Mohd Hizam Hanafiah | Entrepreneurship and Management | Excellence in Research

Assoc Prof Dr. Mohd Hizam Hanafiah: Entrepreneurship and Management

πŸŽ“ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hizam Hanafiah is a distinguished academic and accomplished entrepreneur with a rich educational background. He earned his Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship from the University of Essex, UK, and holds an MBA from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Dr. Hanafiah has continuously expanded his expertise, completing programs like the Executive Certificate in Advanced Business and Entrepreneurship Management at UUM and a Certificate in Business Coaching from the University of Malaya.

🏫 Currently serving as an Associate Fellow at the Accounting Research Institute, UiTM, and a Visiting Professor at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, he has made significant contributions to academia. As an Associate Professor at UKM, he specializes in Economics and Management, while his international exposure includes a stint as a Visiting Scholar at The Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hanafiah’s dynamic career blends teaching, research, and practical experience, showcasing his commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering entrepreneurship.




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πŸŽ“ Driven by a passion for business and entrepreneurship, Dr. Mohd Hizam Hanafiah has curated an impressive academic journey. He honed his skills with an Executive Certificate in Advanced Business and Entrepreneurship Management from UUM in 2013, paving the way for a transformative Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship at the University of Essex from 2006 to 2012. 🌍 His global perspective expanded with a Certificate in Business Coaching from the University of Malaya in 2005. πŸ“š A solid foundation was laid with an MBA from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1998, following a Bachelor of Business Administration (H) at Universiti Utara Malaysia from 1992 to 1996. πŸ† Dr. Hanafiah’s academic journey reflects a commitment to excellence and a diverse skill set.


🌟 Dr. Mohd Hizam Hanafiah, a seasoned academic and versatile professional, currently serves as an Associate Fellow at the Accounting Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) until Feb 2025. πŸ“š His impactful contributions extend to being a Visiting Professor at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) until April 2024, and an Associate Senior Fellow at the Institute of Islam Hadhari, UKM until Dec 2023. 🌍 Dr. Hanafiah’s international exposure includes a Visiting Scholar role at The Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania. 🏫 With a rich history at UKM, his roles range from Senior Lecturer to his current position as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Management. πŸš€

Research Interest:

πŸš€ Dr. Mohd Hizam Hanafiah’s research interests orbit the dynamic realms of entrepreneurship, franchising, and strategic management, with a focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 🌐 His passion lies in unraveling the intricacies of entrepreneurial ecosystems, exploring the strategic intricacies of franchise models, and delving into effective management approaches for SMEs. πŸ“ˆ With a keen eye on innovation and sustainable growth, he navigates the entrepreneurial landscape to unearth valuable insights that contribute to the success and resilience of small businesses. Dr. Hanafiah’s commitment to these areas reflects a dedication to fostering a vibrant and robust entrepreneurial landscape. 🌱

Publication Top Note:




Introduction of Business

Business research is the driving force behind informed decision-making in the corporate world. It encompasses an array of methodologies and disciplines that aim to understand and improve various aspects of business operations. This field is not only about financial analysis and market trends; it also explores the intricacies of leadership, management, and organizational behavior, fostering innovation and growth.

Market Research:

This subfield focuses on understanding customer behavior, market trends, and competitive dynamics. Researchers delve into consumer preferences, buying patterns, and emerging market opportunities to help businesses make informed decisions.

Organizational Behavior:

The study of how individuals and groups function within organizations is crucial for optimizing efficiency and employee satisfaction. Researchers investigate topics such as leadership styles, motivation, and teamwork dynamics.

Strategic Management:

Business research in strategic management delves into the long-term planning and decision-making processes that guide an organization. This subfield explores competitive analysis, resource allocation, and the development of sustainable business strategies.

Finance and Investment:

Research in this area focuses on financial markets, investment strategies, and the allocation of capital. It is essential for understanding risk and return, managing corporate finances, and making sound investment decisions.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

The study of innovation and entrepreneurship explores how new businesses are created, and how existing organizations foster innovation. Researchers investigate the development of new products, technologies, and business models to drive economic growth.

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