Dominique McDaniel | English Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Ā Dr. Dominique McDaniel | English Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Ā Dr. Dominique McDaniel, Kennesaw State University,United States

Dr. Dominique McDaniel is an esteemed academic and researcher affiliated with Kennesaw State University in the United States. Specializing in [insert specialization here, e.g., psychology, sociology, economics], Dr. McDaniel has made significant contributions to their field through innovative research and dedicated teaching. Their work often focuses on [insert key research interests here, e.g., social justice, community engagement, mental health]. With a passion for advancing knowledge and fostering critical thinking, Dr. McDaniel is recognized for their commitment to education and their impact on students and colleagues alike.

Publication Profile



Ph.D. | 2022 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Educational Studies
Concentration: Teacher Education & Development (cognate: Literacy),M.Ed. | 2013 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Curriculum and Instruction
Concentration: Reading Education,B.S. | 2010 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Elementary Education
Concentration: English


Teensā€™ social media activism,Youth critical literacies,Critical approaches to digital and multimodal literacies,Culturally sustaining pedagogies,Culturally digitized pedagogies,Preparing preservice teachers for justice-oriented English teaching,Supporting teacher of Color candidates,Qualitative research, case study methodology


Assistant Professor | 2022-present | Kennesaw State University,Lecturer | 2021-2022 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro,Practicum Supervisor for BA English Education | 2020-2022 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro,Graduate Research Assistant | 2019-2021 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro,Teaching Assistant | 2019 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro,Elementary School Teacher | 2010-2020 | Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools (NC)
Middle School Language Arts Teacher


Awards and Recognitions,Scholarly Work: Refereed Articles, Book Chapters, Invited Articles/Chapters, Book Reviews,Other Publications and Scholarly Work,Refereed National and International Conference Presentations,Refereed Regional and State Conference Presentations,Manuscripts Under Review or In Revision,Manuscripts In Preparation

Publication Top Notes :
1.McDaniel, D. (2024, Winter issue) The digital world of teens: 5 ways teachers and teacher educators can embrace social media for the good of society and education. Scribblesā€˜n Bits, Georgia Council of Teachers of English, 38(2), 8-13.
2.McDaniel, D. (2023, Fall issue) Black Twitter’s influence on society and teens’ digital Literacies: possibilities for youth voice, writing, and civic engagement in English Language Arts. Scribbles ā€˜n Bits, Georgia Council of Teachers of English, 38(1), 17-22.
3.McDaniel, D. (2023, April 20). As digital activists, teens of color turn to social media to fight for a more just world: The Conversation. (Republished as an op-ed in Chicago Sun-Times, Fortune, and other public-facing outlets). Editorial reviewed through The Conversation.
4.McDaniel, D. (2022). #OnlineLiteraciesMatter: A multi-case study approach of Black and Brown youths’ literacy practices in social media spaces (Publication No. 28969743) [Doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina at Greensboro]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Refereed National and International Conference Presentations
5.McDaniel, D.; Krone, B.; Storm, S. (2024, April). Critical Aesthetics of Teensā€™ Digital Activist Literacies in an Online Multi-Case Study. In “Expanding Media Literacy Through Critical Digital Aesthetics.” Panel presentation at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
6.McDaniel, D. (2023, November). Interrogating Educational Hierarchies through Culturally Digitized Pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Literacy Research Association (LRA), Atlanta, GA.
7.McDaniel, D. (2023, November). Project CULTURE: Building a Culturally and Linguistically Literacy Program that Binds. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of Literacy Research Association (LRA), Atlanta, GA.
8.McDaniel, D. (2023, November). Socially Conscious Memetics from a Digitized Pedagogy Lens. In Panther, L. & Crovitz, D. (Eds.) How Do You Meme? Connecting Critical Memetics and English Education. Roundtable presentation for the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
9.McDaniel, D.; Krone, B.; Enciso. P.; Goss. S. (2023, November). Three Takes on Multimodal Activism in the ELA Classroom. Panel presentation for the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). (Accepted, panelists did not present due to extenuating circumstances).
10.McDaniel, D. (2022, December). Activism, Action, and Allyship Through Multimodal Literacy Practices. Roundtable presentation for the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Phoenix, AZ.
11.Donovan, S.; LeeKeenan, K.; McDaniel, D., Simon, M. (2022, November). Growing Advocacy Online: Bringing Together Teachers, Researchers, Families, and Communities to Advocate for Authentic Writing Instruction. Writers Who Care panel presentation for the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Anaheim, CA.
12.McDaniel, D. (2022, November). Reimagining literacy through transformative online spaces: Teens’ advocacy and agency on social media platforms. In ELATE Social Justice Commission Roundtable Session: ā€œSueƱa con Nosotros: Reimagining Educational Spaces as Beacons for Hope and Transformation.ā€ Presentation for the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Anaheim, CA. McDaniel, D. (2021, December). #WidenWhatCountsAsLiteracy: A Multi-case Study Approach of Black and Brown Youth Literacy Practices in Social Media Spaces. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Literacy Research Association (LRA), Atlanta, GA. 13.McDaniel, D. (2021, November). #OnlineLiteraciesMatter: Examining Minoritized Youths’ Literacy Practices and Racialized Experiences in Social Media Spaces. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) [virtual due to COVID-19]. 14.McDaniel, D. (2020, December). Beyond ā€œDoing it for the Cultureā€: Centering Marginalized Youth Perspectives on Their Literacy Experiences. Roundtable presentation for the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) [virtual due to COVID-19].
15.McDaniel, D. (2020, December). ā€œLet your voice lead youā€: Community Building to Strengthen the Writing of Recently Resettled Youth. Roundtable presentation for the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) [virtual due to COVID-19].
16.McDaniel, D. (2019, November). Learning from Youth: Inquiring into the Writing Lives of Teens. Paper presentation for the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Baltimore, MD.
17.McDaniel, D. (2019, November). Inquiry into Refugee & Immigrant Experiences. Paper presentation for the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Baltimore, MD.
18.McDaniel, D. (2019, December). Refugee youth reposition themselves through stories in a young writersā€™ camp. In symposium: Repositioning Youth in Literacy Education. Presentation for the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Tampa, need publications

Maryam Hoseini Abardeh| Medical Education | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Maryam Hoseini Abardeh| Medical Education | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Maryam Hoseini Abardeh, National Agency for Strategic Research in Medical Sciences Education, Iran

Dr. Maryam Hoseini Abardeh is an esteemed Assistant Professor at the National Agency for Strategic Research in Medical Sciences Education in Iran. With a profound dedication to advancing medical education, Dr. Abardeh has demonstrated exceptional expertise in her field. Her research focuses on innovative approaches to medical pedagogy, curriculum development, and the integration of technology in medical education. She holds a distinguished record of publications and presentations, contributing significantly to the academic discourse in medical education. Dr. Abardeh’s commitment to excellence in teaching and research continues to shape the future of medical education in Iran and beyond.

Publication Profile :

PhD in Medical Education, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (2013-2019)M.Sc in Medical Education, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (2008-2011)B.Sc in Radiology Technologist, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran (2005-2007)Associate degree, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran (2001-2003)High School Diploma in Experimental Sciences, Farhangiayan, Mashhad, Iran
Work Experience:

Leading and managing a team of researchers and analysts.Overseeing and managing research projects.Planning, coordinating, and executing research projects.Identifying research needs, setting priorities, and allocating resources.Designing research studies and selecting appropriate methodologies.Ensuring the quality of research outputs.Fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders.Managing research budgets efficiently.Identifying advancements in research methodologies and technologies.Writing research reports.

  • PhD Thesis: Explication of the concept of clinical reasoning and verifying the model of clinical reasoning in internal medicine specialists.
  • Master Thesis: The effect of critical thinking skills workshop on clinical faculty membersā€™ knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
  • National Projects:Comprehensive model of competency-based faculty development and promotion in Universities of Medical Sciences.Arrangement, guidance, and monitoring the achievement of scientific hegemony in Iran medical sciences.Design and implementation of a comprehensive integrated ranking in education and health for Medical Sciences Universities of Iran.Assessment of research doctorate programs and providing policy solutions.


Curriculum development,Educational leadership,Clinical reasoning,Critical thinking,Teaching and learnin,Educational technology,Qualitative Methods,Quantitative Methods,Mix Methods,Critical ReviewI,ntegrative Review,Systematic Review,Quasi Experimental Methods,Discourse Analysis,Concept Analysis


Publication Top Notes :
  • Foroughi, Z., Abardeh, M. H., Yazdani, S., & Soleimanpour, S. (2024). Roles and competencies of medical faculty members: A competency framework. Medical Teacher.
  • Yazdani, S., & Abardeh, M. H. (2020). A novel model of clinical reasoning: Cognitive zipper model. Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism, 8(2), 61.
  • Yazdani, S., & Abardeh, M. H. (2019). Five decades of research and theorization on clinical reasoning: a critical review. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 10, 703.
  • Yazdani, S., & Abardeh, M. H. (2017). Clinical reasoning in medicine: a concept analysis. J Med Educ, 16(3), 154-162.
  • Ahmady, S., Hosseini, M. A., Homam, S. M., Farajpour, A., Ghitaghi, M., & Hosseini-Abardeh, M. (2016). Challenges of Medical Education at Islamic Azad University Iran from Faculty Perspective: A Qualitative Content Analysis. Strides in Development of Medical Education, 13(2), 114-132.

Felipe Dallepiane | Dentistry | Young Scientist Award

Mr.Felipe Dallepiane | Dentistry | Young Scientist Award

Ā Mr. Felipe Dallepiane, UFSC university ,Brazil

Felipe Dallepiane is an esteemed academic and researcher hailing from Brazil. He is affiliated with the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), where he has made significant contributions in his field. Dallepiane’s expertise spans areas such as [insert specific areas of expertise, e.g., environmental science, sociology, etc.], and his work is highly regarded both nationally and internationally. With a passion for advancing knowledge and fostering academic excellence, Dallepiane continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of scholars in Brazil and beyond.

Publication Profile:

Education and Academic Achievements:

Dallepiane embarked on his academic journey at the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)-RS, where he graduated with a degree in Odontologia in 2023. During his undergraduate years, he displayed exceptional talent, earning distinctions such as a Bolsista do MinistĆ©rio da EducaĆ§Ć£o under the Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni).He further honed his skills through research, serving as a Bolsista de IniciaĆ§Ć£o CientĆ­fica under PIBIC-UPF and PIBIC-CNPq. These experiences provided him with a solid foundation in academic inquiry and scientific methodology.

Specializations and Research Focus:

Dallepiane’s passion for dentistry led him to pursue specialized training in areas such as Endodontia and Cirurgia Oral. His dedication to staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field is evident in his participation in programs like the AtualizaĆ§Ć£o em Cirurgia Oral and Endodontia Mecanizada.

His academic pursuits culminated in his current pursuit of a Mestrado em Odontologia with a focus on Implantodontia at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). His research explores innovative approaches to addressing peri-implantitis, under the guidance of esteemed mentor Ariadne Cristiane Cabral da Cruz.

Contributions to Academia and Professional Development:

Beyond his academic endeavors, Dallepiane has been actively involved in various academic and professional organizations. He has contributed to the advancement of dentistry through his participation in Liga AcadĆŖmica groups such as Patologia, Medicina Legal, Endodontia, Controle de InfecĆ§Ć£o, and DiagnĆ³stico Bucomaxilofacial.

Moreover, his involvement in the Grupo de estudos EPIOdonto at UFSM underscores his commitment to collaborative learning and knowledge exchange within the dental community.

Future Outlook:

As Dallepiane continues to pursue his academic and professional goals, he remains poised to make significant contributions to the field of dentistry. With his blend of academic excellence, research prowess, and a passion for innovation, he is well-positioned to shape the future of dentistry in Brazil and beyond

Publication Top Notes:

Influence of Ozonated Water and Photodynamic Therapy on the Bond Strength of Anatomical Fiberglass Posts to Root Dentin. An In Vitro Study

Ribeiro, S.D.F.,Ā Albino Souza, M.,Ā Copatti Dogenski, L.,Ā …Dal Bello, Y.,Ā Paulo De Carli, J.Ozone: Science and EngineeringThis link is disabled.,Ā 2024

Exploring precision: Robotic surgery revolutionizing dental implants

Dallepiane, F.G.,Ā dos SantosĀ Teles, A.F.,Ā Bernardo, M.E.,Ā …Trentin, M.S.,Ā DeĀ Carli, J.P.Oral SurgeryThis link is disabled.,Ā 2024

Choosing JuvĆ©derm Voluxā„¢ to chin augmentation: Case report and flowchart for clinical evaluation

Dall’Magro, A.K.,Ā Dogenski, L.C.,Ā Olding, J.,Ā …Dallepiane, F.G.,Ā De Carli, J.P.International Journal of Surgery Case ReportsThis link is disabled.,Ā 2024, 114, 109174

Effectiveness of ultrasonic activation over glycolic acid on microhardness, cohesive strength, flexural strength, and fracture resistance of the root dentin

Souza, M.A.,Ā Ricci, R.,Ā Bischoff, K.F.,Ā …Bernardes, N.M.,Ā Bervian, J.Clinical Oral InvestigationsThis link is disabled.,Ā 2023, 27(4), pp. 1659ā€“1664