 🍇📚🌍


Publication profile

🎓 Education

Marco Ruggeri holds a Ph.D. in “Management, Banking, and Commodity Sciences” from Sapienza University of Rome (2022), a Master’s Degree in “Technology and Innovation Management” (2017), and a Bachelor’s Degree in “Business Administration” (2014).

🏫 Teaching Activities

Since 2022, he has lectured on courses including “Biotecnologie e Sviluppo Sostenibile,” “Innovazione, Qualità e Sostenibilità nella Filiera del Vino e dell’Ospitalità,” and “Scienze dell’alimentazione” at Sapienza University of Rome. He was also an adjunct professor at Tor Vergata University.

Research Focus

Marco Ruggeri’s research primarily centers on sustainability and environmental impact assessment. He extensively uses Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) to evaluate the environmental footprints (carbon, water, energy) of various industries. His work spans food waste management, sustainable nutrition, and the reuse of materials, particularly in Industry 4.0 contexts. Additionally, Ruggeri investigates the applications of IoT, AI, and blockchain in enhancing sustainability. His studies contribute to sectors like food production, energy, and smart cities, promoting sustainable practices and innovative solutions. 🌍📊🍽️🔋🌱


Publication Top Notes

  • Towards social life cycle assessment of food delivery: findings from the Italian case study
    📅 2024 | Journal: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment | DOI: 10.1007/s11367-024-02300-2 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Marco Ruggeri; Mary Giò Zaki; Giuliana Vinci
  • Reuse of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Batteries from a Life Cycle Assessment Perspective: The Second-Life Case Study
    📅 2024-05-24 | Journal: Energies | DOI: 10.3390/en17112544 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Giuliana Vinci; Vittorio Carobene Arangia; Roberto Ruggieri; Marco Savastano; Marco Ruggeri
  • Assessing the Life Cycle Performance in the Metallurgical Sector: A Case Study in Italy
    📅 2023-08-30 | Journal: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9702.0812923 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Giuliana Vinci; Marco Ruggeri; Carlo Barricella
  • Rice Production Chain: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment—A Review
    📅 2023-01-30 | Journal: Agriculture | DOI: 10.3390/agriculture13020340 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Giuliana Vinci; Roberto Ruggieri; Marco Ruggeri; Sabrina Antonia Prencipe
  • Sustainability Assessment of Different Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extraction Methods through a Life Cycle Thinking Approach: Challenges and Opportunities in the Elaio-Technical Sector
    📅 2022-11-25 | Journal: Sustainability | DOI: 10.3390/su142315674 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Donatella Restuccia; Sabrina Antonia Prencipe; Marco Ruggeri; Umile Gianfranco Spizzirri
  • A Comparison of the Mediterranean Diet and Current Food Patterns in Italy: A Life Cycle Thinking Approach for a Sustainable Consumption
    📅 2022-09-27 | Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912274 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Giuliana Vinci; Lucia Maddaloni; Sabrina Antonia Prencipe; Marco Ruggeri; Maria Vittoria Di Loreto
  • Quality and Historical Marks of National Interest: The Italian Case Study
    📅 2022-04 | Journal: Standards | DOI: 10.3390/standards2020009 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Giuliana Vinci; Lucia Maddaloni; Sabrina Antonia Prencipe; Marco Ruggeri
  • The Health of the Water Planet: Challenges and Opportunities in the Mediterranean Area. An Overview
    📅 2021-11-05 | Journal: Earth | DOI: 10.3390/earth2040052 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Giuliana Vinci; Lucia Maddaloni; Leo Mancini; Sabrina Antonia Prencipe; Marco Ruggeri; Margherita Tiradritti
  • An Overview of Graphene Based Application
    📅 2021-06-21 | Book Chapter: New Approaches in Engineering Research Vol. 3 | DOI: 10.9734/bpi/naer/v3/9496d | Cited by:
    Contributor: Marco Ruggeri
  • Sustainable Management of Organic Waste and Recycling for Bioplastics: A LCA Approach for the Italian Case Study
    📅 2021-06-04 | Journal: Sustainability | DOI: 10.3390/su13116385 | Cited by:
    Contributors: Giuliana Vinci; Roberto Ruggieri; Andrea Billi; Carmine Pagnozzi; Maria Vittoria Di Loreto; Marco Ruggeri


Lev Eppelbaum | Environmental Science | Academic Impactful Innovation Award

Lev Eppelbaum | Environmental Science | Academic Impactful Innovation Award

Prof Dr Lev Eppelbaum Tel Aviv University Israel

Dr. Lev Eppelbaum is a distinguished geophysicist with extensive academic and research experience. He obtained his MSc in Geophysics from Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (1982) and his PhD from the All-Union Geophysical Institute (1989). His postdoctoral studies at Tel Aviv University focused on geophysical field interpretation in the Dead Sea Rift region (1993). He has held various prestigious positions, including Senior Researcher and Research Professor, contributing significantly to geophysical and planetary sciences. Currently, he serves as a professor at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, specializing in geophysics and earth sciences. His work has profound implications in oil and gas exploration and planetary studies. 🌋🔬📚

Publication profile

google scholar


From 1977 to 1982, the individual attended the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry in Baku, Azerbaijan, where they earned a Master of Science (MSc) in Geophysics in 1982. They then pursued a PhD in Geophysics from 1985 to 1989 at the All-Union Geophysical Institute, Southern Department in Baku, in collaboration with the Institute of Geophysics, Georgian Academy of Sciences in Tbilisi, and the Moscow Mining Academy, receiving their degree in 1989. Furthering their studies, they completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Geophysics & Planetary Sciences at Tel Aviv University from 1991 to 1993, focusing on the interpretation and modeling of potential geophysical fields in the Dead Sea Rift region 📚🌍🎓.


📅 From 1977 to 1982, worked as a Technician and Senior Technician at the All-Union Geological Institute of Geophysics and Non-Ferrous & Rare Metals, Baku, Azerbaijan, focusing on summer seasons. 🌍 Between September 1982 and July 1983, served as a Geophysicist at the same institute. 💼 From July 1983 to March 1988, held the position of Researcher in Gravity & Magnetics at the All-Union Geophysical Institute. 📊 From March 1988 to December 1990, worked as a Senior Researcher. ✨ Between July 1991 and April 1995, was a Researcher in Geophysical, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Tel Aviv University, Israel. 🔬 Subsequently, held various roles including Senior Researcher, Senior Lecturer, and Research Professor until 2005. 🎓 From October 2020, serves as an Honorary Professor at Azerbaijan State Oil & Industry University.

International Awards

🌟 The Christian Huygens Medal of the European Geosciences Union (2018-2019) was awarded for a series of significant contributions in geophysics. 📚 The recipient’s scholarly impact is remarkable, boasting 6,589 citations and an h-index of 43 on Google Scholar. 📊 On ResearchGate, their work has garnered 226,200 downloads, 760 recommendations, and a research interest score of 3,957, reflecting their extensive influence in the field. 🌍 Their achievements underscore a profound dedication to advancing geophysical sciences. 🏅

Academic and professional  Awards

From 1981 to 1983, Lev Eppelbaum worked with the Ministry of Geology of the USSR on integrating surface and underground geophysical observations in the Belokan-Zakatal ore field, and conducted combined interpretations of geophysical fields in gold-bearing deposits of the Lesser Caucasus. 🏔️🔍 Between 1983 and 1984, he focused on geophysical analysis in the Saatly SuperDeep well area with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 🏞️ From 1984 to 1987, he developed methods for interpreting potential geophysical fields for the Ministry of Geology. Between 1986 and 1987, Eppelbaum conducted integrated geophysical investigations of the Middle Kur Depression for hydrocarbon prospecting. 🛢️📊 Throughout 1985 to 1989, he was involved in modeling and zonation in Azerbaijan, and interpreting fields in polymetallic and gold deposits in the Lesser and Greater Caucasus. 🔬⚒️ In 1989-1990, he worked on physical-geological substantiation and quantitative interpretation of geophysical data across the Azerbaijan-Caspian Sea-Western Turkmenistan geotraverse. 🌍📈 From 1991 to 1996 in Israel, he advanced interpretations of potential fields, developed software for 3D modeling in the Dead Sea Rift, and investigated the Eastern Mediterranean’s deep structure. 🌊🇮🇱 He also worked on quantitative interpretation procedures and applied modern techniques in archaeological sites. 🏛️🧩

Research focus

Dr. L. Eppelbaum, renowned for his contributions in applied geothermics and interpretation of geophysical fields in complex environments, specializes in thermal properties of rocks, fluid densities, and crustal structures in the Levant Basin and eastern Mediterranean. His research emphasizes integrating geophysical data to understand subsurface structures and tectonic processes, crucial for energy exploration and geological hazard assessment. 🌍 Eppelbaum’s work bridges theoretical insights with practical applications, addressing challenges in salt tectonics and crustal evolution along the Dead Sea Transform and Levant continental margin, advancing geoscience’s understanding of regional geological dynamics.

publication top notes

Applied geothermics

Crustal structure of the Levant Basin, eastern Mediterranean

Thermal properties of rocks and density of fluids

Interpretation of geophysical fields in complicated environments

The Levantine Basin—crustal structure and origin

TOPO-EUROPE: The geoscience of coupled deep Earth-surface processes

The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform

The structure, isostasy and gravity field of the Levant continental margin and the southeast Mediterranean area

Geology and evolution of the southern Dead Sea fault with emphasis on subsurface structure

Salt tectonics off northern Israel




Morteza Pourreza | Forest Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Morteza Pourreza | Forest Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Morteza Pourreza, Razi University, Iran

Dr. Morteza Pourreza is an Assistant Professor at Razi University, specializing in forest ecology 🌲. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Natural Resources Engineering from Iranian universities and a Ph.D. in Forest Ecology from Tarbiat Modares University. His research focuses on forest recovery, wildfire effects, and soil quality in the Zagros forests. Dr. Pourreza has been a visiting scholar at The Ohio State University and has extensive teaching experience in ecology and forestry. He has published numerous papers and collaborated on various research projects related to forest management and conservation.

Publication profile

Academic Qualification

🎓 Dr. Morteza Pourreza pursued his academic journey with a B.Sc. in Natural Resources Engineering with a specialization in Forestry from the University of Kurdistan in 2002. He continued his education with an M.Sc. in Natural Resources Engineering, also in Forestry, from the University of Guilan in 2004. Currently a Ph.D. student in Forest Ecology at Tarbiat Modares University since 2014, Dr. Pourreza’s academic trajectory underscores his deep commitment to advancing knowledge in forest ecosystems. His educational background forms a robust foundation for his extensive research in forest ecology and fire management, contributing significantly to the field’s understanding and sustainability efforts.


Teaching experience

👨‍🏫 Dr. Morteza Pourreza’s teaching experience from 2011 to 2017 spans a diverse range of subjects crucial to forestry and environmental sciences. He has imparted knowledge in foundational courses such as Ecology, Forestry, and Silviculture, focusing on the sustainable management and ecological dynamics of forest ecosystems. His expertise extends to specialized topics like Land Evaluation and the study of Soils in arid and semiarid regions, essential for understanding ecosystem resilience. Additionally, he has contributed significantly to Master’s programs, teaching courses in Forest and Environment, Forest Fire Management, and Forest Simulation and Modeling. Through his teaching, Dr. Pourreza has nurtured future environmental leaders and enhanced understanding in critical areas of forest management and conservation.


Research Focus

Dr. Morteza Pourreza’s research focuses primarily on forest ecology and management, with a specialization in the Zagros oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) forests of Iran. His work includes studying the impact of fire severity on soil microbial activity, herbaceous species diversity, and the sustainability of wild pistachio (Pistacia atlantica Desf.) populations. He also investigates spatial patterns of tree species, nutrient dynamics post-fire, and ecological responses in semi-arid woodlands. His research contributes significantly to understanding ecosystem resilience, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable forest management practices in arid and semi-arid regions 🌳🔥🌿.


Publication Top Notes