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Dr.Lal Ji Singh |  Plant Taxonomy | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Lal Ji Singh, M.Sc., M.Ed., D.Phil., NET, FLS, FBS, FAPT, FASA 🌿, is the Additional Director (Scientist-‘F’) & Head at the Botanical Survey of India, ANRC. With a D. Phil. in Botany, he specializes in plant morphology, anatomy, and conservation studies, notably aerial roots in dicots. His groundbreaking work includes describing over 21 taxa, unveiling new additions to Indian Flora, and inventing a reusable, eco-friendly drinking straw 🥤. Recognized by prestigious fellowships and awards, Dr. Singh has contributed significantly to botanical research, taxonomic revisions, and conservation biology. His commitment extends to educating the public and conducting workshops, seminars, and lectures on island biodiversity.

Publication Profile :


Education and qualifications :

Dr. Lal Ji Singh is currently serving as the Additional Director (Scientist-‘F’) and Head at the Botanical Survey of India, Andaman and Nicobar Regional Centre in Port Blair. Since joining in August 2018, Dr. Singh has brought his extensive educational background, holding degrees including M.Sc., M.Ed., D.Phil., NET, FLS (Fellow of the Linnean Society of London), FBS (Fellow of the Indian Botanical Society), FAPT (Fellow of the Association of Plant Taxonomy), and FASA (Fellow of the Andaman Science Association). His diverse qualifications underscore his commitment to botanical research and conservation, with notable contributions including taxonomic revisions, anatomical studies, and the invention of a reusable, eco-friendly drinking straw 🌿🔬.

Recognition and Awards :

Dr. Lal Ji Singh’s outstanding contributions to the field of Botany have earned him notable recognition and prestigious awards. As a recipient of the National Eligibility Test (NET), he has demonstrated excellence in botanical research. The Andaman Science Association (ASA) honored him, acknowledging his significant impact on the scientific community. Additionally, he received accolades from ASIAME (South Asia Thematic School) and TOSI (The Orchid Society of India). Dr. Singh’s influence extends beyond accolades; new plant taxa have been named in his honor, including Dendrophthoe laljii (Loranthaceae), Portulaca laljii (Portulacaceae), and Pyrostria laljii (Vanguerieae-Rubiaceae), highlighting the enduring legacy of his contributions.

Research Focus : 🌱

Dr. Lal Ji Singh’s extensive body of work spans various aspects of botanical research, showcasing a dedicated focus on taxonomy and biodiversity. His studies encompass the exploration of new species, such as a new variety of Commelina in the Eastern Ghats and the discovery of Crotolaria nicobarica in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Additionally, his research extends to plastome characterization, invasive alien plant species, and the reappraisal of genera like Cycas. Through meticulous taxonomic notes and descriptions, Dr. Singh’s contributions significantly enrich our understanding of plant diversity, emphasizing the importance of conservation and botanical exploration in diverse ecosystems. 🌿

Publication Top Notes :



Lal Ji Singh | Plant Taxonomy | Best Researcher Award

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