Nathaniel Bryan | Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Nathaniel Bryan | Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Nathaniel Bryan, University of Texas at Austin, United States

Based on the information provided, Nathaniel Bryan, Ed.D., Ph.D., appears to be a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. Here are the reasons supporting his suitability:

Publication profile


Academic Background

Holds both a Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education and a Doctor of Education in Educational Administration, demonstrating a robust and comprehensive academic foundation.

Professional Experience

Currently an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

Extensive teaching and administrative experience at various reputable institutions, indicating significant contributions to the field of education.

Awards and Recognitions

Recipient of the Emerging Scholar Award from the American Educational Research Association and the Dr. Vernon Polite Research on Black Males Award, highlighting his impactful research.


  • Bryan, N., DeJohnette, M., Johnson, P. (2024). “They can play, but…: Investigating teachers’ use of exclusionary discipline practices as anti-Black misandric restrictions of Black boyhood play in early childhood classrooms.” Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 47, 100840. 🏫
  • Cook, D.A., Bryan, N. (2024). “Introduction: Critical Race Theory, Classroom Practice, and Building a Just Future.” Critical Race Theory and Classroom Practice, pp. 1–10. 📚
  • Cook, D.A., Bryan, N. (2024). “Critical Race Theory and Classroom Practice.” Critical Race Theory and Classroom Practice, pp. 1–150. 📖
  • Cook, D.A., Bryan, N. (2024). “Conclusion: From Bad Faith to Good Faith: An Altar Call to Teach Truth.” Critical Race Theory and Classroom Practice, pp. 138–144. 📘
  • Jamieson, P., Rapos, E.J., Bryan, N. (2023). “Work in Progress: Let’s Play – Improving Our Teaching by Reversing Roles and Being a Learner with Board Games.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 🎲
  • Bryan, N. (2023). “Toward What Justice and Justice for Whom? A BlackCrit Meditation on and against Miami University’s Department of Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry’s Threshold Concepts.” Equity and Excellence in Education. 📓
    • Citations: 2
  • McMillian, R., Bryan, N. (2023). “Living within it all: Black Critical Theory, Imprisoned Black Radical Tradition, and the art of BlackCrit Portraiture to center voices from sites of incarceration.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 🎨
    • Citations: 1
  • Bryan, N., McMillian, R., LaMar, K. (2022). “Prison abolition literacies as Pro-Black pedagogy in early childhood education.” Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 22(3), pp. 383–407. 🔏
    • Citations: 3
  • Bryan, N. (2021). “To Me, He Teaches Like the Child Learns: Black Maternal Caregivers on the Pedagogies and Schooling Practices of a Black Male Kindergarten Teacher.” Urban Review, 53(3), pp. 491–515. 🧸
    • Citations: 2
  • Bryan, N. (2021). “Remembering Tamir Rice and Other Black Boy Victims: Imagining Black PlayCrit Literacies Inside and Outside Urban Literacy Education.” Urban Education, 56(5), pp. 744–771. 🎮
    • Citations: 27

Conferences and Presentations

Regularly presents at prestigious conferences, further establishing his influence and recognition in the academic community.

Professional Certifications

Holds long-standing certifications in teaching and school administration, underscoring his practical and theoretical expertise.

Given his extensive and impactful research, numerous publications, and recognition by esteemed organizations, Dr. Nathaniel Bryan exemplifies the qualities of an outstanding researcher, making him a suitable candidate for the Best Researcher Award.

Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski | Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski | Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski, Central Michigan University, United States

Prof. Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski is a distinguished academic specializing in education and linguistic applied to teaching. She holds a Ph.D. from Warsaw University, Poland, and has completed post-doctoral research at Laval University, Canada. With extensive teaching experience, she is currently a Professor at Central Michigan University, focusing on Teacher and Special Education. Prof. Nowak-Fabrykowski has received numerous awards, including the VIP Alumni Award from the University of Lodz and multiple Faculty Research and Creative Endeavour Premier Displays. Her research interests span educational reform and the role of symbols in schooling. 📚🎓🌍

Publication Profile


She earned her Ph.D. from Warsaw University, Poland, focusing on “The Role of Symbols in the Process of Schooling Children.” She completed her post-doctoral fellowship at Laval University, Canada. Prof. Nowak-Fabrykowski also holds a Master of Education from the University of Lodz and a diploma from Sorbonne University in Phonetics and Linguistics Applied to Teaching French. 🎓📜

Professional Experience

Currently a Professor at Central Michigan University, she has served at Coastal Carolina University, John Carroll University, and Mount Union College, among others. Her roles have included Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, and she has held various lecturing positions internationally. 🌍👩‍🏫


Prof. Nowak-Fabrykowski has received numerous accolades, including the VIP Alumni Award from the University of Lodz and several Faculty Research and Creative Endeavour Premier Displays at Central Michigan University. She has also been awarded grants for professional development and curriculum content. 🏆💼


Research Focus

Prof. Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski’s research primarily focuses on early childhood education and cultural comparative studies. Her work, such as the article “A Comparative Analysis of Early Years’ Programme Culture in the US and Poland,” highlights her commitment to advancing humanistic principles in education. This study emphasizes the importance of love, freedom, care, and consideration for others within early years’ programs. Her research seeks to explore and improve educational practices by comparing different cultural approaches, aiming to enhance the overall quality and humanity of early childhood education. 🌍👶📚


Publication Top Notes

A comparative analysis of early years’ programme culture in the US and Poland – advancing humanism by placing love, freedom, care and consideration for others first

Eduardo Encabo | Education | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Eduardo Encabo | Education | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Eduardo Encabo, University of Murcia (Spain), Spain

Eduardo Encabo is an Associate Professor at the University of Murcia’s Faculty of Education, specializing in the teaching of language and literature. He holds a B.Ed. (2000) and Ed.D. (2003) from the University of Murcia, and an M.A. in Reading Promotion and Children’s Literature (2005) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. With over 73 research articles, 55 book chapters, and 19 books, his research focuses on teacher training, children’s literature, and intercultural education. Dr. Encabo has supervised 14 doctoral theses and received multiple awards, including the Ed.D. Dissertation Award (2003-2004). 🌟📖

Publication profile

Qualifications 🎓📚

Dr. Encabo holds a B.Ed. in Pedagogy and Psychology (2000), an Ed.D. in Teaching of Language and Literature (2003) from the University of Murcia, an M.A. in Reading Promotion and Children’s Literature (2005) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, and a B.A. in Spanish Language Studies (2007) from the University of Murcia.

Professional Experience 💼🏫

With a career beginning in 2001, he has served as a lecturer and advanced to a tenured lecturer in 2005, and later an associate professor in 2007, focusing on the teaching of language and literature.

Honors and Awards 🏆📜

Dr. Encabo has received numerous accolades, including the Ed.D. Dissertation Award (2003-2004), the III ODS Awards (2023), and the II Research Awards in “Reading and Social Education” (2024).

Research Focus 📚🧠

Dr. Eduardo Encabo’s research primarily spans the fields of language and literature didactics, children’s literature, and digital literacy. He emphasizes innovative teaching methodologies and the role of intercultural education in bridging cultural divides. His work often explores gender communication differences, the integration of digital competence in education, and effective pedagogical strategies for enhancing literary skills among young learners. Dr. Encabo also delves into the intersections of critical linguistics and socio-educational contexts, aiming to foster a more inclusive and dynamic learning environment. His extensive contributions include research on new narrative formats and their educational impact. 🌍✍️

Publications Top Notes 📚

  • Use of the humanized anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody h-R3 in combination with radiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer – Journal of Clinical Oncology – 406 citations (2004) 🦠🧬
  • Introducción a la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura: un enfoque sociocrítico – Ediciones Octaedro – 114 citations (2021) 📖🗣️
  • Claves para una enseñanza artístico-creativa: la dramatización – Claves para una enseñanza artístico-creativa: la dramatización – 101 citations (2009) 🎭📘
  • Fundamentos didácticos de la lengua y la literatura – Madrid: Síntesis – 81 citations (2013) 📚✍️
  • El desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas: una perspectiva crítica – Grupo Editorial Universitario – 49 citations (2001) 🧠📖
  • Mejorar la comunicación en niños y adolescentes – Anaya-Spain – 49 citations (2001) 🗣️👧
  • Chirurgica Taurina: a 10-year experience of bullfight injuries – Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery – 47 citations (2006) 🩺🐂
  • Teachers’ attitudes towards correcting students’ written errors and mistakes – Universidad de Granada – 45 citations (2008) ✏️📄
  • Computed tomography vs clinical and multidisciplinary procedures for early evaluation of severe abdomen and chest trauma—a cost analysis approach – Intensive care medicine – 45 citations (1996) 🏥🔬
  • Competencia digital y literacidad: nuevos formatos narrativos en el videojuego Dragon Age: Orígenes – Comunicar: Revista Científica Iberoamericana de Comunicación y Educación – 41 citations (2011) 🎮💻


Ngar-sze Lau | Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ngar-sze Lau | Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ngar-szeLau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Ngar-sze Lau is a multi-disciplinary scholar with expertise in Religious Studies, Anthropology, and Education. With a PhD from Lancaster University, UK, and extensive teaching experience at institutions like The Education University of Hong Kong and FoGuang University, she specializes in Positive Education, Mindfulness, and Teacher Professional Development. Dr. Lau serves as an Editorial Board member for the International Journal of Children’s Spirituality and has reviewed for prestigious journals like Frontiers in Education and Mindfulness. Passionate about well-being and mental health education, her research explores the intersection of religion, mind-body healing, and qualitative research methodologies. 📚🌱


Publication Profile

Google Scholar


Dr. Ngar-sze Lau’s academic journey spans prestigious institutions globally, culminating in a diverse educational background. She earned her PhD in Religious Studies from Lancaster University, UK, delving deep into the intricacies of faith and culture. Her pursuit of knowledge continued with an MPhil in Social Anthropology from the esteemed University of Oxford, UK. Dr. Lau further enriched her understanding of Eastern philosophies with an MSSc in Buddhist Studies from the University of Hong Kong. Additionally, she holds multiple master’s degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, including Religious Studies and Philosophy, alongside certifications in Education and Sociology. 🎓📚


Dr. Ngar-sze Lau brings a wealth of academic experience, having served as a Senior Lecturer at The Education University of Hong Kong and as a Guest and Part-time Instructor at both The Education University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her scholarly endeavors have taken her as a Visiting Scholar to National Cheng Chi University in Taiwan, ROC, specifically in their Graduate Institute of Religious Studies. Dr. Lau’s commitment to education is evident in her role as a Teaching Fellow I at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, specializing in the Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education. 🎓✨



Dr. Ngar-sze Lau’s teaching and research passions intersect at the nexus of holistic education and well-being. With a focus on Life and Values Education, she advocates for nurturing character and ethics (生命與價值教育). Dr. Lau champions Positive and Inclusive Education (正向教育和融合教育), fostering environments where every learner thrives. Her expertise in Contemplative Practices and Mindfulness Education (靜修和正念教育) promotes mental clarity and emotional resilience. Additionally, she is committed to Teacher Professional Development (教師專業發展), enhancing instructional strategies for effective learning. Dr. Lau’s dedication extends to Well-being and Mental Health Education (幸福和精神健康教育), exploring the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. She employs Qualitative Research and Ethnography (質性研究和民族誌) to delve deep into understanding human experiences. 📚💡



Dr. Ngar-sze Lau’s dedication to education and research is underscored by a series of accolades and grants. She was honored with the FE Supervision Appreciation Scheme Award and the Inaugural Caring Teaching Award at EdUHK, recognizing her commitment to student mentorship and compassionate teaching (🏆). Dr. Lau’s contributions have been acknowledged with the Long Service Bronze Award from New Asia College, CUHK, and bursaries for presenting papers at international conferences, including those on Buddhism and Sociology of Religion. She has also received research grants from institutions like Kellogg College, University of Oxford, and the Hong Kong Buddhist Association. 🌟


Research Focus

Dr. Ngar-sze Lau’s research spans various areas, notably focusing on mindfulness and holistic well-being in education. She explores the efficacy of mindfulness-based programs for adolescents and pre-service teachers, aiming to enhance mental health and prevent burnout (🧠). Dr. Lau delves into the cultivation of mindfulness in educational settings, promoting holistic learning and well-being. Her work also examines the application of mindfulness approaches for students’ mental health in school counseling. Additionally, she investigates the emergence of Theravāda meditation communities in contemporary China and the lay practice of satipaṭṭhāna, contributing to the understanding of Buddhist practices in modern contexts. 📚🧘‍♀️


Publication Top Notes

  1. Preliminary outcomes of a mindfulness-based programme for Hong Kong adolescents in schools: Well-being, stress and depressive symptoms 📄 Cited by: 220 📅 Year: 2011
  2. Promoting well-being and preventing burnout in teacher education: A pilot study of a mindfulness-based programme for pre-service teachers in Hong Kong 📄 Cited by: 123 📅 Year: 2015
  3. Cultivation of mindfulness: Promoting holistic learning and wellbeing in education 📄 Cited by: 21 📅 Year: 2009
  4. Developing mindfulness programs for adolescents: Lessons learned from an attempt in Hong Kong 📄 Cited by: 17 📅 Year: 2015
  5. Private music teachers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward students with autism spectrum disorder📄 Cited by: 12 📅 Year: 2021
  6. Desire for self-healing: Lay practice of satipaṭṭhāna in contemporary China
  7. Modernising Buddhism: Emergence of Theravāda meditation communities in contemporary China
  8. Teaching Transnational Buddhist Meditation with Vipassanā (Neiguan 內觀) and Mindfulness (Zhengnian 正念) for Healing Depression in Contemporary China
  9. Pilgrimage, traveling gurus and transnational networks: The lay meditation movement in contemporary Chinese societies
  10. Recent Emergence of Theravāda Meditation Communities in Contemporary China



Julia Schiefer | Science Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Julia Schiefer | Science Education Award | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Julia Schiefer, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany

🎓 Dr. Julia Schiefer is a Tenure-Track Professor of Psychology at Ludwigsburg University since 2023, specializing in primary school science education. With a Ph.D. in Psychology magna cum laude from the University of Tübingen, her research focuses on nurturing and assessing children’s scientific understanding. Previously, she held a fellowship in STEM education at the Deutsche Telekom Foundation. Her work spans the development and evaluation of educational materials, including leading projects like “Kleine Forscher*innen” and “Science and language integrated learning.” With a passion for promoting scientific literacy, Dr. Schiefer continues to shape the landscape of primary education. 🌱


Publication Profile 


Academic Education

11/2013 – 01/2017: Ph.D. in Psychology (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research, University of Tübingen

Dissertation: “Promoting and Measuring Elementary School Children’s Understanding of Science” (Summa Cum Laude)

10/1998 – 12/2004: Diploma in Psychology at the University of Tübingen (Grade: 1.1)

Thesis: “Identification and Assessment of Gifted Primary School Children by Teachers and Parents – A Comparison with the Results of the AID 2 Intelligence Test” (Grade: 1.0)

06/1998: Abitur (High School Diploma), Gymnasium in der Glemsaue Ditzingen (Overall Grade: 1.1)

Professional Experience

Since 04/2023: Tenure-Track Professor of Psychology at the Ludwigsburg University of Education

10/2022 – 03/2023: Tenure-Track Professor of Educational Psychology at the Institute for Educational Psychology Research at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (CAU)

02/2017 – 09/2022: Postdoctoral Researcher and Habilitation Candidate at the Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research, University of Tübingen

Publication Top Notes

Epistemic Beliefs in Science—A Systematic Integration of Evidence From Multiple Studies

A closer look at elementary school students’ epistemic beliefs – Latent profiles capturing concepts of knowledge and knowing in science

Scaling up an extracurricular science intervention for elementary school students: It works, and girls benefit more from it than boys.

Effects of an extracurricular science intervention on elementary school children’s epistemic beliefs: A randomized controlled trial

Scientific Reasoning in Elementary School Children: Assessment of the Inquiry Cycle

Fostering elementary school children’s public speaking skills: A randomized controlled trial

Elementary school children’s understanding of science: The implementation of an extracurricular science intervention


Excellence in Academia Award

Excellence in Academia Award

Introduction: Welcome to the prestigious Excellence in Academia Award – a celebration of scholarly achievement and academic brilliance. This distinguished award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to academia, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and leaving an indelible mark on their respective fields.

About the Award: The Excellence in Academia Award honors individuals who demonstrate exceptional prowess in research, teaching, and overall academic excellence. This accolade celebrates those whose dedication to the pursuit of knowledge has significantly advanced their field and inspired others to reach new heights.

Eligibility: This award is open to scholars and educators across all disciplines and institutions. There are no age limits, and candidates must possess a minimum of [qualification] with a proven record of impactful publications. Recurrent achievements in academia are also considered.

Evaluation Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated based on the quality and impact of their research, teaching methodologies, and overall contribution to the academic community. The judging panel will consider the significance of publications, innovation in teaching, and the lasting impact of the nominee's work.

Submission Guidelines: To be considered for this esteemed award, applicants must submit a comprehensive biography, an abstract highlighting their key contributions, and supporting files that showcase their work. Submissions should adhere to the guidelines outlined on the official award website.

Recognition: The recipient of the Excellence in Academia Award will receive widespread recognition for their achievements, including featured profiles in leading academic publications, invitations to prestigious events, and the opportunity to present their work to a broader audience.

Community Impact: This award not only recognizes individual excellence but also celebrates the positive impact nominees have had on the academic community. Successful candidates will have demonstrated a commitment to fostering collaboration, mentorship, and knowledge-sharing.

Biography: Nominees are required to submit a detailed biography highlighting their academic journey, key milestones, and contributions to their field. This provides a holistic view of the nominee's academic trajectory.

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Academic Trailblazer Award Introduction: Embark on a journey of academic distinction with the Academic Trailblazer Award. This esteemed recognition celebrates individuals who have not only excelled in their academic pursuits