Frank Osei-Kusi | Business administration | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Frank Osei-Kusi | Business administration | Best Researcher Award

Mr. FRANK OSEI-KUSI, Hefei University of Technology, China

Frank Osei-Kusi is a Ph.D. candidate in Business Administration at Hefei University of Technology (2019-2024). He holds an M.Sc. in Business Administration from Lanzhou Transportation University (2011-2014). Currently, he is a Research Assistant at Hefei University, working under Prof. Cisheng Wu. Frank’s research includes climate change, health, food security, and sustainable development, with several publications in notable journals. He speaks English and Chinese and has received the Chinese Government Scholarship and a Fellowship Award from Gdansk University of Technology. πŸ“šπŸŒ±πŸŒ

Publication profile




Frank Osei-Kusi is pursuing a Ph.D. in Business Administration at Hefei University of Technology (2019-2024) and holds an M.Sc. in Business Administration from Lanzhou Transportation University (2011-2014). πŸŽ“


He has received the Chinese Government Scholarship and a Fellowship Award from Gdansk University of Technology. πŸ…


Research Focus

Frank Osei-Kusi’s research primarily focuses on the intersections of climate change, economic growth, and sustainable development, particularly in the context of sub-Saharan Africa. His work delves into the dynamics of carbon emissions, energy use, income levels, and life expectancy, offering a regional comparative analysis. Additionally, Frank assesses the impacts of crop production on climate change, exploring long-term determinants and policy implications. His studies also address human capital, inequality, and health, analyzing their heterogeneous dynamics across income groups. Through his comprehensive research, Frank aims to inform policies that promote environmental sustainability and economic development. πŸŒπŸ“ŠπŸ“šπŸŒ±


Publication Top Notes



Introduction of Business

Business research is the driving force behind informed decision-making in the corporate world. It encompasses an array of methodologies and disciplines that aim to understand and improve various aspects of business operations. This field is not only about financial analysis and market trends; it also explores the intricacies of leadership, management, and organizational behavior, fostering innovation and growth.

Market Research:

This subfield focuses on understanding customer behavior, market trends, and competitive dynamics. Researchers delve into consumer preferences, buying patterns, and emerging market opportunities to help businesses make informed decisions.

Organizational Behavior:

The study of how individuals and groups function within organizations is crucial for optimizing efficiency and employee satisfaction. Researchers investigate topics such as leadership styles, motivation, and teamwork dynamics.

Strategic Management:

Business research in strategic management delves into the long-term planning and decision-making processes that guide an organization. This subfield explores competitive analysis, resource allocation, and the development of sustainable business strategies.

Finance and Investment:

Research in this area focuses on financial markets, investment strategies, and the allocation of capital. It is essential for understanding risk and return, managing corporate finances, and making sound investment decisions.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

The study of innovation and entrepreneurship explores how new businesses are created, and how existing organizations foster innovation. Researchers investigate the development of new products, technologies, and business models to drive economic growth.

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